Membership Newsletter

Brotherhood of St. Andrew

Welcome to Our Bi-weekly Newsletter


Here's our latest edition with prayers of thanksgiving, important news on our new mailing address and other news you can use! Take a look ...

Please share news, tidbits, or notices of upcoming events in your area so we may include them. We also value your feedback on this newsletter and how we may better serve you. Don't hesitate to contact

Dr. Roy Benavides (email Roy)

Jeff Butcher (email Jeff)

or Tom Welch (email Tom).

Submission consideration deadline is

Monday at 8 a.m. for the week of release.

Please share this newsletter with others

in your parish or community.

From the Director's Chair

By Tom Welch

Dog Days of Summer

Do you ever have those times when you just trudge through the day? It's particularly so during hot summer days, isn't it? As I write, there are over one million in the Houston, Texas, area without electricity. Like numbers out west of people relocating due to wildfires. Our own national president, Br. Roy, was ordered to vacate his neighborhood as fires threatened area homes. Such disruptions get us out of a routine.

Often in our churches, at our chapter meetings, and the like attendance goes down during summer months. Yet, the ministry of the church continues, as do expenses related to maintaining it. If you haven't made your annual 2024 dues payment, or question if it is current, call us at 502-450-5640. We can update your file and share your membership status. Dues being current and files being correct keep us connected as a community on so many fronts. You can also renew online at the link below.

Thank you for your continued prayers, study of God's word and service to your every environment. It all matters.

(L-R) Bishop Advisor for Recovery, Rt. Rev. Brian Seage (Mississippi) and Tom Welch

Tom Welch; Bob LaMontagne of St. Luke's/Anchorage, Kentucky; and Alabama Diocesan Coordinator Brandon Willcutt of Trinity Episcopal in Florence, Alabama


Budget Development Process for 2025

Province Presidents are in the final days of the 2nd quarter budget process. In this quarter, chapters should submit budget support requests for programs, events, training, retreats, etc. The Province Presidents will during the 3rd quarter collate and submit the provincial budget requests to the Finance committee. If you have a question or need more guidance, please contact your Province President as soon as possible.


The Brotherhood's Auction for support of our men's ministries will be online soon. Call Brother Lyn Reavis to help in planning this year's auction.


Through the efforts of our Growth, Renewal, and Development Committee, the Brotherhood of St. Andrew is pleased to share with you opportunities for deeper involvement by all among our ranks. Here is a brief outline of webinar topics that will be provided in the months ahead. We ask that you pray for their growth, your involvement in them, and ideas to share with us.

The following is the Zoom Schedule for these One-Hour Sessions for the next few months ... more to come:

16-July-24, 8 p.m. (Eastern Time)

Chapter Officers Officer Leadership Development

Tom Martin, Jeff Butcher

Join at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81509026501


Communications Plan Orientation Communications Overview and Information

Andrew Brewer, Roy Benavides


Feast of St. Andrew Planning

Andrew Brewer, Jeff Butcher


Leadership Opportunities Night Showcase: Opportunities in Serving

Roy Benavides, Jeff Butcher


Spiritual Growth for Chapter Renewal: A review and discussion of "Signs of Life"

Roy Benavides, Jeff Butcher

New Snail-Mail Address Announcement

After more than two years of chronic issues with the National Office snail mail, we now have a post office box. It provides more security and reliability for timely delivery. While our physical office address remains the same, we are in the process of populating all our forms, website, etc. with this new mailing address. Please use this address for all mail sent through the United States Postal Service:

Brotherhood of St. Andrew National Office

Post Office Box 1382, Louisville, KY 40201

Please remember to update the address on any auto bank or credit card payments.

(For all mail/package vendors aside from USPS,

please still use our physical address.)


Our monthly webinars are always on the first Wednesday of each month at

8 pm/Eastern.

Here's the link:

BStA Monthly Webinar Link

In Case You Missed Previous webinars,

here are some recent ones:

July webinar with

Marketing Consultant Elizabeth Coluby

Click here for a replay

June webinar with Rev. Jay Sidebotham talking

about "The Signs of Life"

Click here for a replay

May webinar featuring the

Human Trafficking Update by Rev. Brian McVey

Click here for a replay

April webinar with


Bishop Suffragan in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas

and the bishop for the east region of the diocese



March webinar on

'Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia'

Craig Coleman, Program Manager

Alzheimer's Association

Click here for a replay

February webinar with Rev. Matthew S.C. Olver

Executive Director and Publisher

The Living Church

Click here for a replay

January webinar featuring Rev. Can. Scott Gunn,

Executive Director of Forward Movement 

Click here for a replay


VP Dick Hooper and the Membership Committee of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew have an addition devotion for the Stations of the Cross. This is service is in addition to our Devotional Handbook. It is timely and well done. We urge chapters to include this service with your routine devotions during your time together as Brothers Andrew. The Power Point and Service is available on the Prayer page of the BStA website or you can download the guide here.


It is never too late to remain

in good standing!


or mail a check to the National Office at

P.O. Box 1382, Louisville, KY 40201

Annual Ministry Dues are:

Senior Member (men age 21 & older) -- $50

Junior Member (youth under 21) -- $10

Associate Member (women) -- $25


become a Life Member for one-time ministry dues of at least $1,000




"12:00 Central Time"


Join us...

What better way to level set during the middle of the week? We will hold a weekly Wednesday noon (CDT) prayer time over ZOOM that is open to all brothers and guests. Let's pray for the Brotherhood, for our Brothers, and even share some stories of how Prayer has impacted you or someone you know!

We can all spare 20 minutes in prayer. It's like stopping at the faith service station to fill your prayer tank!

Please join us every week when you can to recharge your prayer batteries!

The Zoom link for Mid-Day Prayers can be accessed by clicking here. 

Copy and paste this Zoom link into your calendar so you can join us for 20 minutes

every Wednesday at 1 pm EST/noon CST/11 am MST/10 am PST!


If you'd like to help lead, pick an empty date and contact roy.benavides@brothersandrew.net

It's simple...we already have the script made out (in our devotional handbook or the Book of Common Prayer)!

Prayer Leaders Schedule: Click Here

Ministry News!

Scouting and Youth

Racial Reconciliation

Social Justice



Restorative Justice

Discipleship and Mentoring

Information Resources!

We need stories from Chapters and Ministries

Kathy Copas, our editor, would like to include more news of chapter events and ministry meetings or events. If you have something to share, please send it to


Prayer Requests

If you have a personal prayer request, please contact (502) 450-5640 to submit your requests.

Learn to Pray the Anglican Rosary


Hymns with Link

Jesus Calls Us, o'er the Tumult

Taize: O Lord Hear My Prayer

Taizé - virtual choir : Veni Sancte Spiritus

When Christ Our Lord to Andrew Cried

When Christ Our Lord To Andrew Cried Lyrics

Eternal Father

Good Books and Articles

Some Current Reading by Brothers

Signs of Life: Nurturing Spiritual Growth in Your Church

by Jay Sidebotham

The Loneliness Epidemic: Why So Many of Us Feel Alone - and How Leaders Can Respond

by Susan Mettes, David Kinnaman - foreword, et al.

Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth


Richard J. Foster

What are you currently reading?

Do you have any book recommendations?

Does your chapter have a book study?

Write to us and give us the title and author so we can share it with your Brothers!

2024 Budget Report is found here.

This newsletter was made possible thanks to your generous financial support.

Thanks so much!

Podcast Suggestions

Brothers looking to grow spiritually may find Podcasts from Forward Movement as a strategy to add to their “rule of life,” enhance their walk or drive time, or add to their daily or weekly study and prayer. The following link is to Forward Movement Podcast, which gives you several options to add to your podcast app.

 Click Here for Podcast from Forward Movement