"The grass withers and the
flowers fade,
but the word of our God
stands forever.”

Isaiah 40:8 (NLT)
May 19, 2022
Bridges Out of Poverty

"We continue to learn so that we can continue to share with church leaders what it means to be part of the renewal of all things."
Bernita Tuinenga, Exec. Director

VIS staff is attending this two-part training where we are learning about the root causes of poverty and the tools and actions that can lead to change.

We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless.

The poverty of being unwanted,
unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty.”
Mother Theresa
Middle school students from Jenison Christian served our community by doing yardwork, planting flowers, and cleaning up yard waste. They blessed several VIS friends with their service.

More Groups Needed!

(See below for specific
yard request projects)

If you are part of a small group in your church, or if you have a youth group willing to serve, please call the VIS office. Throughout the Spring, Summer and Fall, VIS receives an abundance of referrals for outside work. If you would like to serve call Debbie Jones at 459-7500 or email at dbjones@visgr.org. Thank you in advance for loving and serving our community.

Deacon Orientation Training
Sign Up Today!

This training is for new deacons or current deacons that may want to have a refresher on what the role of the deacon is about.

All trainings are from 6:30pm-8:30pm unless otherwise noted.

There is no cost to attend but registration is requested to assure we have enough materials. Dates and location below:

Monday, August 15--Brookside CRC
Wednesday, August 24--Friendship CRC
Tuesday, August 30--Beckwith Hills CRC
Thursday, September 15--Daytime 1-3pm--Providence CRC

To register click here

If you have any questions please contact Bernita at btuinenga@visgr.org or Suzanne at sreinink@visgr.org
Can You Help?
VIS receives many serving opportunity requests. If you are able to assist
with these requests, please let us know.
Thank you!
1) Bible Study Friend  
Glory is seeking a female to study the Bible with her.
Location: Division and MLK (Franklin Street))
(Contact David at dlundberg@visgr.org or call 459-7500 if you can help).  

2) Walking Friend
Tom is visually-impaired and is seeking someone to walk with him one weekend day a month. 
Location: Lake Michigan Dr. and Collindale.
(Contact David at dlundberg@visgr.org or call 459-7500 if you can help).  

3) Friendship
Marsha is 71 and has dementia. She lives with her husband who would like to get out 1x/week to play golf.
Location: Stauffer and 44th Street SE
(Contact Rosemary at rtymes@visgr.org or call 459-7500 if you can help)
4) One Time Cleaning
Martha is 66 and would like help with cleaning one time. She feels she will be able to clean on her own after an initial cleaning.
Location: Alger and Madison SE. (Contact Rosemary at rtymes@visgr.org or call 459-7500 if you can help)

5) Group Project: Unload Storage Unit
A VIS friend, who is confined to a wheel chair, soon will be moving to a new apartment. She needs help moving items from her IPOD unit to her new apartment. Up to six volunteers are needed. (Contact David at dlundberg@visgr.org or call 459-7500 if you can help). 
VIS has many more opportunities to serve than are listed in this newsletter. For more information contact Debbie Jones at dbjones@visgr.org

Yard Work Projects

If you are able to help, please contact Rosemary Tymes at
459-7500 or rtymes@visgr.org

1) Emma, Gilbert, Everlena and Ida live in Plymouth Arms Apartments and need each of their patios cleaned off. There are weeds and leaves that need to be removed.
Location: Leonard and Plymouth NE

2) Rachelle needs her front and back yard raked of leaves. She has a small yard.
Location: Plymouth and Fulton NE

3) Carol needs to have her lawn mowed every two weeks. She has a mower but it is not a power mower.
Location: Lake Dr. and Fuller SE

4) Janette needs her front and back yard raked. She has one rake and can provide bags.
Location: Eastern and 54th St. SE

4) Jo needs to have Roundup weed killer sprayed along the back of her house. She does not have the Roundup but said she will be able to pay for it.
Location: Byron Center Ave. and 44th St. SE