Will You be One of the Writers for our first
Sisters, Servants, Soldiers
 Devotional Book?

"But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called 'today' that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin"

Hebrews 3:13

Exciting News!

"Sisters, Servants, Soldiers" is going to produce it's first Daily Devotional Book and we want you to be a part of encouraging one another through our Daily Devotionals!

We will need 365 Devotionals in the next 5 months. That means we need each of you writing devotions occasionally as they come to you and then sending them to us at sbutt@charter.net for editing and inclusion.

It will be a wonderful way to help us "encourage one another as we see that day approaching" and to use our abilities for The Lord!

So in the next few weeks and months, study Scripture, write down your thoughts and applications to life, and send them to us. Let's help each other as well as many others to come to know The Lord and grow spiritually through our experiences and the Word of God!

(Having been the managing Editor for a Statewide magazine and an English Major, I know that all of us together can make this a fantastic tool for growing and strengthening our FAITH and our IMPACT in this world!)

I can't wait to read and share your daily meditations on God's Word and get them ready to share!

Send them to : sbutt@charter.net with SSS DEVO in the subject line.

Right now we have 1100 people receiving our "Sisters, Servants, Soldiers" Newsletter!
If there is someone whom you think would like to receive it, they can "sign up" at sistersservantssoldiers.com


Also, if you need a recommendation for a Ladies' Day Speaker or a knowledgable Christian woman for a Lectureship , Mission Effort or Event , please let us know!


What do Waterford, MI; Bumpus Mills, TN; Chesapeake, VA and Fairfield, NC, all have in Common?
Ladies' Days in September!
I have traveled many miles in September! It was a month filled with Ladies' Days and life with my Sisters in Christ!

We have laughed together, cried together, prayed together, studied God's Word together and encouraged one another on this Highway of Holiness!

The sisters at the table above are in Fairfield, NC , and the sisters below are in Clinton, IL . Sister Ranae Bradd is in the center of the picture below and her sweet young daughter, Ruby , is fighting neuroblastoma. Please pray for Ruby. We know that the prayer of the righteous avails much!

Also, I hope you will look go to   www.Pray4Ruby.com   and share i n their journey with Ruby. Ranae's husband, Stephen , writes often about faith, reality and how God's Word and our relationship with Christ sustains us through the valleys of despair. His daily posts can inspire us all and remind us to keep Ruby and the family in our daily prayers. 
Above: Our Sisters in Clinton, IL

Here is Ruby with her 7 siblings. I visited with her in August and she is a delightful little girl!

"For the eyes of The Lord are on the righteous and His ears are
attentive to their prayer . . . "

I Peter 3:12
On the right are several of our sisters from Chesapeake, VA.

We had a wonderful time studying "When Troubles Seem Endless, God's hope is Definite."

We also had a teen girls' night and studied "SHINE LIKE STARS!"

Lord willing, I will be traveling to North Palmerston, New Zealand, at the end of this month to teach the Ladies for their ANNUAL LADIES CHALLENGE.

We will be studying "Decisions Determine Destiny."

I would appreciate your prayers for safe travels and a time of spiritual growth and refreshing for our sisters there. They live in an even more secularized and immoral environment than we do in the US, and they need encouragement and the truth of God's Word to make their lives shine even brighter that our Father may be glorified!


Also, here is a link to the
"EVERYDAY PRINCESS, Daughter of The King"
videos that you might want to use in teaching young ladies from age 10 to 25 . . . I know that many are using the books in their Bible classes. This is a great additional resource! Or just invite a group of girls into your home and watch the videos and then discuss the Bible lessons.

We need to be teaching our young ladies constantly so that they will be able to stand against what our 4 year old son used to call "The tricks of the Devil!

"Sisters, Servants, Soldiers"

October 18-19, Bowling Green, KY
October 31, Palmerston North, New Zealand
October 8, Buford, GA
November 9, Buford, GA
November 19, FCE Convention, Franklin, TN
January 17-18, 2020, Lone Oak Retreat
January 25, 2020, Trinity, AL

 Sheila Butt
FB: Sheila K. Butt

Please visit our Website at: www.sistersservantssoldiers.com


Will you help "Sisters, Servants and Soldiers" continue the great work we are doing in the Lord's Church here in the U.S. and around the world?

Almost every day we find talent, energy and willingness to serve among our sisters in Christ! SSS is helping with biblical teaching, prayer, encouragement and resources. We are getting Christian women authors published, making videos for our sisters in Christ around the world, supporting women in the mission field and we will be training young ladies to fulfill their God-given roles in the Kingdom! Won't you be a part of this great work? Please send your tax-de ductible contributions to :

Anderson Bend Church of Christ
Attn: Sisters, Servants, Soldiers Mission Fund
P.O. Box 1283
Columbia, TN . 38402-1283

You may also donate through PayPal . A monthly contribution of any amount will further our ministry! Maybe for some reason you can't go personally, however, your contribution can help one of our sisters go into all the world!

Love in Christ,

P.O. Box 1283
Columbia, TN 38402-1283