February 2024

Empowering Christians to join Christ's work in their community.

2024 is a Leap Year! God has gifted us with a bonus day this February. What will you do with this extra day to do God's will? "Let all that you do be done in love," says 1 Corinthians 16:14. We've all been gifted with an extra day! What idea has God put in your heart to serve and love someone this month? How can you take action with the extra 24 hours to share God's love? "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13:34-35)

Looking for ideas? Check out the Opportunities to Serve below!

Gifts from God!

Bill was crying when he called the VIS office. He was very appreciative of the love shown to he and his wife. Bill has terminal cancer. "I don't want my wife to be stuck having to do this stuff alone." A group of students from Calvin Christian High School put their love into action by cleaning up Bill's yard. They leapt into action to witness Christ's love. "The students were a gift from God! That meant more to me than I am able to say!"

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"I just LOVED those volunteers who helped me grocery shop," exclaimed Maria. "Mr. and Mrs. N were so kind and helpful. They were both a blessing!"

The respect goes both ways. "Maria is a delight to be with," emailed Mrs. N. "She is always saying how grateful and appreciative she is!" Maria and the volunteers are gifts from God to each other, doing everything in love!

Opportunities to Serve

VIS receives many calls daily that translate into opportunities to put your Love In Action! Below is a small sample of the MANY service opportunities currently on our waitlist. Give VIS a call today to learn how you can join Christ's work in your community.

Organizing Project & Dresser Needed (NE GR)

Olivia lives in a NE GR apartment. She has a slipped disk in her back which limits her abilities. Olivia has a pile of items that need to be sorted and donated. In addition, her clothes are clean and folded but on the floor and couch because she does not have a dresser. If you are able to help take a load of items to be donated or have an extra dresser (tall, upright, no more than 28 inches wide), contact Cori at cscholtens@visgr.org.

Transportation for Errands (SE GR)

Susan needs transportation running errands every other Friday (two times a month.) Susan is in her 50's and lives in SE Grand Rapids near Center Point Mall. The typical errands involve: Meijer at Knapp Corner, D&W at Gaslight Village, Rite Aid at Breton and Burton, Old Kent Bank in Breton Village, and a standard blood draw at a lab on the East Beltline. Not all of these stops are done in one sitting. To learn more, contact Rosemary at rtymes@visgr.org.

Reduce Possessions (Rockford)

Rhonda is in urgent need of assistance in emptying her basement of many boxes and other items. We are seeking three congregations in the Rockford area who can collaborate with Rhonda over the next 4-6 months. Her apartment manager is very supportive, but has told Rhonda that reducing her possessions is a requirement to remaining in her townhome. Contact David at dlundberg@visgr.org.

Trees Blew Down (Oakfield Twp)

In a recent storm, two pine trees blew down in Nancy's yard. One of them is leaning against her garage. She cannot afford the cost of having a commercial firm remove them and dispose of them. A person or persons with a truck or chainsaw is needed to assist Nancy. Contact David at dlundberg@visgr.org.

Friendly Visitor (SE GR)

James lives at a senior living facility near 28th and Kalamazoo Ave. He is 70-years old and is afflicted by chronic health issues. He is requesting a man who would be willing to visit with him every two weeks. He is a good conversationalist and has had many interesting life experiences. Contact David at dlundberg@visgr.org.

Light Housekeeping / Laundry (Algoma Twp)

Susan lives alone and is recovering from open heart surgery, with significant weight and movement restrictions. She is in need of someone once a week to do light housekeeping and help her with laundry. Contact David at dlundberg@visgr.org.

Outdoor Railing Needed (Kentwood)

Edie is in her 60's. For safety reasons, she needs a hand railing built down the three stairs from her back deck to her concrete patio so she can safely maneuver the steps. If you are handy with these types of projects, contact Cori at cscholtens@visgr.org.

VIS always has a waiting list of opportunities to serve individuals who need help with small home repair projects, assistance cleaning out a room of their home or organizing their belongings to be donated or discarded. There are many individuals waiting for help with light house cleaning chores. These are often fun projects for a couple friends to tackle together. To learn more, please contact VIS at (616) 459-7500.

Become a VIS Board Member

Passion. That's the common attribute of those serving on the Volunteers In Service Board of Directors. Members of the Board are asked to support the VIS mission, work as part of a cohesive team with common goals, and share their skills and expertise while doing their best to ensure that VIS is well-maintained, financially secure, growing, and always operating in the best interest of the church. Click HERE to learn more, or contact Bernita Tuinenga at btuinenga@visgr.org.

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