From the Director’s Chair
By Tom Welch, Executive Director
I have two wonderful stories to share with you this edition:
St. Barnabas Church, Arroyo Grande, California,
hosts Province VIII workshop
Earlier in the month I had the opportunity to experience two prayers come to life. The first prayer that came to life we reported in the last edition, Province VIII held a workshop facilitated by Province President Eric Fisher entitled "Men's Ministry in the 21st Century." (see the last LLA for the agenda link). Brs. Eric Fisher and Andrew Brewer, Communications VP, and I joined together in prayer on Feb 2nd at St. Paul's Church in Baltimore immediately after our convention to ask for God's hand in this preparation of agenda. Four months later I was at the workshop. We on the Board express deep appreciation to St. Barnabas's Brotherhood Chapter for underwriting a large portion of the expense related to my attending. We even had two women attend the workshop. BRAVO, Br. Eric, for the event coming off as well as it did. My personal thanks also to the Rector, Rev. Rob Keim for spending the day with us.
The second answered prayer came to life after over four years of prayers and planning:
Holy Trinity & St. Benedict in Alhambra, California
At long last, meeting with a largely Filipino chapter of the Brotherhood came to pass. My thanks to Internation VP Andrew Joyce for planting this seed early in 2020, just before the pandemic hit. Following time in Arroyo Grande with members there I traveled to the Diocese of Los Angeles to network during ordination services at the Cathedral of St. John on Saturday, the 8th, and the next day offer the homily at Holy Trinity/St. Benedict. Following the service I spent the afternoon with the chapter there and enjoyed fellowship experiencing native dance, food and history. After supper the day was done. My heart was warmed. My stomach was full. A nap was in order! We will have the chapter there become formally connected with the Brotherhood USA in the weeks ahead. We truly appreciate the support our ministry has from Bishop John Taylor. It was good to connect with that good soul while I was out there.
Special thanks to Fr. Brent Quines, the rector of the parish, and his entire chapter for making it a wonderful experience. I was grateful that the Chapter Director for St. Andew's Episcopal Church in nearly Fullerton, Albert Finnerty, was able to join us for the meeting. It was this church that was the "sending parish" from which John Taylor (now bishop) went to seminary.
Invitation to join Presiding Bishop Curry as he hosts
Revival Prayers on June 19th at 3p/eastern
The Brotherhood has the opportunity to join a special prayer-line webinar leading up to Presiding Bishop’s final REVIVAL as a prelude to General Convention. As you may know, a new Presiding Bishop will be elected in Louisville later this month. Please join Most Rev. Curry next week for this brief prayer service.
Presiding Bishop Curry, Facilitator
Wednesday, June 19th, 3 to 3:15 p.m. (Eastern)
Here’s the link for that:
Pictures below:
Bishop John Taylor in the Diocese of Los Angeles with Tom Welch
One very sad hog stretched out on the table in the parish hall.
Brothers of Holy Trinity & St. Benedict in Alhambra, California