WASH Rotary Action Group Newsletter - Sept / Oct 2020
Nuts and Bolts of WASH Global Grants
Register to attend the first of a three-part webinar series on global grants focused on WASH in Schools (WinS).

Presenters from The Rotary Foundation include:
> Erica Gwynn, WASH Area of Focus Manager
> Wade Nomura, Cadre Technical Coordinator for WASH

The free webinar will cover the topics:
> How global grants are evolving
> What makes a great global grant program
> Successful assessments – the why and how
> Key tools and resources

The webinar will be offered twice:
October 22 at 6 - 8 pm CDT REGISTER HERE
October 23 at 10 am - 12 noon CDT REGISTER HERE
Hand Hygiene for All
October 15 is Global Handwashing Day. This initiative is to increase awareness of the importance of handwashing with soap as an effective and affordable way to prevent diseases and save lives.

Excellent resources to help your club promote hand washing with soap in your community can be found at GlobalHandwashing.org

The World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF are jointly calling for action to achieve universal hand hygiene. They have released a document that outlines why handwashing is important and a framework on how to achieve this.
New Resources Available
Have you checked out the WASH Rotary Action Group - Technical Resources lately?

You can download the resources that were used to train and sustain Handwashing Behavior Change for a school of 1,000 students.

We also recently added the Managing Faecal Sludge toolkit.

This section of the website is full of a variety of resources in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French.
Rotary in Action - Wash Stands in Kenya
Recently, Rotary International's Rotary in Action published a great article on how Rotary clubs in East Africa are providing hand washing stations in Kenya to help combat COVID-19.

Raising over $20,000 in 20 days, the clubs have provided 200 tanks, each able to hold 100 liters (26 gallons) of water. The tanks, with a shelf for soap, are distributed to poorer areas in Kenya. Read the full Rotary in Action Against COVID-19 article.
TrailBlazers of WASH in HCF

Recently, a conference was held to review the accomplishments towards WASH in Health Care Facilities (HCF). You can access a playlist of all the speakers.

Also, a booklet, The 2020 Trailblazers, was created to highlight the activities of many organizations involved in this area. This booklet is being used to identify partners and best practices.

A new edition is coming in December. If you are involved in WASH in HCF you can make a submission by November 1.
2020 Water and Health Conference
The UNC Water Institute is known for organizing a high quality informative conference. This year the 2020 UNC Water and Health Conference: Science, Policy and Practice will be held virtually Oct 26 - 30, 2020.

For the first time, the conference is virtual and registration is free. There will be over 1,500 registrants from almost 90 countries.

They are also looking for people interested in participating in their Technology Showcase. Please contact them if you can highlight a WASH related technology or innovation in 5 minutes?

Register Now for this excellent conference.
Mr. Toilet on Amazon Prime

For World Toilet Day you might want to watch Mr. Toilet: The World's #2 Man now available on Amazon Prime

Jack Sim, the founder of the World Toilet Organization, is a tireless crusader for global sanitation. While full of bathroom humor, this is a serious documentary on the need for sanitation in some of the world's most populated areas.
Queen of WASH Trivia
Nancy Gilbert demonstrated that she knew A LOT about Rotary, International Development, World Geography and WASH as she zoomed to the top of the Leader Board in the Rotary WASH E-Club's first Virtual Trivia Night.

It was a fun, highly competitive evening with over 20 people participating from across the planet. This was also a fund raiser and they raised over $1,100 towards the Club's WASH in Schools project in Nigeria. They are planning another Virtual Trivia night in December.
Upcoming ZOOM meetings for the E-Club of WASH, all in Eastern Time, are:
Tue, Oct 6 - 12 pm - Club Assembly
Thu, Oct 15 - 8 pm - Green Empowerment: Andrea Johnson & Caitlyn Peake
Tue, Oct 20 - 12 pm - Green Empowerment: Andrea Johnson & Caitlyn Peake
Thu, Nov 5 - 8 pm - Alan Bliss: Fonkoze (Microfinancing)
Tue, Nov 10 - 12 pm - Alan Bliss: Fonkoze (Microfinancing)
Thu, Nov 19 - 8 pm - Garrett Mason

To attend use the Zoom address: https://zoom.us/j/314362718
WASH Rotary Action Group Projects
The WASH Rotary Action Group Project Page continues to grow with a variety of projects from around the globe. The project list provides Rotary members with a place to obtain expert advice and obtain financial support from other clubs for major project grants. Future newsletters will include a featured project and a few additional projects from the WASH Rotary Action Group Project page.
Saving Lives through WASH
The Rotary Club Bamako Yelen is working with a local women's group to bring safe water and hygiene to Dialakorodji, Mali. The project will create six water points powered by solar panels. In addition, the project will encourage the local economy with the production of liquid soap and menstrual hygiene cloths. The water points will have facilities for clothes washing and waste water management.

The project, with a total cost of $98,500 and directly benefitting 10,000 people is looking for an International partner. To learn more visit the Project page
Recently Added Projects
Host Club - Rotary Club on Usula International Club - Rotary Club of Lima
Total Budget - $300,000 Raised - $140,000

International Club - Rotary Club of Guatemala Sur
Total Budget - $49,500 Raised - $40,000
Video Resources for Rotary Club Meetings
The Rotary Club of Box Hill Central, Australia, recently had Bill Boyd, RI Past President and Ron Denham, WASH Rotary Action Group, attend their meeting virtually.

If your club is looking for video resources for your club meetings, check out these YouTube channels

Calendar of Events

October 22, 2020 - 6 pm CT - Nuts and Bolts of WASH Global Grants

October 23, 2020 - 10 am CT - Nuts and Bolts of WASH Global Grants

October 24 - World Polio Day

Oct 26-30, 2020 - Water and Health: Science, Policy and Practice Virtual Conference

Nov 19, 2020 - WORLD TOILET DAY

Mar 22, 2021 - WORLD WATER DAY

May 5, 2021 - HAND HYGIENE DAY

To submit stories, videos, and pictures for the WASRAG Newsletter send an email to info@wasrag.org.
The Water and Sanitation Rotarian Action Group (WASRAG) is pleased to consider partnerships with any corporate supporter. Due to the unique attributes of water sources and water provision, acceptance of corporate support does not imply an endorsement of any particular water technology. Rotarians, Rotary clubs, and Rotary partners must evaluate any technology to determine if it is the best solution for the conditions where the program will be implemented. WASRAG can provide guidance about where different technologies work best, but Rotarians and Rotary clubs must make the final decision about how to implement their programs.