WAVE  report   
November 2017                                                                                              WAVEVB.COM
Welcome to the WAVE report

The place to find current conditions and the future forecast for all things WAVE.

The season of gratitude is in the forefront right now, as such, we want you to know we are thankful for each and every athlete/family that walks through the door or onto the sand at WAVE.  Without you, we would just be empty courts.  Thank you for filling the court with excitement, desire, passion, and a will to succeed in all that you do.  We appreciate you everyday!

Fall Programs wrapping up, Winter/Spring are on deck . . 
Sign up for a final fall session or get ahead and sign up early for winter and spring. Come experience WAVE.

Girls 3rd-6th


Adults can play too! Join the VAVI Sand League held on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday at WAVE.

Clear the calendar for December 2nd
It's the Encinitas Holiday Parade , come join us this year as we ring in the holiday season, spreading cheer as we walk the parade route.  Be on the lookout for more information in the coming weeks =)

Girls Indoor
Welcome to all the 10-14U teams!!!
Wave Welcoming Committee

After the days of tryouts filled with energy and talent, we are excited to welcome the 2017.2018 10U-14U teams filled with new and returning faces.   Get ready for an exciting season ahead!  There's only one month to get the initial team chemistry flowing as Qualifying tournaments begin in December! 

GOOD LUCK to all the High School Teams . . .
as you head into the post season tournaments.  Best of luck as you compete to claim CIF Division and State Titles. 

15-18U Girls Tryouts...
are just around the corner.  T he  Tryout Page  has all the information, specific times, and Registration posted.

November 4-5

November 12-13

Boys Indoor
First Tournament Jitters are Over!
The first round of Qualifying Tournaments are done and now the guys can really get to work on their team system and play.

10/21 Qualifying Day 1 Results
18 Kevin 

16 Chris.Nick 3-0
18 Jacob

16 Rubacky 2-1
17 Brennan

15 Jed 3-0
17 Skyler

Good luck this weekend!

Media Help...
Boys Teams  profiles have been and will continue to be updated.  Please check them out.  If you find any errors, email wavevbreport@gmail.com with the corrections.  

If your team has a team website with photos, please invite wavevbreport@gmail.com to join so pictures can be accessed to highlight your teams in the WAVE report throughout the season.  If you don't have one, feel free to email any great team or action shots to the same address.

WAVE Beach to host First College Beach Invitational

USC, UCLA, and Cal Poly will be battling it out at the WAVE Sand Facility on Saturday, November 18th.  The College Invitational is a chance for our athletes to see play at the next level for FREE.    

We are still looking for volunteers who want to be a part of it to help keep score or call lines during the match play.  If you are interested please contact Mike Placek, mike@wavevb.com

The  College Clinic for 8th-12th grade girls on Friday, November 17th, run by  Head coaches Anna Collier (USC), Stein Metzger (UCLA), and assistant coach Derek Olson (CAL) is set for 3:30-5:30pm at the sand facility.  

The clinic is FULL at this time, however if you would like to be added to the wait-list in case a spot opens up, please contact Matt Olson @ 760-473-8511 or email matt@wavevb.com

Sand in your toes . .  CTCT-20171031_143817
The Fall Beach program is in full swing.  You are welcome to come play and train with us whenever your schedule allows.  Remaining season or session packages are available or "drop-in" at one of the  practices  offered Monday through Saturday (Saturday is high school only). 

Tourney Time = Time to Shine!
WAVE Beach athletes continue to elevate their games and ball it up at tournaments all around the beaches of Southern California.


The WAVE Beach Recommended Tournament list is available.  Check it out to see what tournaments the WAVE Beach Coaches area planning to be at to coach current Beach athletes.  It is a live document and will be adjusted as the season progresses.

Agility & Strength
Leader Board

Athlete of the Month     Ava Loizu
Beast Mode of the Month     Anna-Maria Zarembok   

Movement of the Month
MB Slams

Medball Slams are a great exercise for power teaching and building development. We use this movement to generate power through the toss, but more importantly learn how to absorb energy through the load and catch.
Workout with WASP
Join the Sport Injury Prevention ISPE Program for athletes looking at an alternative PE program.  Check with your school and Amber for more information.


Become a member of the WASP program.  Two  membership options are available.  

College Commits & Tips
WAVE Alum - CCC Rookie of the Year
Hodge's Hints for Recruiting (#11)

It is ok to ask college coaches the hard questions after you have gotten deep into the recruiting process.
  • "Where am I on your list of (position)?"
  • "How many athletes are you looking at for my position?"
  • "When are you looking to make a decision between athletes?"
They will ask you tough questions as well so be honest, open and hope the same from them!

Shout Out

Congratulations to 

First Team 
Camdyn Tastad & Jaden Whitmarsh

Third Team
Kiara McNulty &  Sarah Colla 

Honorable Mention
Olivia Lovenberg

Future Forecast
Calendar Check

Click on the calendar icon to view a Google calendar of upcoming WAVE events, SCVA tournaments, etc..

Interested in Beach Tournaments? Check out the schedule to find one you want to play in.
WAVE Volleyball | (877) 417-WAVE (9283) | admin@wavevb.com | http://www.wavevb.com
15555 Jimmy Durante Blvd
Del Mar, CA 92014