"So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up"

Ephesians 4:11-12

January 11, 2024


Empowering Christians to join Christ's work in their community.

The year 2023 has come to a close and on behalf of the VIS board of directors and staff, we want to say THANK YOU for your generous support. Without partners like you, we could not carry out this important work.

We continue to be amazed by the many ways God provides just what we need when we need it. We give God all the glory for what we are able to accomplish through Him. Every day churches say "YES" to equipping their members "for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up." (Ephesians 4:12) Thank you for loving and serving your neighbors for the purpose of building Christ's kingdom here on earth. We are excited to see how God will guide us through 2024 to witness Christ's Love and touch lives in the name of the Lord.

Thank You for being a BLESSING!

Becky* and her six children were Blessed to experience an overflow of God's love through YOU this Christmas season! When Volunteers In Service asked if you were still looking for an opportunity to bless another family and find joy in serving, you quickly answered the call to build up the body of Christ. Within 24 hours, a large LOVE offering was made, a group of students asked to serve, and a college student and a family jumped at the opportunity to shop! VIS staff delivered the bags of Blessings to Becky the week before Christmas. In a text later that day she wrote, "Thank you guys so VERY, VERY much! Merry Christmas!" Thank you for finding joy in Blessing Becky and her family!

*name changed

Opportunities to Serve

VIS receives many calls daily that translate into opportunities to witness Christ's love through service in the local community. Below is a small sample of the MANY service opportunities currently on our waitlist. Give VIS a call today to learn how you can join Christ's work in your community.

URGENT: House Cleaning

Many VIS Friends do not have the physical capability to clean their house or apartment. Volunteers are needed in all quadrants of Grand Rapids to serve with an open heart. This is a great opportunity for individuals or teams of 2-3 people to serve together. Generally two hours or less is needed. If you are able to help, please contact David at dlundberg@visgr.org or call 616 459-7500.


Transportation Volunteer

Due to a decline in both funding and manpower for community services, VIS continues to receive an increasing number of requests from people who need help with the following errands: 

1.    Transportation to and from medical appointments

2.    Picking up and delivering food pantry items

3.    Driving individuals to and from the grocery store

The majority of our VIS Friends are independent in the store. Because of the increasing demand, WE NEED MORE HELP! If you are interested, please contact Rosemary rtymes@visgr.org or call 616 459-7500.

Friendly Visitor

Jim is the primary caregiver for his spouse, a retired special education teacher. Linda is struggling with dementia and losing her eyesight. She used to enjoy sewing and knitting and is now wheelchair and recliner bound. Jim would appreciate a friendly visitor volunteer coming to visit with his wife to enhance her quality of life. To learn more, please contact David at dlundberg@visgr.org or call 616 459-7500.

Social Outings or Phone Visits

Nancy often finds herself socially isolated due to depression and bipolar disorder. She is frequently nervous and embarrassed to ask for help. Nancy knows she would benefit from getting out of the house and could use a friend for encouragement. Even regular, supportive phone calls would be appreciated. In you are interested in walking with Nancy in compassion, please contact Cori at cscholtens@visgr.org or call 616 459-7500.

Service Project

Raymond is a 62 years old and disabled. He lives near 44th and Division and is looking for assistance putting up plastic on his windows for the winter. He is physically unable to do it on his own. Raymond can provide the supplies. Volunteers may need their own tools. If interested, please contact Debbie at dbjones@visgr.org or call 616 459-7500.

VIS always has a waiting list of opportunities to serve individuals who need help with small home repair projects, assistance cleaning out a room of their home or organizing their belongings to be donated or discarded. These are often fun projects for a couple friends to tackle together. To learn more, please contact Cori at cscholtens@visgr.org or call 616 459-7500.

Your Impact is Powerful!

When we think about all the lives you've helped change through your prayers and gifts, we can't help but thank God for you. Your partnership is powerful! Just look at what one VIS friend recently shared...

"Please accept the token enclosed as a recognition and many thanks for caring for someone in need (me). I want to thank each of you for your help."

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