June 2024

In this Issue:

  • WCAAP's 2023 Annual Report
  • Reflections and Thanks from Dr. Ed Marcuse
  • Equitable Care Question of the Month
  • Vax Corner
  • Medicare : Medicaid Parity Survey: Assist an MPH Student Practicum
  • Develop your Skills as a Mentor in Pediatrics with CATCH

WCAAP News & Information

  • Register Now: WCAAP's Equitable Care Webinar: Minority Stress on July 10
  • Skagit County Team Concludes Second Chronic Condition Grant
  • Recruiting Now: WA-CHIP Immunization Learning Collaborative: Cohort 7
  • Pediatric Community Health Worker Learning Collaborative
  • WCAAP, CDC, and SET-NET Partnership launch new cCMV materials


  • Self Nominations for 2024 Immunize WA Awards
  • Open ELAC Pediatrician Seat
  • Seattle Children's Mental Health Consultation Service
  • Now Enrolling Children in King County Asthma Program
  • Safe Firearm Storage Programming in WA


  • AAP's Statement on the Effects of Armed Conflict on Children
  • Protecting Student Mental Health in the Face of Antisemitism and Islamophobia
  • Additional FAST Training Opportunities
  • Free Zoom Training "ABA Referral and Approval Process" for Medicaid in WA
  • "Strategies to Promote Safety Protocols in Youth Suicide Prevention" Webinar
  • Registration is Now Open for 19th Annual Pediatric Bioethics Conference

Who's Who at WCAAP

WCAAP's 2023 Annual Report

In 2023, WCAAP celebrated a year of financial growth, innovative partnerships, and big wins for children, families, and pediatric providers. WCAAP members are trusted voices championing the health and well-being of children, youth, and families in Washington State and beyond. As the report highlights, pediatricians, pediatric providers, and our amazing staff feel justifiably proud to share in the progress we’ve achieved working together. Please join us in celebrating our collective work!

Read WCAAP's Annual Report

Interested in Developing your Skills as a Mentor and Leader in the Field of Pediatrics?


The AAP Community Access to Child Health (CATCH) Program is seeking applications for the position of Chapter CATCH Facilitator (CCF). CATCH’s mission is to support pediatricians, pediatric trainees, and advanced pediatric providers to collaborate within their communities to advance the health of all children. Our vision is that every child in every community reach optimal health and well-being.

CCFs are appointed by their AAP Chapter to serve a renewable three-year term. Learn more about the responsibilities, activities, and benefits of the role via the included flyer.

Questions? Contact AAP CATCH staff at catch@aap.org

Apply for WCAAP CATCH Facilitator

Reflections and Thanks:

On Receiving WCAAP's Inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award

Edgar Marcuse, MD, MPH, FPIDS, FAAP

I am so pleased to see our Chapter choose to celebrate advocacy by establishing this annual award. Child advocacy been a core component of pediatrics predating the founding of the AAP in 1930 when 35 pediatricians resigned from the AMA after it sought to repeal legislation that had just created public health clinics for children.

As clinicians we witness daily effects of our national policies on children’s and their families’ well-being. We have a responsibility to bear witness and then to act! It is not sufficient to decry injustice: we must act! As Abe Bergman often said: "Indignation without action is froth!"

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Equitable Care Question of the Month

You are seeing a 16-year-old cisgender female patient (she/her) in clinic tomorrow to follow up on contraception. At the patient’s last appointment, you prescribed a combined oral contraceptive pill to manage symptoms of dysmenorrhea and for pregnancy prevention. The patient’s parent is aware of the medication. During the confidential portion of your last visit with the adolescent, she disclosed that she is sexually active with a cisgender male partner. She also reported that her parent is not aware that she is sexually active and asked that the information be kept confidential. 

While you are reviewing the patient’s chart in preparation for the visit, you see that messages sent to you from the patient’s portal account are actually signed by the patient’s mother. You look at the portal login information and see that the patient’s account is correctly registered to the patient’s email. You also note that the parent has not set up a proxy account. What should you do next?

Submit Your Answer

June Vax Corner: Improving Vaccine Experiences for Children with Disabilities

Maria Huang, MD, FAAP

Vaccine Committee Co-Chair

Did you know the Autism Society has many great vaccine resources, including an Accessible Vaccine kit?

The Autism Society of America created the Vaccine Education Initiative (VEI) to improve patient and population health by supporting children, adults, and seniors with disabilities. They are rewriting the vaccine experience by increasing accessibility, reducing trauma, and building inclusive communities. Click below to access various resources (available in multiple languages via this link):

An assembled vaccine kit (pictured above!) includes the following in a drawstring bag:

  • A pair of sunglasses
  • Fidget spinner
  • Stress ball
  • Shotblocker
  • One set of headphones 
  • Sticker reward
Autism Society of America VIE Website

Assist a WCAAP Public Health Practicum Project with a Short Survey:

Medicaid : Medicare Parity for Mental Health Counseling

A recent proposal has been introduced for a financing mechanism aimed at securing additional federal funds for Washington State to raise Medicaid reimbursement rates to match those of Medicare for specialty services and mental health counseling. WCAAP is actively seeking to understand the potential impact such an increase could have on improving access to mental health services for youth and is analyzing how this change might address current disparities in care. You can access the survey via the button below or via the QR code in the upper left corner.

In collaboration with the chapter, Heather White, a second-year Masters of Public Health student at the University of Washington, is using this project for her practicum. She has assisting in the development of this survey which will help explore these issue in greater depth. If you have any questions, please reach out to Heather at hwhite1@uw.edu.

Take the Survey

Equitable Care Webinar Series: Minority Stress and the Medical Professional

July 10th, 7-8am PST via Zoom

Register now for WCAAP's upcoming Equitable Care webinar, "Minority Stress and the Medical Professional" with Dr. Chase T. M. Anderson (but just call him Chase!). Chase, pictured above, is currently a child and adolescent psychiatrist at The University of California, San Francisco, the Director for The Muses Program for Minoritized Youth, and graduated from adult psychiatry residency at The Massachusetts General Hospital/McLean Hospital and child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship at UCSF.

Advance registration is required via the link below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Questions? Please reach out to Elexis Jackson at ejackson@wcaap.org

Register Here

Skagit County Team Concludes Second Chronic Condition Management Grant

Colleen McCarty, MPH

WCAAP Program Manager

This month, WCAAP concluded its second community grant from the American Academy of Pediatrics to advance chronic condition management in schools. More than 14 million school-aged youth – encompassing almost 20% of the school-aged population – are affected by chronic health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, food allergies, and seizure disorders. Schools’ roles in helping kids to manage these chronic health conditions is key due to the linkage between health and academic performance. School engagement in supporting kids with chronic health conditions is particularly needed at schools with high numbers of students impacted by health disparities.

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WA-CHIP Immunization Learning Collaborative: Seeking Clinics for our 7th Cohort

Marina Martinez,

WCAAP Program Manager

Over 36,000 children and adolescents were impacted by WA-CHIP strategies to improve child and adolescent vaccination rates in 2023 alone. Missed opportunities to vaccinate children decreased by 14% and missed opportunities to vaccinate teens decreased by 8%! For our seventh cohort:

  • MOC and CME credit are available
  • Financial support for staff outreach and evening and weekend vaccine clinics generously offered by Wellpoint

This next cohort of the WA-CHIP Immunization Learning Collaborative is kicking off in September 2024. Please contact Marina Martinez, Program Manager, at mmartinez@wcaap.org, or download the flyer below for more information.

WA-CHIP Cohort 7 Flyer

Pediatric Community Health Worker Learning Collaborative

Ali Goodyear, MPH

WCAAP Program Manager

Last month, WCAAP wrapped up our pediatric Community Health Worker (CHW) Learning Collaborative that supported eight clinics across Washington state as they embed CHWs into their care teams. With funding from the Washington State Department of Health, WCAAP provided individualized coaching; sessions for CHWs and their care team members on CHW role clarity, workflows, sustainability, and reflective supervision; and monthly opportunities for CHWs to come together for collaboration and peer learning on topics such as strengths-based practice, trauma-informed care, confidentiality, working with schools, perinatal mental health, supporting patients with developmental disabilities, and self-care.

Over the nine-month collaborative, participating clinics made significant progress with CHW role clarity and team integration. Some of the most notable improvements reported by CHWs include:

  • 42% improvement in role acceptance
  • 33% improvement in team integration
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WCAAP, SET-NET, and CDC Collaboration Create new cCMV Materials for Providers and Families

The Washington Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics has been working with WA DOH Surveillance for Emerging Threats to Mothers and Babies (SET-NET) to improve system-level collaboration around public health messaging to better support infants, children, and families impacted by emerging threats. The SET-NET team, alongside input from DOH's Early Hearing Detection, Diagnosis, and Intervention (EHDDI) Program elected to focus on Congenital Cytomegalovirus (cCMV) for the communications campaign.

Interviews were conducted with parents and healthcare providers to create a two-pronged approach to develop resources for both families and providers. Resources include handouts as well as social media content, and family-facing information is available in six languages: English, Spanish, Chinese (traditional), Russian, Somali, and Vietnamese.

All resources are now available for download here or via the button below. If you have any questions, please reach out to Sarah Nau at snau@wcaap.org.

cCMV Resources


Self Nominations Now Open for 2024 Immunize WA Awards

The Immunize WA awards, recognizing clinics that achieve immunization coverage criteria for childhood, adolescents, and now HPV dose initiation for 9- and 10-year-olds, celebrates its 10-year anniversary in 2024! 


Nominations are now open! 

Providers must self-nominate between June 1 and July 15, 2024. The 2024 award recipients will be announced on August 20, 2024, during National Immunization Awareness Month. 


To nominate your clinic for Immunize WA: 

  1. Watch this short video on how to run your coverage rate report.  
  2. Complete the nomination form
  3. Submit your coverage rate report to immunizewa@doh.wa.gov.
  4. Please include your VFC pin in the subject line. 


Don't miss the opportunity to nominate yourself/your clinic! Nominations run through July 15, 2024. More information can be found on the Immunize WA web page.  

Open ELAC Pediatrician Seat

The Early Learning Advisory Council (ELAC) is looking for a Pediatrician to fill its vacant seat. The Council plays a pivotal role in the early learning system as an advisory body to DCYF on statewide early learning issues that contribute to the ongoing efforts of building a comprehensive system of quality early learning programs and services for Washington’s young children and families. Here is the direct link to ELAC’s members and regional advisors. If interested, please contact Kailani Amine, KAmine@wcaap.org


More information can be found by clicking on the included document image.

Seattle Children's Mental Health Hospital Consultation Service

The team at Seattle Children's offers behavioral health consultation and hospital- and community-based resources to clinicians caring for mental health boarders, up to age 17.

Created to address the growing needs of youth in mental health crisis, this program provides consultation and resource assistance to our colleagues at Washington hospitals in need of support for their mental health boarders.

Please download the accompanying flyer for additional information.

Now Enrolling Children in King County Asthma Program

The King County Community Health Worker Asthma program has been supporting families for over 20 years. This free, evidence based program helps children and adults have fewer asthma symptoms, emergency room visits, missed days at school or work, and a better quality of life overall. The program consists of comprehensive home / virtual visits and supplies to ameliorate asthma triggers. Click the links for descriptive flyers in English and Spanish


Children who live within a ten mile radius of SeaTac airport are more likely to have an asthma related hospitalization, so we are recruiting children ages 6 to 12 who reside in this area. Referrals by health care providers, community organizations, or parents/guardians can be made this link:  https://redcap.link/kingcountychwprogram


Questions about the program can be directed to Jan Capps, MPH, (206) 263-8615

Safe Firearm Storage Programming in Washington

In October 2023, Seattle Children’s, Public Health – Seattle & King County, and the University of Washington’s Firearm Injury & Policy Research Program were chosen to receive a collective total of $1M to advance statewide safe firearm storage efforts over the next two years from the Washington State Department of Commerce’s Office of Firearm Safety and Violence Prevention.


Seattle Children’s is using this funding to increase access to safe firearm storage devices (e.g., lock boxes and trigger locks) and safe firearm storage education, develop resources for clinical support for safe firearm storage counseling and provision of devices, and support sustainability of safe firearm storage distribution through community and academic partnerships throughout Washington State.

If interested in learning more about their efforts and see if it might work for your team, please reach out to Isabell Sakamoto, MS, CHES and Christina Delgado, DNP, RN, SANE-E at gun.safety@seattlechildrens.org


Save the Date! AACAP's Annual Meeting Oct. 14-19 in Seattle

Join the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) in Seattle, October 14-19, 2024, for the world’s premier gathering of child and adolescent psychiatrists. AACAP’s 2024 Annual Meeting is the best place to connect with colleagues, old and new, and learn about the most cutting-edge scientific information in the field.

With opportunities for both in-person and virtual attendance, the Annual Meeting offers you the flexibility to reconnect with your peers and reinvigorate your practice in a variety of ways.

Registration opens August 1 for members and August 8 for non-members.

Updated WA DOH Resource on Understanding Eating Disorders in Adolescents

The Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs program at the WA State Department of Health recently developed a resource to address the increased risk of eating disorders in adolescents since the pandemic. This educational handout focuses on nutrition and behavioral health strategies to help providers understand the complexities of eating disorders among youth.

Eating Disorders Resource

Upcoming FAST Training Opportunities

Please register for the waitlist even if these trainings are full. If demand on the waitlist is high enough, we will schedule additional training dates sooner.

Who's Who at WCAAP

Sarah Rafton, MSW


Executive Director Organizational strategy, community partnerships and operations

Board and Executive Committee, multiple WCAAP committees

Kailani Amine, MHA



Grant Oversight, Contract Management

Early Childhood Programs

Early Childhood Committee

First Year Families

Sarah Nau, MSW


Communications Director

Internal and external communications, media relations and PR requests, Legislative and Membership Committee

Elexis Jackson


Administrative Coordinator

Operational and Board support, GATHER, Equity Committee and Legislative, Membership, and Transformation Committee support

Ali Goodyear, MPH


Program Manager

Community Health Worker Learning Collaborative

Marina Martinez


Program Manager


Immunization Learning Collaborative

Vaccine Committee

Colleen McCarty, MPH


Program Manager

Parent Involvement

Champions for Youth

Local Health Jurisdiction Programs

DeAnna Dudley Pittenger, BSN, RN-CPN


Program Manager

Special Projects HPV Immunization Learning Collaborative

Leslie Graham, MSW, LICSW


Program Manager

Special Projects

Behavioral Health Learning Network

Community Health Worker Learning Collaborative

Michelle Tolman, MPH


Data Manager

Amber Ulvenes


Legislative Liaison

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Get Involved!

Join us! Committees are a great way to meet other members and get involved with Chapter work. Watch this space for upcoming meeting dates and times for Chapter committees and interest groups. Most committees meet by phone or via Zoom for one hour, and we welcome anyone who is interested.

Legislative Affairs Committee

Next meeting July 9, 2024, 7:00-8:00am

Meets weekly via Zoom during the legislative session

Meets monthly via Zoom during the interim + ad hoc as needed

Contact Elexis Jackson for meeting info.

Contact Crystal Shen to learn more about the committee. 

Equitable Care Committee

Next meeting June 25, 2024, 12:15-1:15pm

Meets monthly via Zoom

Contact Elexis Jackson for meeting info and to learn more about the committee.

If interested in joining, please fill out this application.

Early Childhood Committee 

Next meeting August 14, 2024, 7:00 - 8:00am

Meets every other month via Zoom

Contact Kailani Amine for meeting info.

Contact Mary Ann Woodruff or Emily Ferrell to learn about the committee.

First Year Families Committee

Next Meeting July 19, 2024, 8:30am - 3:30pm in person

(Usually meets monthly via Zoom)

Contact Kailani Amine for meeting details and Committee information.

Vaccine Committee

Next Meeting June 21, 2024, 7:00-8:00am

Meets monthly via Zoom

Contact Marina Martinez for meeting info.

Contact Frank Bell or Maria Huang to learn about the committee. 

Champions for Youth Committee

Next Meeting: August 7, 2024, 8:00-9:00am

Meets monthly via Zoom

Contact Colleen McCarty for meeting details and Committee information.

Membership Engagement Committee 

Contact Sarah Nau for meeting info.

Contact Amanda Monnahan or Cora Breuner to learn about the committee.  

Health Care Transformation Committee 

Next Meeting July 26, 2024 7:30-8:30am

Meets every other month via Zoom

Contact Elexis Jackson for meeting info.

Contact Rick Levine or Sarah Rafton to learn about the committee.