WASRAG Newsletter - October / November 2019
How Important is Clean Water?
WASRAG is holding a competition encouraging Rotarians to improve the quality of water or increase awareness of water issues in their community. What ever is best for your community - the choice is yours.

Submit a brief report by December 1, 2019 indicating the target audience and the expected impact. Photos and media releases are encouraged. You could win
$500 US for the most impactful project
$500 US for the most innovative project

Clubs are starting to make submissions. For more details go to World Polio Day Competition.

You can read submissions from 2019 World Water Day Competition to get ideas
Limited Space for World Water Summit 12
After January 1, 2020, space will be limited for attendance at World Water Summit 12. It is important to register now before all the seats are gone.

Rotary and the United Nations have formed a close relationship over the past 75 years. Many joint activities have revolved around clean water and sanitation projects.

In addition to celebrating the long relationship with the UN, WWS-12 will focus on how to build and maintain successful partnerships in order to have larger and more impactful WASH programs/projects.
The World's # 2 Man
World Toilet Day is November 19. It was established in 2001 by the World Toilet Organization, and officially recognized by the UN in 2013.

Worldwide over 4 billion people do not have access to safely managed sanitation and almost 700 million people practice open defecation.

November 19 was selected as World Toilet Day, because that is Jack Sim's birthday.
.. more - and much more on Toilets
To learn more about the importance of toilets, especially in schools, read Rotarian Mark Balla's book " Toilet Warrior".

In the book you will learn about people like Jack Sim, Rose George, Sushil Gupta, Ramesh Aggarwal and many more who are passionately putting their time, energy, and money towards making a difference.

The book provides excellent guidance on fund-raising, importance of hand washing with soap, making tough decisions on what projects not to undertake, and the topic of menstrual hygiene.

Balla also recognizes the role Rotary is making in getting sustainable sanitation and hygiene projects established.

Rotary International receives a portion of proceeds from the book. To order your copy go to www.toiletwarrior.net
Household Water Filters & Testing
A Vision for Clean Water has coordinated with the Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technologies (CAWST), to produce a 4 day workshop (April 24-26, 2020) that will provide participants with the knowledge and skills to implement, monitor and evaluate household water treatment and storage and small community water supplies in developing countries.

For details and to register visit Water Workshop.
Navajo Water Project
Sun Lakes Rotary Club has received two Global Grants, and is now working on its third, to bring running water to hundreds of homes of the Navajo Nation, Arizona, USA.

Understand the issue facing these native people by reading " Water is Life on the Navajo Nation" or watching this PBS video to see what Rotary is doing.
SkyHydrant meets needs of Colombia Schools
The Rotary Club of Bogota Teusaquillo, Colombia, and the Rotary Club of Endeavour Hills, Australia joined to get a Global Grant from The Rotary Foundation to provide clean water to over 9,800 students in 50 schools in the regions of Cundinamarca, Boyaca and Huila, Colombia.

Using a deep well and SkyHydrant technology the installations are sustainable safe solutions for providing water to the schools. To read more about this project go to Marquee Colombia Schools Project.
Israel's WASH Symposium 2019
Every two years, the Water and Sanitation Committee of Rotary District 2490 - Israel, plans a symposium on technology, education and awareness of water and sanitation challenges worldwide, in conjunction with Water Technology and Environment Control (WATEC).

The symposium will be on Thurs. Nov 21, 2019 in Ashdod, Israel from 8 am to 4 pm, consisting of keynote speakers and breakout sessions. Contact WASRAG Ambassador, Avner Fuchs to register and obtain more details.
Calendar of Events
Nov 19, 2019 - WORLD TOILET DAY


March 22, 2020 - WORLD WATER DAY


Jun 5, 2020 - WORLD WATER SUMMIT 12, Honolulu, Hawaii
NOTE: Register NOW as seats are limited after December 31, 2019


Oct 24, 2020 - WORLD POLIO DAY
To submit stories, videos, and pictures for the WASRAG Newsletter send an email to info@wasrag.org .
The Water and Sanitation Rotarian Action Group (WASRAG) is pleased to consider partnerships with any corporate supporter. Due to the unique attributes of water sources and water provision, acceptance of corporate support does not imply an endorsement of any particular water technology. Rotarians, Rotary clubs, and Rotary partners must evaluate any technology to determine if it is the best solution for the conditions where the program will be implemented. WASRAG can provide guidance about where different technologies work best, but Rotarians and Rotary clubs must make the final decision about how to implement their programs.