January 30, 2023

A Positive Vision of the Good

Why should Catholics care about government, politics, and public policy? As Christians, we are commanded by Jesus to love our neighbor. One significant way of demonstrating this love is by creating a lawful and just society in which it is easier to choose the good.


While it is tempting to think that government is off in the distance "doing things" to taxpayers, our society is better served if we remember that government is a tool for advancing human life, dignity, and the common good. The government is meant to be "of the people, by the people, and for the people." In other words, government exists to serve citizens; citizens do not exist to serve the government.


The government, however, cannot serve us unless we take responsibility for sharing our ideas about how to uphold life, dignity, and the common good. Catholics have been reflecting on these matters since the time of Jesus and over the centuries have developed a body of knowledge known as Catholic Social Teaching. This is summarized in the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, which contains the Church’s long reflection on the human experience and provides indispensable principles to help Catholics and all people of good will address the current challenges of our time.

Faithful Citizenship & 2023 Spring Elections

Before every election, the bishops of Wisconsin, through the Wisconsin Catholic Conference, encourage Catholics to reflect on what it means to be a faithful citizen. As you pray and discern which candidates best advance life, dignity, and the common good, we urge you to turn to Catholic Social Teaching. Learn more through the Compendium above and through the WCC’s Faithful Citizenship series at wisconsincatholic.org.

When are the Spring Elections?

The 2023 Spring Primary election is coming up on Tuesday, February 21 and the Spring General Election is on Tuesday, April 4. These elections feature the state Supreme Court race and many local elections. To see what is on your ballot, find your polling place, or register to vote go to https://myvote.wi.gov/.

Governor Evers State of the State Address

On January 24, Governor Evers delivered his State of the State Address in which he announced some priorities and proposals for the upcoming session. Governor Evers stated his support for increased education and mental health services. Additionally, the Governor touched on a variety of topics including investing in workforce development and businesses, environmental issues, and child care. The Governor also discussed the state's economy, current surplus, taxes, and the upcoming budget. You can watch the full speech online.

Governor Evers will give his Biennial Budget Message on Wednesday, February 15 at 7pm. At that speech, he will highlight the major spending proposals of his ​2023-25 Executive Budget.

Update from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

On January 27, the USCCB sent a letter of support to House and Senate sponsors of the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act,” which would make long-standing prohibitions on federal funding of elective abortion permanent and government-wide, rather than having to depend on various appropriations that can put these funding protections or other programs for those in need at risk. 


The letter stressed that, “Congress can better serve the common good by prioritizing policies that comprehensively assist women, children, and families in need in ways that will not only encourage childbirth but make it easier to welcome and raise a new child.” Additional information and resources--including the full letter--can be found on the USCCB's website.

WCC 2023 Public Policy Positions

The WCC's 2023 Public Policy Positions are designed to inform state legislators, policy makers, and other interested parties about the Church's public policy positions and the principles that undergird them.

2023-24 Legislature and Citizen Resources

To find out who your legislators are, go to the Wisconsin State Legislature's home page and enter your address undeWho Are My LegislatorsOther legislative resources include:

You can also follow state government by tuning in to WisconsinEyethe independent, nonpartisan news service that provides uncut video coverage of state government proceedings.

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