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Dear Sharon,

Thank you for attending Virtual NASN2024! Your active involvement and enthusiasm were instrumental in making this year's conference a tremendous success. Seeing school nurses comment and participate in the sessions and networking opportunities reinforces our commitment to being Stronger Together.

Recordings of educational sessions streamed on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will be available during the week of July 15. [NOTE: The sponsored session in the afternoon will not have a recording and there are no NCPD contact hours for sessions that are sponsored.]

Also, make sure to keep your eye on the conference discussion list. When session recordings are available we will announce it there. We will also post additional updates received from speakers and reminders about deadlines in the future.

Thank You, Vendors and Sponsors!

Thank you to all our vendors and sponsors! The information and resources shared were excellent. [Resources shared in the Sponsored Session are still available on the Resources tab in the session on the event platform.]

Attendee Anecdotes

From the Attendee Chat of the session Supporting the Wellbeing of School Nurses Through the Implementation of Schwartz Rounds:

"Powerful presentation, which resonates so deeply. Learning that Schwartz Rounds do have a meaningful place in School Nursing and mechanics to implement. The personal experiences shared meant more than the presenters may know. Thank You." -- Marion of Massachusetts

"I am so happy to have you sharing this information as it applies to the school nurse position. This is something I would like to utilize in my district." -- Angela of Washington State


"Thank you for presenting this supportive idea for nurses. Nurses are often the "catch all" as when staff doesn't know what to do with the student they send them to see the nurse. Not that I mind as that's what I'm there for but support is so helpful." -- Dawn of Illinois


From the Attendee Chat of the session Equity and Collaboration - The Keys to Asthma Control:


"Thank you for this training! Feeling empowered in voicing student and family needs, and providing support using the Social determinates lense. Being a change Agent is Nursing!" -- Marion of Massachusetts


From the Attendee Chat of the session Impacts of Social Media on the Health of Kids and Teens: Considerations for School Nurses:

"This was a timely and incredibly informative presentation! I think every nurse would benefit from seeing this presentation. Thank you for sharing this with us." -- Judith in Maryland

Don't Forget!

NCPD Contact Hours

Virtual NASN2024 offers up to 20.0 NCPD contact hours.

Steps to Complete NCPD

Complete a brief assessment and evaluation for sessions you complete to earn contact hours

Virtual NASN2024 deadline to earn NCPD: October 11, 2024

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The National Association of School Nurses