Connections  |  June 2017    
Every Woman's Place for Support, Connections and Community.
We Need Your Vote!   

We need your help! The Women's Centre is participating in the Field Law Community Fund Contest to get $10,000 in funding for the Lifelong Learning Program. This program provides women who face significant barriers to traditional education, such as poverty and low literacy, with opportunities to build their capacities, skills, and social support networks.

Please vote at this link by Thursday June 15 to keep this program running at the Centre: 
Enough for All:
Report to the Community

Vibrant Communities Calgary invites you to a noon-hour reception for their Annual General Meeting. Join them in celebrating the implementation of Calgary's poverty reduction strategy, discover their successes and learn more about their vision for the future.

Tue, 20 June 2017
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Sweetgrass Lodge - Indian Village
Calgary Stampede
1410 Olympic Way SE

If interested in attending, RSVP here.

Call for Football Volunteers

Spring is in the air and with that comes our favourite outdoor activity: football season. Each year, Women's Centre volunteers usher Stampeders football games to raise funds.

Volunteers usher one game per month from June to November. For each game, we need between 36-40 women and men to sign up for 4-5 hours of volunteering. Individuals and groups are welcome. You get to enjoy the outdoors, watch a great game, and support women in your community all at the same time!

Click here if you are interested in volunteering.

Femme Wave Feminist Arts Festival: Call for Submissions
Femme Wave, Calgary's only feminist music arts festival, is looking for bands, solo musicians, visual artists, and comedians to apply for this year's festival. The festival will run from November 16 to 19 and welcomes artists from an array of skill levels and talents. If at least one musician in your group identifies as a woman, trans, or non-binary, they want to hear from you!

For more info and to apply, click here.

Plant Donations Needed for Our Garden
Calling all green thumbs! If you have any spare vegetable plants or flowers, we have a home for them! Our Community Group will be working to make our garden beautiful on Friday June 16 and are short on plants for this activity.

If you are interested in donating, feel free to drop them off at the Centre before June 16. For more information, contact Amanda at or by phone at 403-264-1155.

Please Support Our Important Work

Ways to Connect 

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Meet our New Practicum Students: Khirman and Sabrina!

It's that time of year again...we're welcoming new practicum students into the Women's Centre! Khirman and Sabrina will be with us for the next few weeks to learn from our community and gain knowledge and experience helping them to enrich their education. Click the links below to read more about them. If you see either of them at the Centre, stop by and say hi! 
Meet our Spring
Deborah Willis

We are excited to introduce our spring Artist in Residence, Deborah Willis, to our community! She recently published her second book, The Dark and Other Love Stories, and has been recognized as a "bold new voice in Canadian fiction." We sat down with Deborah to learn a bit more about her, how she came to be a writer and a volunteer for the Women's Centre.
Our Artist-in-Residence program is an opportunity for women in our community to connect with female artists in Calgary. Established in celebration of our 20th anniversary, we select one female artist or group of artists for each season of the year, providing women with opportunities to learn from and work with prominent Calgary artists. Our Artists in Residence lead skill building workshops and perform at special Women's Centre events to provide all women in Calgary with new opportunities to celebrate creativity.
Share Your Story With Us
How did you first become involved with the Women's Centre? Do you have a favourite memory from last year or twenty years ago?

We are collecting stories from our community members about why they became involved with the Women's Centre and we want to hear from you! Are you passionate about helping women in your community? Were you sparked by an event in your life? If you are interested in sharing your story, click the link below (you have the option to submit anonymously).

Upcoming Workshops 
Our workshops are free and open to all women. Click here to see the complete June calendar. 

Did you know that the average cost of child care for a toddler in Calgary is over $1000 a month? For many women, this cost is impossible to afford. Let's talk about barriers women face when finding child care spaces, including high fees, accessing subsidies, long wait lists and differences in quality.  What solutions exist? And how would they make life better for all Albertans?

Print Making for Beginners | Tuesday, June 20 (6 - 8 pm)
In this workshop, participants will learn how to create hand printed works of art using simple house hold materials. Come learn a new style of art, no big printing presses required!

This workshop is intended for people that want to incorporate mindfulness in their everyday life. There will be some gentle yoga poses, introduction to meditation, walking meditation, and mindfulness eating. All experience levels welcome..
Environmental Issues Discussion (Save the Date) | Wednesday June 21 (6 - 8 pm)
Stay tuned for more details!

No children in these workshops, please. However, child minding is available at the Women's Centre on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 6 - 8 pm.

Contact Amanda by phone at 403-264-1155 or at to register your child(ren). 

Our Vision: Women Supporting Communities, Communities Supporting Women.