"In the same way, let your light shine
before others, that they may see
your good deeds
and glorify your Father
in heaven.”

Matthew 5:16
August 4, 2022

Most every issue of the VIS News includes a list of serving opportunities.

Serving through VIS is not just an opportunity to do good works or take care of someone's needs, but it is about an opportunity to show love and share the gospel.


I love these words! By serving someone you are showing love--the same love that Jesus showed when he came to earth and served others. Through serving, we grow--emotionally and spiritually.

When VIS asks for assistance with cleaning, it's so much more than just cleaning. It's an opportunity to build a relationship, provide companionship and show love. It's also an opportunity to carry out the command that Jesus gave to love and serve. It's a way to spread Christian love and hospitality.

As you review the list below, I challenge you to prayerfully think about where you can serve or rather, who you are willing to connect with to share hope and love. Pray for God to show you where He wants you to use your gifts and if He nudges you, I pray you will say "Yes?"
We may underestimate the power of simply living an honest and faithful life before God. By doing so, others notice and may actually end up seeing
the beauty of God through our lives.

Leading hearts to God is at the top of the list for acts of service.
What an honor to inspire someone else to love God
because of the way that we love him!

Can You Help?

VIS receives many serving opportunity requests.
If you are able to assistwith these requests,
please let us know.

1) Light Housekeeping  
Samira is 70, is 80% blind and suffers from back pain from an accident. She needs help with light housekeeping 2x/month.
Location: Kentwood
(Contact Rosemary at rtymes@visgr.org or call 459-7500 if you can help)

2) Cleaning
Martha is 66 and needs someone to help with cleaning her bathroom and kitchen. Martha can help but needs someone to help motivate her.
Location: Alger Heights
(Contact Rosemary at rtymes@visgr.org or call 459-7500 if you can help)

3) Cleaning
Michelle is 64 and has severe back issues and has had a stroke. She could use help with cleaning as she cannot bend over and move her body.
Location: Near Standale
(Contact Debbie at dbjones@visgr.org or call 459-7500 if you can help)

4) Organizing
Amy is 58 and had a brain injury making it hard for her to concentrate. She needs help with organizing.
Location: Near Bridge and Oakleigh
(Contact Rosemary at rtymes@visgr.org or call 459-7500 if you can help)

5) Home Repairs
Katie is 66 and needs help with repairing/replacing the roof of her shed. She also needs help with repairing a retaining wall. She is able to pay for supplies.
Location: Near Burton and 131
(Contact Debbie at dbjones@visgr.org or call 459-7500 if you can help)

6) Painting
Sally is in need of having her deck and fence painted. She can provide the paint.
Location: Caledonia
(Contact Debbie at dbjones@visgr.org or call 459-7500 if you can help)

7) Yard Work
Emma needs weeds pulled out around her patio.
Location: Plymouth Arms Apartments off Leonard NE
(Contact Rosemary at rtymes@visgr.org or call 459-7500 if you can help)
Upcoming Trainings

Deacon Orientation Training

This training is for new deacons or current deacons who may want to have a refresher on what the role of the deacon is about.

All trainings are from 6:30pm-8:30pm unless otherwise noted.

There is no cost to attend but registration is requested to assure we have enough materials. Dates and location below:
Wednesday, August 24--Friendship CRC
Tuesday, August 30--Beckwith Hills CRC
Thursday, September 15--Daytime 1-3pm--Providence CRC

To register click here

If you have any questions please contact Bernita at btuinenga@visgr.org or
Suzanne at sreinink@visgr.org
Financial Mentor Training

Have you ever considered being a financial mentor? Successful financial mentoring happens when it is an extension of a relationship built on trust, mutual respect and grace. This training is for those who desire to walk alongside someone needing guidance and support while managing their money.

Attah Obande will facilitate four sessions, all held at Sunshine Community Church, 3019 Coit Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505

  • Session 1 – Understanding the mindset – Tuesday. August 16 
  • Session 2 – Speaking the Truth in Love – Tuesday, August 23 
  • Session 3 – Listening & Language – Tuesday, August 30 
  • Session 4 – Tools & Resources – Thursday, September 1

This training is no cost to you but requires an RSVP. To register click here