"Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow;
though they are red as crimson,
they shall be like wool."
Isaiah 1:18
January 27, 2022
Hope your new year is off to a good start!

It's January and it's winter, a cold but beautiful time of year. There is nothing like waking up to sunshine on freshly fallen snow. Maybe the snow captures our attention because it is so WHITE! A symbol of purity.

Perhaps God created snow as a reminder of what He’s done for us. How the blood of Jesus redeems and renews our dirty, ugly sin. When you look at the snow let this truth sink in. Soak up the promise of what He's done for you and me.

This year VIS would like to invite you to partner with us by committing yourself to share this message with the world that so desperately needs Jesus.

 "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever
believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16
Volunteers "Melanie" and "Sara" were strangers until they were introduced to "Trudy."

Trudy was referred to VIS nearly two years ago for a ride to an appointment, which is how she met Melanie. Over time Trudy also met Sara who was able to give additional support. Today Trudy has both women loving and supporting her, a friendship that she has never experienced. Trudy admires and appreciates Melanie and Sara very much, but she doesn't feel worthy of their friendship. She sees Melanie and Sara as "angels" and as family she has never had. Melanie and Sara share,

"We feel privileged that God has made our lives intersect.
Trudy is asking questions about the Bible and is reading the Bible
for the first time in her life. We need to pray for her spirit,
that she will come to know just how much God loves and values her."

Leading hearts to God is at the top of the list for acts of service. Praise God that Melanie and Sara, through their actions and words, are inspiring their new friend to accept and love God!

"Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other;
let us show the truth by our actions."
I John 3:18
Can you help?

VIS receives many serving opportunity requests. If you are able to assist
with these requests, please let us know.
Thank you!

Household Chores  
Jeffrey is 68 and has cancer and diabetes and needs help with light housekeeping. He's able to do some things on his own, but has trouble dusting and cleaning under furniture. He has a dust mop and dust cloths. Location: Fuller and Aberdeen NE (Contact Rosemary at rtymes@visgr.org or call 459-7500 if you can help)

Francis is 90 and needs help with cleaning. She is on the waiting list for help through an agency, but it will be 3-5 months before she can get help. She lives in a large older home with her son who is on disability and has physical limitations. Frances can use help with vacuuming, dusting, and mopping. She would also like help cleaning her oven and refrigerator. Location: Richmond and Alpine NW (Contact Rosemary at rtymes@visgr.org or call 459-7500 if you can help)

Friendly Visitor
John is 84 and is looking for male companionship. Most of his family lives out of state. John owned his own hardware supplies business for many years and traveled a lot, including overseas. John is very pleasant to talk to. Location: Leonard and Ball NE (Contact David at dlundberg@visgr.org or call 459-7500 if you can help)

Glory is a sweet-spirited 67-year old woman, who is isolated and alone as her family lives elsewhere. She is seeking female companionship, including doing a weekly or bi-weekly Bible study. She also needs help with laundry. Location: Franklin and Sheldon SE (Contact David at dlundberg@visgr.org or call 459-7500 if you can help)

Appliance Repair
Francis and her husband have a GE stackable washer/dryer combination and the washer needs repair. The washer starts the wash cycle but STOPS after the water has filled the machine. Location Madison and Hall SE. (Contact Rosemary at rtymes@visgr.org or call 459-7500 if you can help)