At the very heart of what Community Action provides, we are … even at our minimum capacity, THE most effective and proven system of safety net programs focused on helping our most disadvantaged, vulnerable, and insecure neighbors stay out of poverty or at the very least access relief from it. While poverty still exists and income gaps have widened particularly during this public health pandemic where many people find themselves newly unemployed, in need of heat or food, unsure how they are going to make their next rental or mortgage payment - we are here. Resiliency is a key concept because since our inception, community action agencies have faced a constant barrage of politics, policies, and pathologies that have threatened to diminish or inhibit our returns and, yet, were it not for our existence the number of people in poverty would be double. We'll continue to respond to our collective community's needs and remain committed to helping people move to economic self-sufficiency through programs, partnerships and advocacy.