Welcome to our newsletter, Digital Transatlantic Dialogue. If you haven't joined us yet, w e are offering webinars every week on a specific public policy or cultural topic with experts from our inspiring community!

Today's Newsletter
  1. Virtual Cooking Class
  2. Young Leader-led Webinar
  3. In the News
  4. Economy and COVID-19
  5. Happy Mother's Day
Virtual Cooking Class
Treat yourself to an unforgettable culinary experience with renowned writer and cookbook author Melissa Clark and her passion for cuisine. Get inspired by the recipe she'll be sharing with us from her new book, Dinner In French! You'll enjoy a fun and friendly evening with our wider community. Be sure to RSVP today!
NYTimes bestselling food writer and author

  • Ingredient list can be found here
  • Date & Time: Thursday, May 14 at 6:00 PM ET
  • RSVP: Click HERE to sign up.
Young Leader-led Webinar
We’re pleased to invite you to join us for our third Young Leader-led webinar in partnership with our sister organization, the French-American Foundation - France.

The event is free and open to the public. You do not need a Zoom account to join!

 Assistant professor in the department of surgery and cell biology and Director of the vascular research program at New York University Langone Medical Center
and American Young Leader ’19
Director of Strategy and Performance at Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
and French Young Leader ’16

  • Topic: Racing to a Vaccine
  • Date & Time: Thursday, May 28 at 12:30 pm ET
  • RSVP: Click HERE to sign up. Registered guests will receive a link to join in the days leading up to the event.
  • "Millions of working people and small-business owners who cannot earn money while sheltering at home are facing economic ruin. So dozens of states, seeking to ease the pain, are coming out of lockdown. (...)"

Come On and Zoom-Zoom , The New Yorker
  • "The transition from in-office meetings to at-home video conferencing has occasioned lots of memes and social-media posts about “my idea of a Zoom meeting,” usually accompanied by a grainy video or photo of haphazardly barbered nineteen-seventies children romping around in striped rugby shirts. (...)"

  • "The federal government is letting states know it considers online voting to be a "high-risk" way of running elections even if all recommended security protocols are followed. (...)"

  • " Lundi, les Français retrouvaient une liberté de mouvement sous contrôle. Les photographes du « Monde » ont suivi cette journée, à la fois particulière et banale, où la vie (presque) normale reprenait. (...)"
Economy and COVID-19
  • "Plunging revenue at many businesses, whether they close or not, could ripple through the economy and block a quick return to prosperity. (...)"

  • "The million dollar question could cost the United States millions of dollars, both in economic loss and public health expenditures. But officials and experts must first agree on a path forward. Researchers at Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University and the American Enterprise Institute have each put together a plan for reopening the country while holding back the tides of COVID-19. (...)"

  • "As President Trump pushes to lift pandemic restrictions and restart the economy, his administration is sending a host of mixed signals about the gravity of the ongoing crisis and the next steps in the federal response. (...)"

  • "Until recently, many policy makers and corporate executives were hoping for a V-shaped economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic: a short, sharp collapse followed by a bounce back to pre-virus levels of activity. (...)"
Happy Mother's Day
The French-American Foundation wishes a happy belated Mother's Day to mothers around the globe, especially during this challenging moment when so many are hard at work supporting families through this crisis. Moms everywhere, you are amazing!

"The origins of Mother’s Day as celebrated in the United States date back to the 19th century. In the years before the  Civil War , Ann Reeves Jarvis of  West Virginia  helped start “Mothers’ Day Work Clubs” to teach local women how to properly care for their children (...)". Read more .
Previous Webinars
Check out the full recordings of our webinars. The links below will take you to a 15-minute preview on Dropbox. You'll have the option to download the full file on the side of the page.

  1. How Coronavirus Will Change Geopolitics
  2. Coronavirus: The Infodemic?
  3. Book Reading: A Hundred Suns
  4. Book Talk: The Cactus League
  5. Creative Insights With Marc Levy
  6. Crisis Management During COVID-19
COVID-19 Sources
Breaking News
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