B.R.E.W. donates $4,000 to Clean Water

On the main stage at the Singapore Convention, John Hewko, General Secretary, recognized the six-year partnership between the Beer Rotarians Enjoy Worldwide (B.R.E.W. Fellowship) and WASH-RAG. In Singapore, Stephen Sehnert, B.R.E.W. Treasurer, presented WASH-RAG with a $4,000 dollar check, making their commitment to clean water total $35,000. Join B.R.E.W. ( https://rotarybrew.org/ ) and contribute to their annual contribution.

WASH Rotary Action Group New Board

At the WASH Rotary Action Group Annual Meeting (watch video), the following new Directors were elected to the Board, Bruce Clemens (USA), Patrick Karney (Belize), and S.N. Srikanth (India). Chris Etienne (USA) returns for her second term.

The new Executive of the Board are: Pat Merryweather-Arges, Chair; Brian Hall, Vice-Chair; Mike Colasurdo, Treasurer; Mary Beth Growney-Selene, Past Chair; and Julia Phelps, Secretary.

Things are Changing

Starting July 1, 2024, the WASH Rotary Action Group website (https://wash-rag.org/ ) and membership area will be moving over to be managed by DACdb.

  • When you go to Member Login on the new site you will be prompted to create a new password.
  • If you notice any issues with the website or your membership please contact info@wash-rag.org

Water & Sanitation to Thailand

One of the most poplar presentations at this year's WASH HUB in Singapore was on the Chiang Mai, Thailand water& sanitation project. This $330,000 three-year Global Grant project impacted on 21 communities.

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Update on HANWASH

In 2018, Rotary International made a commitment to provide funding for the HANWASH program to provide safe water and sanitation to all the people of Haiti. (Read more about HANWASH)

In 2022, the WASH Rotary Action Group donated $25,000 to this ambitious Project.

Recent TV images from Haiti provide a lot of concern, but outside Port au Prince the work continues.

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WASH Impact Surveys

The Rotary Foundation is placing emphasis on determining the impact of the projects and programs that it is funding. Chris Roesel provided the following on how they measured impact on a project in Yumbe, Uganda.

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WASH Ambassador Corner

To educate our members on who are the WASH Ambassadors and encourage others to apply to become a WASH Ambassador we are going to start having a regular WASH Ambassador Corner feature.

Why Become a WASH Ambassador?

Calendar of Events

2 July 2024 - Ambassador Conversation - Community Assessments

15 Oct 2024 - Global Hand Washing Day


19 Oct 2024 - District 5450 WASH Symposium

24 Oct 2024 - World Polio Day


19 Nov 2024 - World Toilet Day

22 March 2025 - World Water Day

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Submit your stories, videos, and pictures for upcoming Newsletters to us at info@wash-rag.org.

WASH-RAG reserves the right to edit stories for length and content. By submitting a story you give us permission to publish and make public your contact information including but not limited to your email or club's website.

The WASH Rotary Action Group is pleased to consider partnerships with any corporate supporter. Due to the unique attributes of water sources and water provision, accepting corporate support does not imply an endorsement of any particular water technology. Rotarians, Rotary Clubs, and Rotary partners must evaluate any technology to determine if it is the best solution for the conditions where the program will be implemented. The WASH Rotary Action Group can provide guidance about where different technologies work best, but Rotarians and Rotary clubs must decide how to implement their programs.

This Rotary Action Group is recognized and operates in accordance with Rotary International policy, but is not an agency of, or controlled by, Rotary International. To learn more please contact the WASH Rotary Action Group by email at info@wash-rag.org  Thank you.