September 2020
Class Offerings Newsletter
Parenting is a journey that is full of learning with your child or children. When a child is born they don't come with a parenting manual, as the child grows parents are learning how to parent and what is best for their family and children during that time. The fascinating journey of parenting evolves as children move through each developmental phase.
Information about parenting strategies and child development helps parents understand what to expect and how to provide what children need during each phase. For caregivers and parents an understanding of child development includes:
  • physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional development
  • signs indicating a child may have a developmental delay and needs special help
  • factors that promote or inhibit healthy child outcomes
  • discipline and how to positively impact child behavior

Teachers, Parent Educators and Parent Coaches are great resources for increasing understanding of child development. Sometimes our personal experience and family history provide unique challenges that need out-of-the-box approaches. Below is an exciting new support available to families.
Help Me Grow is a county-wide system that supports children and their families by providing free developmental screenings and linkage to services that promote optimal growth. Through Help Me Grow parents and Caregivers with children aged 0 - 5 who reside in SLO County can get support with:
  • developmental screenings
  • referral to community services
  • identifying local providers
  • information on child development
Contact SLO County Help Me Grow today! The Help Me Grow Family Resource Center at 1030 Southwood Drive, SLO is accessible by appointment only.
(805) 544-4355 x282,
Gwendolyn Garcia,
Program Coordinator
Parent Education
Active Parenting of Teens
You can create harmony and stability in your family while raising your teens to be responsible, courageous, and prepared for independent life. You will learn a proven approach to parenting, plus indispensable techniques, and insights for overcoming obstacles, that will bring happiness and harmony in your family’s’ daily life. 

Date: 9/10, 9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15
Time: 7 - 9pm
Educator: Sharon Lovelady
Registration required: 
Grupo de Apoyo para Padres
Support Group for Parents
Conectese con otros padres en la Comunidad Oceano y explore maneras de apoyar la estabilidad y el exito de su familia. (Connect with other parents in the Oceano Community and explore ways to support the stability and success of your family.)

Date: 9/11, 9/25, 10/9, 10/23
Time: 3:30-5:30 pm
Educator: Maria Patino
Registration required: o puee llamar a 805-474-3690
Active Parenting: 5 - 12 Year Olds
Learn 7 strategies for school success, along with positive discipline and communication techniques to help your family run more smoothly and harmoniously. Each session includes lectures, videos, parent discussion, and activities.

Date: 9/15, 9/22, 9/24, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20
Time: 7 - 8:45pm
Educator: Julie Ashworth
Registration required:
Foro Sobre La Sexualidad de Adolescents
Teen Sexuality: Parenting Forum
Únase a nosotros en un foro que explora cómo hablar con sus adolescentes sobre relaciones, identidad de género, seguridad personal, sexo y sexualidad.
(Join us for a forum exploring how to talk to your teens about relationships, gender identity, personal safety, sex and sexuality.)

Date: 9/29
Time: 6:30 - 8pm
Educator: Jackie Llamas
Registration required: o puee llamar a 805-474-3690
Parenting Sober Support Group
For parents at any stage of recovery who want to get a grip on parenting and stay sober in the process! Group aligns parenting foundation principles with 12-step principles.

When: Second and fourth Tuesdays, 10 - 11:30am
Facilitator: Cindy DuSair
Contact: Please contact Cindy at 805-550-5865 or
Parent Coaching
Our team of Parent Coaches has over 80 years of combined experience working with families. They are here to provide free and confidential support in English or Spanish for parents and caregivers in San Luis Obispo County.
Friday Night Live wants you to remember to talk with your teens during this time. It's important to talk to them about substance abuse so they will know what to do if they are in a situation where kids are using substances around them.
Sign Up For Our Newsletter
Sign up for our newsletter! Parent Connection of San Luis Obispo County delivers a monthly newsletter with up-to-date information about community events, classes, parent education, and parent coaching. 
Gwendolyn Garcia, Parent Connection Program Coordinator | 805-543-3700
Parent Connection of San Luis Obispo County is a prevention program managed by Center for Family Strengthening and made possible by the Mental Health Services Act Prevention and Early Intervention funding.