Being vulnerable can be difficult for some people.  It can conjure up feelings such as fear of
being judged, fear of losing control and/or fear of looking weak.  Sometimes when we feel we want to project a certain image to the world, we try to avoid vulnerability.  We feel as though being vulnerable will leave us feeling alone and abandoned because we "make up a story" that we will not be accepted for who we really are. 

My core beliefs and my work as a coach show me that vulnerability is the key to feeling connected, purposeful and thriving.  At the moment that we feel vulnerable, it presents us with a choice.  The choice is one between acting from the ego or acting from your authentic self.  While the ego wants separateness, control and predictability, the authentic self wants love, connection and compassion.   
I truly feel we have reached a critical point in our culture where many people are literally burnt out and exhausted from the demands of the control driven ego.  And it is getting harder to hold on to a sense of control when so many personal and world situations seem beyond our control.
Being vulnerable allows us to let go of the struggle for control. It also allows us the freedom to enter into relationships where truth and authenticity are valued, where flaws and strengths can be seen and where a shared connection with others can serve to empower us.  Vulnerability is the place where true community building can occur.
If and when we can understand that vulnerability is actually a positive, life affirming emotion, that can lead to empowerment and connection, then perhaps we can learn to overcome our resistance to it. And, that means getting out of our own way and questioning our habitual reactions.
Below are some questions for you to consider that can help you discover your own perspectives on vulnerability.
1. What is it costing me to avoid uncomfortable issues?
2. Where have I been unwilling to risk?
3. Where do I hold myself back?
4. In what ways will facing my vulnerability give me strength?
5. In what ways will facing my vulnerability bring me connection to others?
6. In what ways will facing my vulnerability bring me peace of mind?

If you're willing to be vulnerable, I'd love to hear what you wrote! 

Sending Blessings & Much Love to you, Joanie

They say love makes the world go round.  Yet, sometimes the stressors for the world catch up with us to erode our most intimate relationships.  Is your vibrant relationship under stress?  Do you long to be more deeply engaged in your life together but feel you are drifting apart?  Are you sharing a truly loving experience in your relationships?  Bring your partner and join in on this couples retreat, dedicated to helping you resolve to live by your relationship's most important equation:

Life = Connectedness = Love = Healthy & Loving Relationships

If you are ready to dive into the depths of what your loving relationship means to you and explore how to keep it alive and thriving, please join me and professional coach  Andrew Miser for this retreat Friday, July 14, - Sunday, July 16, in Alexandria, Pa, at the Edgewater Inn and Riverside Grille, a peaceful country Inn.  

To learn more and/or to register please.... .click here....
Professional coaching is a powerful process to get you to move past your comfort zones, to
examine new perspectives, and to take new actions. If you are curious about how coaching can assist you in your life, your relationships or in your business, please contact me here for a 30 minute complimentary "Taste of Coaching" session. 

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Joanie Yanusas
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Relationship & Retreat Coach