Membership Newsletter

Brotherhood of St. Andrew

Welcome to our bi-weekly newsletter


It's a quick-read, multi-topic news channel for members to see what is going on, what is planned, and what successes from the previous weeks.

We urge you to contact us with news, tidbits, or notices of upcoming events in your area so that we can include them! We also value your feedback on this newsletter or how your national office is serving you.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with Conrad Jones (email Conrad) , Dr. Roy Benavides (email Roy) or Tom Welch (email Tom) feedback or for sharing newsletter information!

Please share this newsletter with other men in your parish or community.

From the Director's Chair

By Executive Director Tom Welch

If you are like me following the Thanksgiving feasts I've skipped stepping on my bathroom scale. I may do that until January!

As we move into the holiday season, many are dealing with the loss of loved ones for the first time. If you know of any, please give them a phone call, ask them to your home for a gathering, or pick them up on your way to a holiday event. When my father died in 2015 the next year my mother began a new tradition by asking all in her church who'd lost a loved one to a meal at her home. The table usually didn't have more than seven guests. It was nothing fancy, rather simply a way to share a common experience and the healing that takes place after a loss. Consider that yourself this year. The chance to share memories, laugh and maybe share a tear was a welcomed experience. Many said it was the most meaningful meal they had experienced in a long time. My hope for us is if we know of someone experiencing such a loss that we bring them in for visit in our own homes. It doesn't matter how our home looks. It's how it makes others feel in their hearts to be in our own home and heart at this time of year.

Our Office Manager Libby Craven and I express our gratitude to each of you, our partners in ministry as we move through the Advent and Christmas season. We are honored to be in partnership with each of you in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Next three monthly webinar speakers announced:

December 6

Rev. Dr. Ian Markham, Dean

Virginia Theological Seminary

Discussion will be centered around the 2022 book

Of Boys and Men: Why the Modern Male Is Struggling,

Why It Matters and What to Do About It


Richard V. Reeves

January 3

Rev. Can. Scott Gunn, Executive Director

Forward Movement

February 7

Rev. Matthew S.C. Oliver

Executive Director and Publisher

The Living Church

Our monthly webinars are always on the first Wednesday of each month at 8pm/Eastern.

Here's the link:

Monthly Webinar Link


MINISTRY DUES Renewals coming up!

Here's some tips which have been successful at a chapter in Florida.


For a number of years, our chapter had difficulty collecting annual dues promptly. It was made more difficult when the national office attempted to be the collection point. This added a great deal of back and forth trying to see who was on the chapter roster and added delay and uncertainty to follow-up of non-paying members. Last year our chapter tried a new approach. The timeline is described below:

There are 3 ways to pay your dues:

1. Pay online by selecting the weekly Christ Church Chronicle in your email file. Then click on "give online". Then enter $50.00. Then select "BStA Dues" from the drop-down menu. Then complete the credit card information. Then submit. (Note: This option will only be available during November.)

2. Pay by check. Check payable to (Your Parish) with "BStA Dues" on the memo line. Your check may be submitted by mailing it to the church, putting it in the Chapter Director's office drop slot, placing it in the offering plate, or bringing it to the breakfast meeting on 18 November.

3. Pay by cash at the breakfast meeting in November. 


Our goal is to complete the dues renewal drive by the end of November. So please "Step Up" and pay your dues. God's peace through prayer, study, and service.


December 1- 15 – Send one check from the local church’s BStA account for all chapter dues to the national office along with the Annual Chapter Report (ACR).


1. The check is for all brothers who have paid their annual dues for the next year.

2. These brothers are the new roster of members submitted with the ACR.

3. Anyone paying dues after the chapter check is submitted must send their payment to the national office. When the local chapter is notified by the national office that payment has been received, they are added to the roster.


January – BStA Chapter officers meet to plan new year activities including the Rededication meeting in November. Get on the Rector’s calendar for rededication service and Brotherhood Sunday. Arrange for a special speaker for the rededication meeting.

February – Publish the calendar of events for the year and distribute it to all members.

This worked very well for our chapter last year.

Here we go again.

God’s peace,

Lee Wright, Director,

Christ Church Chapter, Pensacola Florida

Join the Chicago Assembly

in celebrating the Brotherhood’s 140th anniversary at the historic St. James Cathedral where our organization began back in 1883. Enjoy tours of the historic facilities, music by the Shannon Rovers Bag Pipers, and presentations made by the National Brotherhood organization. Refreshments and a luncheon are included after a short business meeting. This all takes place Saturday, December 2, 2023, at 8:30 a.m. Invitations will be sent out in November, but Save the Date!

Registration is open at


or download hard copy here to mail with check

Make your hotel reservations at


Registration & Reservation Deadline is January 15, 2024


St. Andrew's Cross November 2023


According to our bylaws, Each Chapter and each assembly and each standing committee is responsible for preparing their annual report which is to be available at our Annual Meeting.

( Bylaws 8 d)

----The Executive Board shall submit the budget to the National Council in writing as a part of the Annual Report prepared and printed under the direction of the National Office.

 I am a member of the National Council as a voting chapter rep and have seen nothing in writing about the annual report except the Chapter reports. I am also co-chair of the Racial Rec Committee and have seen nothing about the need for a report.

(Bylaws section 7 E)

Nominating Committee report published to the membership by direct mail or the Cross not less than 30 days prior to the convention

 (Bylaws section 7 K)

Click here for ONLINE 2023 Annual Chapter Report

Click here for PRINTABLE/MAILABLE 2023

Annual Chapter Report

Chapter and Brother News!

Send us pictures and short writeups of what great things are going on in your Brotherhood world! We'd love to share!

Kirkin O' The Tartan

Christ Church

Elizabeth City, NC

On Sunday, Nov. 26, Christ Church celebrated St. Andrew with their traditional Kirkin O' The Tartans service. Congregation members displayed their family's tartans and St. Andrew was the subject of the sermon by Fr. Dan Cenci. The Brotherhood members served as ushers, lay readers, and led the procession with the chapter banner. November 30th marks the 1,963rd anniversary of the martyrdom of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. A Kirkin’ O’ the Tartan is an almost-Scottish American tradition, generally considered a rededication (of clans and others) to God’s service. While 18th century Scots had to hide their ancient clan tartans in the Kirk (church), today Scots and those of Scots descent, celebrate both their national and their religious heritage with a Kirkin’.

St. Andrew's Day Service: Province II: St. George's Episcopal Church: 11.30.23

This year the Annual Province II

St. Andrew's Day Service

Rev. Gilberto Hinds, Celebrant & Chaplain

Rev. Canon Donavan Leys, Homilist

Rev. Sean Wallace, Rector

Bro. Nick Cox, Province President

Province II consists of Members and Associates from Suffolk, Nassau, Queens and Brooklyn, Northern New Jersey and Southern New York. All are welcome.

You can join the service at 7pm EST on 11/30/23

by clicking on this link:

Click here

Christ Church

Pensacola, FL

The Christ Church Pensacola BStA Chapter

celebrated the Feast of

St. Andrew Day early o November 18 a bit early but not less memorable. The following day, Sunday November 19 was designated Brotherhood Sunday by the parish and was acknowledged by the brothers leading the worship procession with their banner to the familiar tune of “Jesus Calls Us.”

At their November 18 meeting the brothers, lead aby the rector, Father Michael Hoffman rededicated their chapter to the purpose of prayer, study and service, followed by celebration of the Eucharist. The meeting was concluded by a Zoom call from Executive Director Br. Tom Welch. He shared with the chapter of the recent developments at the national level. During the Q&A session Brother Tom admitted that his Hebrew course at Virginia Theological Seminary this semester was tougher than expected!

Ministry Dues were also collected at the chapter meeting under their careful supervision of Brother Dick Hooper, National Membership Committee Chairman. The usual cost of breakfast was assumed by the chapter and to add to the appreciation, 4 bottles of wine were raffled off.  

On the nineteenth Brothers Ken Pyle and Patrick Israel were the lay readers and Dick Hooper assisted head usher and brother, Ed Holt in taking up the collection. At coffee hour Director Lee Wright provided a cake with the Brotherhood logo for the coffee hour. Not a crust was left at the end of fellowship.

The Brotherhood of St Andrew at Good Shepherd in Friendswood, TX smoked 11 turkeys (average 13.71 lbs), 17 roasts (3 lbs), and 16 turkey legs (2 lbs; new for this year) this year. That’s 233.81 pounds of turkey we shopped for, thawed out, prepped, smoked/cooked, bagged, and delivered to customers. This was about 1/3rd less than we did last year, but we still had a successful fundraiser. We thank all who participated and/or donated.


And huge thanks to the following Brothers who contributed about 37 hours of labor to make this all possible: Ronnie Vinson, Chris Mays, Peter Gilmour, Alan McArthur, Robert Walker, Wiley Murrell, and Tom Chastant. In addition to making money, there was great fellowship during our preparing and cooking sessions.


The Brotherhood promotes the spread of Christ's Kingdom among men and youth through the disciplines of daily prayer, regular study, and continuous service. All men and youth are welcome to attend our meetings which are regularly held at 10:00 am in Shepherd's Hall on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month. We also host a Brother TGIF event on Friday between our two meetings. Come join the fun.


Brotherhood Director, Peter Gilmour



Membership Updates

(Through 11/29/23)


1,463 Sr. Members paid

including 242 New Members!

554 Life Members

11 Junior Members

34 Associate Members

That's 2,062 total!

Recognizing Our

Sustaining Members

Sustaining Members refers to Brothers who have made a commitment to offer a monthly (or quarterly) donation to the Brotherhood over and above their regular Sr. Membership dues or a Life Membership.

Many of us do make additional donations throughout the year (Ex: special appeals, purchase of the Sweepstakes tickets, etc.), but this a pledged commitment of recurring donations in a regular, consistent recurring donation throughout the year. It represents a commitment to financially support our ministry on an ongoing basis throughout the year.

Thanks be to these Brothers for their commitment to financially supporting our ministry

throughout the year.

Br. James Miller, Br. John Streeter, Br. David Adams,

Br. Evans Clements, Rev. Br. Ellis Clifton, Br. Nick Cox, Br. Cecil Buxo, Br. Walt Joyce, Br. Leland Metheney,

Br. Louis Surles, Br. John Blossom, Br. Eric Fisher,

Rev. Br. John Thompson-Quartey, Br. Arthur Simpson, Br. Oliver Evans, Br. Peter Gilmour, Br. Ken Holloway, Br. Roy Benavides, Br. Conrad Jones, Br. Ed Milbrada, Br. Ray Talbird, Br. George Shumard, Br. Jeff Butcher, Br. Tom Simpson, Br. Dick Hooper, Br. Eric Haralson, Br. Tom Welch, Rev. Br. Ed Bartle, Br. David Penley,

Br. John Fitzgerald, Br. Billy Harrison.

Can you commit to a $5 or $10/month (or more) donation to this ministry and community of men that you belong to? That's less than a lunch at McDonald's! It is important, if not critical, to the ongoing vitality of our ministry to men and youth. If you'd like to discuss more, email me by clicking here:


Sign up today and have your appreciation gift

sent to you!

Members At Large

(MAL) News!

Bro. Lyn Reavis hosts a monthly zoom "breakfast" meeting for Members At Large (MAL). Using the Brothers Andrew Devotional Handbook, the meeting ritual begins with our Chapter Devotional. His Life Line format focus on Study, Prayer, and a Commitment to Service in each members local parish or community. The Study usually considers a Saint from the church's liturgical calendar. Members At Large or anyone interested in the Brotherhood is invited.  Check our Members Newsletter "Lead Like Andrew" for more information about the zoom link and schedule. Otherwise, the session usually falls on the third Saturday of each month at 9:30 a.m. (Central Time). Bro. Lyn can be reached at lyn.reavis@brothersandrew.net.




Pray Day

Join us...

What better way to level set during the middle of the week? We will hold a weekly Wednesday noon (CDT) prayer time over ZOOM open to all Brothers and guests. Let's pray for the Brotherhood, for our Brothers, and even share some stories of how Prayer has impacted you or someone you know!

We can all spare 20 minutes in prayer. It's like stopping at the faith service station to fill up your prayer tank!

Please join us every week when you can to recharge your prayer batteries!

The Zoom link can be accessed by clicking here. 

Copy and paste this Zoom link into your calendar so you can join us for 20 minutes

every Wednesday at 1 pm EST/noon CST/11 am MST/10 am PST!


If you'd like to help lead, pick an empty date and contact conrad.jones@brothersandrew.net or roy.benavides@brothersandrew.net

It's simple...we already have the script made out (in our devotional handbook or the Book of Common Prayer)!

Prayer Leaders Schedule

Nov 29 - Br. Roy Benavides

Dec 6 - Br. Dick Hooper

Dec 13 - Br. Chris Mathews

Dec 20 - Br. Tom Welch

Dec 27 - Br. Tom Welch

Jan 3 - Need volunteer

Jan 10 - Need volunteer

Jan 17 - Need volunteer

Ministry News!

Scouting and Youth

Racial Reconciliation

Social Justice



Restorative Justice

Discipleship and Mentoring


We are excited to announce that the very special Whitney M. Young, Jr. Service Award Reception, at which Brother Reginald Scantlebury will be among the honorees, will take place on Thursday, November 30, 2023, from 6:00 - 8:00 PM at the Margaritaville Hotel and Resort in Times Square, New York City! Please mark your calendar!


We hope that you will join us as we celebrate and highlight Reginald's illustrious career, and please consider supporting at one of the Sponsorship Levels detailed on the attached invite. Register online at www.nycscouting.org/whitney 


Each year, the proceeds from the reception are used to support the NYC Boy Scouts ScoutReach Program, which delivers traditional Scouting programs to NYC’s most economically challenged and underserved neighborhoods. The ScoutReach after-school program has a proven track record in over 20 public schools located in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan, and is designed to help foster new interests and skills through fitness and citizenship training in a fun, interactive environment. Additionally, a portion of the monies raised will also help to provide camping scholarships for disadvantaged children throughout New York City.


Information Resources!

We need stories from Chapters and Ministries

Our editor Kathy Copas really would like to include news of chapter events and ministry meetings or events. If you have something to share, please send to


Prayer Requests

If you have a personal prayer request, please contact (502) 450-5640 to submit your requests.

Learn to Pray the Anglican Rosary


Hymns with Link

When Christ Our Lord to Andrew Cried

When Christ Our Lord To Andrew Cried Lyrics

Jesus Calls Us, o'er the Tumult

Eternal Father

Please Give Us Your Feedback

We have two SurveyMonkey surveys for you to provide your opinions and thoughts. The surveys end on midnight December 2nd.

Click here for the link for a SurveyMonkey on the Cross:

The Saint Andrew Cross Magazine

The St. Andrew Cross (TSAC) is one of the Brotherhood's most enduring communications mediums to its members. Yet, TSAC, as a monthly magazine, has undergone several publication changes over the years. We want to continue this quality publication with additional insights into the type, frequency, and effectiveness of this publication.

Click here for the link for a Survey Monkey if you are a Member-at-Large


Thank you for taking the time to read and respond to this Survey. Standing alone, Members-at-Large is the Largest single Chapter in the Brotherhood. And we want to Hear from you about how we can better SERVE you, the member.

Brotherhood of St. Andrew Asset Map

Check it out!

Click below

Brotherhood of St. Andrew Asset Map

Good Books and Articles

Some Recommended

Books to Read

Signs of Life: Nurturing Spiritual Growth in Your Church

by Jay Sidebotham

The Loneliness Epidemic: Why So Many of Us Feel Alone - and How Leaders Can Respond

by Susan Mettes, David Kinnaman - foreword, et al.

*Helpful Book Reminder*

The Work of Prayer

A Manual for Those Who Would Pray Well


James O. S. Hunington, OHC

Do you have any book recommendations? Write to us and give us the title and author so we can share it with your Brothers!

Financial Dollars and Cents


Cash Flow Statement for YTD October 2023

This newsletter was made possible thanks to your generous financial support.

Thanks so much!