Membership Newsletter

Brotherhood of St. Andrew

Welcome to our bi-weekly newsletter


It's a quick-read, multi-topic news channel for members to see what is going on, what is planned, and what successes from the previous weeks.

We urge you to contact us with news, tidbits, or notices of upcoming events in your area so that we can include them! We also value your feedback on this newsletter or how your national office is serving you.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with Conrad Jones (email Conrad) , Dr. Roy Benavides (email Roy) or Tom Welch (email Tom) feedback or for sharing newsletter information!

Please share this newsletter with other men in your parish or community.

From the Director's Chair

By Executive Director Tom Welch

We are just THREE weeks from our first in-person triennial convention since we gathered in Austin back in 2018. The pandemic threw our scheduling/delay of our in-person convention with our hotel to an odd time of year. The value of in-person connection was no less important then as it is now. In fact, it's more important now to connect than ever. If you can't attend, prayerfully consider sending a prospective member to the convention (particularly if they are under 50) as an evangelism gift from your chapter and/or church. I promise you he will be blown away at the level of offerings in Baltimore within our convention.

As we learned in our November webinar research shows those age 35 and younger are the loneliest demographic in the country today. The 2nd loneliest demographic was those 75 and older. Many in our ranks fit that older segment. How do we connect the two? It's done with one-on-one AND group discipleship efforts like our national convention. You've seen me share before, that mentorship is good. Discipleship is better. It all starts with relationship building. We are at the point we don't have to rely on zoom to do that. In fact, we've seen from the research that digital communication has left our young people with the highest rate of suicide in decades, the greatest sense of loneliness and despair.

The above reference doesn't come just from research. I hear it from classmates at Virginia Theological Seminary. One student said, "What we see on FB/Instagram, etc., is often not the reality of their lives, just a rush of endorphin trying to fill a void." Read that again. Wow. What are we prepared to do about that is the real question.

One thing we are doing is offering complimentary registration to any seminarian attending the convention. All they have to do is complete the registration form below and bring their valid student ID card with them to Baltimore.

There is one week left to guarantee our group rate at the hotel before they are released. Look at our schedule below. I believe we will all be inspired and better equipped to tend our mission fields when we leave!

In Case You Missed It!

Our January webinar featuring Rev. Can. Scott Gunn,

Executive Director of Forward Movement

Click here for a replay

Next Webinar

February 7

Rev. Matthew S.C. Oliver

Executive Director and Publisher

The Living Church

Our monthly webinars are always on the first Wednesday of each month at 8pm/Eastern.

Here's the link:

Monthly Webinar Link

Registration is open at


or download hard copy here to mail with check

Registration Deadline is January 15, 2024

Make your hotel reservations at




'Teddy Roosevelt' Keynote Speaker at Triennial

Joe Wiegand is the world's premiere Theodore Roosevelt re-enactor. As an actor and historian, his portrayals of Theodore Roosevelt have been enjoyed by audiences in all 50 states and internationally.

Joe is a political science graduate of The University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. After a stint in graduate school, he launched his own business as a political campaign consultant and public policy expert. Joe served six years as a member of the DeKalb County, Illinois Board of Commissioners and was working in public policy and running election campaigns when he began performing as Theodore Roosevelt in 2002.

In 2008, Joe, his wife Jenny, daughter Sam, and golden retriever Faith, traveled across America in celebration of Theodore Roosevelt's 150th birthday and the centennial year of Roosevelt's historic presidency. Performances at the White House and Roosevelt’s New York City birthplace highlighted the 50-state adventure. Joe has been featured as President Roosevelt in “The Men Who Built America” on the History Channel, served as the model for the newest Roosevelt sculpture at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, and has a feature role in “National Parks Adventure,” an IMAX film about our national parks.

Today, the Wiegands live in Medora, North Dakota, gateway to the Roosevelt National Park, where Joe works for the Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation. Joe is a 31-year member of Rotary International and a member of the National Association for Interpretation. See www.teddyrooseveltshow.com and www.medora.com 


MINISTRY DUES Renewal time is here!


or mail with check to the National Office at

620 South Third Street, Louisville, KY 40202

Annual Ministry Dues are:

Senior Member (men age 21 & older) -- $50

Junior Member (youth under 21) -- $10

Associate Member (women) -- $25


become a Life Member for ministry dues of $1,000

Annual Chapter Reports

Click here for ONLINE 2023 Annual Chapter Report

Click here for PRINTABLE/MAILABLE 2023

Annual Chapter Report

2024 Membership Updates

(Through 1/10/24)


662 Sr. Members paid

including 22 New Members!

406 Life Members

2 Junior Members

24 Associate Members

That's 1,094 total!

Recognizing Our

Sustaining Members

Sustaining Members refers to Brothers who have made a commitment to offer a monthly (or quarterly) donation to the Brotherhood over and above their regular Sr. Membership dues or a Life Membership.

Many of us do make additional donations throughout the year (Ex: special appeals, purchase of the Sweepstakes tickets, etc.), but this a pledged commitment of recurring donations in a regular, consistent recurring donation throughout the year. It represents a commitment to financially support our ministry on an ongoing basis throughout the year.

Thanks be to these Brothers for their commitment to financially supporting our ministry

throughout the year.

Br. James Miller, Br. John Streeter, Br. David Adams,

Br. Evans Clements, Rev. Br. Ellis Clifton, Br. Nick Cox, Br. Cecil Buxo, Br. Walt Joyce, Br. Leland Metheney,

Br. Louis Surles, Br. John Blossom, Br. Eric Fisher,

Rev. Br. John Thompson-Quartey, Br. Arthur Simpson, Br. Oliver Evans, Br. Peter Gilmour, Br. Ken Holloway, Br. Roy Benavides, Br. Conrad Jones, Br. Ed Milbrada, Br. Ray Talbird, Br. George Shumard, Br. Jeff Butcher, Br. Tom Simpson, Br. Dick Hooper, Br. Eric Haralson, Br. Tom Welch, Rev. Br. Ed Bartle, Br. David Penley,

Br. John Fitzgerald, Br. Billy Harrison.

Here are our most recent additions: Br. John Blitch, Br. Tom Kelsey and Br. William Shaw.

Can you commit to a $5 or $10/month (or more) donation to this ministry and community of men that you belong to? Many brothers also make an annual contribution above dues. It is important, if not critical, to the ongoing vitality of our ministry to men and youth. If you'd like to discuss more, email us by clicking here:


Sign up today and have your appreciation gift

sent to you!





Join us...

What better way to level set during the middle of the week? We will hold a weekly Wednesday noon (CDT) prayer time over ZOOM open to all Brothers and guests. Let's pray for the Brotherhood, for our Brothers, and even share some stories of how Prayer has impacted you or someone you know!

We can all spare 20 minutes in prayer. It's like stopping at the faith service station to fill up your prayer tank!

Please join us every week when you can to recharge your prayer batteries!

The Zoom link for Mid-Day Prayers can be accessed by clicking here. 

Copy and paste this Zoom link into your calendar so you can join us for 20 minutes

every Wednesday at 1 pm EST/noon CST/11 am MST/10 am PST!


If you'd like to help lead, pick an empty date and contact conrad.jones@brothersandrew.net or roy.benavides@brothersandrew.net

It's simple...we already have the script made out (in our devotional handbook or the Book of Common Prayer)!

Prayer Leaders Schedule: Click Here

Ministry News!

Scouting and Youth

Racial Reconciliation

Social Justice



Restorative Justice

Discipleship and Mentoring

Information Resources!

We need stories from Chapters and Ministries

Our editor Kathy Copas really would like to include news of chapter events and ministry meetings or events. If you have something to share, please send to


Prayer Requests

If you have a personal prayer request, please contact (502) 450-5640 to submit your requests.

Learn to Pray the Anglican Rosary


Hymns with Link

When Christ Our Lord to Andrew Cried

When Christ Our Lord To Andrew Cried Lyrics

Jesus Calls Us, o'er the Tumult

Eternal Father

Brotherhood of St. Andrew Asset Map

Check it out!

Click below

Brotherhood of St. Andrew Asset Map

Good Books and Articles

Some Recommended

Books to Read

Signs of Life: Nurturing Spiritual Growth in Your Church

by Jay Sidebotham

The Loneliness Epidemic: Why So Many of Us Feel Alone - and How Leaders Can Respond

by Susan Mettes, David Kinnaman - foreword, et al.

*Helpful Book Reminder*

The Work of Prayer

A Manual for Those Who Would Pray Well


James O. S. Hunington, OHC

Do you have any book recommendations? Write to us and give us the title and author so we can share it with your Brothers!

Financial Dollars and Cents

Look for the end-of-year 2023 report in our next edition of LLA.

This newsletter was made possible thanks to your generous financial support.

Thanks so much!