"Be devoted to one another
in love. Honor one another
above yourselves."

Romans 12:10

February 17, 2022
People usually talk about and focus on love on Valentine's Day. The Bible verse above is a portion of the Bible which speaks about how we as Christians are to show love all the time, to all people, and in all circumstances.

Who will you show godly love to today?
Prayer for Today

Loving God, fill my heart with the love that you freely give. Make love my first and last thoughts. May I love others freely and give to them. Make my spirit a spirit of joy, happiness and love for both my friends and my enemies. Help me love others as abundantly as you have loved me.
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VIS Board Members

Volunteers In Service is seeking additional board members.

To learn more about VIS click here.

If you would like to learn more about becoming a board member, contact Bernita Tuinenga, Executive Director
via email btuinenga@visgr.org or phone
(616) 459-7500, Ext. 15.
Can You Help?
VIS receives many serving opportunity requests. If you are able to assist
with these requests, please let us know.
Thank you!
1) Haircut Needed  
Melanie is 62 years old and homebound due to health issues with her legs. She would appreciate having someone come to her home to cut her hair. She is willing to pay, if necessary. Melanie would sit in her wheelchair while her hair is being cut.
Location: Breton and 43rd SE. (Contact Rosemary at rtymes@visgr.org or call 459-7500 if you can help).  

2) Appliance Repair
Francis and her husband have a GE stackable washer/dryer combination and the washer needs repair. The washer starts the wash cycle but STOPS after the water has filled the machine.
Location: Madison and Hall SE. (Contact Rosemary at rtymes@visgr.org or call 459-7500 if you can help)
3) Friendly Visitor
Michelle has progressive MS resulting in limited eyesight, involuntary movements in her arms and is confined to a wheelchair. She is lonely and isolated and would appreciate someone visiting with her a couple times per month. Despite her situation, Michelle has a wonderful sense of humor and is a delight to talk to. Location: Near 68th Street and Hannah Lake Road, Dutton. (Contact Debbie at dbjones@visgr.org or call 459-7500 if you can help)
VIS has many more opportunities to serve than are listed in this newsletter. For more information contact Debbie Jones at dbjones@visgr.org