Fall PM1 Grades K-10:
Next week, we will begin our first Progress Monitoring (PM1) FAST testing for students in Grades K-10. This is a required state test, which will occur three times this year. Full-time students at Volusia Online Learning will take the first two Progress Monitoring assessments remotely from home. The third Progress Monitoring assessment (PM3) will take place in-person in the Spring for Grades 3-10. Dr. Markell sent emails with more information about the first Progress Monitoring (PM1) FAST assessment that your student will take next week. You should be receiving emails from your student’s assigned test administrator with a testing Zoom link, test ticket, and specific session dates and times. Since this test will be taken remotely from home, there are a few important action items that VOL families must take prior to this assessment.
Remote Testing Action Items:
1. Students in Grades 3-10 must have the new version of Florida’s secure testing browser (V.17) downloaded on their computer to test. For instructions on how to download the newest secure browser, click here.
2. The remote FAST assessments require remote proctoring by the test administrator, which will be a VOL teacher. Therefore, students must test on computers that have cameras. Each VOL student in Grades 3-10 testing remotely must have a parent consent form for remote proctoring completed. If you have not already completed that for this school year, here is the link: Remote Consent Form
3. Remote testing requires that the computer and internet being used will be able to support the testing program properly to ensure a smooth testing experience. To perform a quick check to make sure that the bandwidth and internet connection you are using will be able to support the test, please go to this link and do a systems check well before testing: https://netdiag.cambiumtds.com/diagnostictool/Pages/?c=Cambium
PM1 Test Dates:
* September 9-13 FAST PM1 Reading and Math Grades K-2
* September 10 FAST PM1 Reading Grades 3-9
* September 12 FAST PM1 Math Grades 3-8 AND Grade 10 Reading
* Some 10th graders with IEP accommodations may be scheduled to test on 9/13. Also, some elementary students may be scheduled to test on other days within the week of September 10-13th. Please read the emails from your student’s assigned test administrator to see the exact date and time of their test session(s).
Looking Ahead:
Fall EOC and Retakes: September 23-October 4th (Emails will be sent this week to secondary students who need to take these in-person tests.)
Please reach out to Dr. Markell by emailing bgmarkel@volusia.k12.fl.us or by calling (386) 734-7190 ext. 72701 if you have any questions about state testing.