Dear Art Lovers,

These are very challenging times but we wanted to reiterate that we are all going through this together, even from 6 feet apart. I’d like to keep you informed about what is happening at the Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center and to let you know we miss you.
  • Our gallery remains closed but we are all working remotely. Phone calls are being re-routed and of course we are on email. The gallery will remain closed until the decision is made for us to reopen. Right now, there is no definitive time, although we are closely monitoring recommendations from local and national leaders.
  • All events and programs have either been canceled or postponed. Once the gallery reopens, we will issue a revised calendar.
  • In the meantime, the Carpinteria Arts Center is gearing up for immersive virtual activities for all to enjoy on our website. Please stay tuned
Paige working at home with her furry assistant Belle
We will send out frequent updates to all of you. There will be more to come on the virtual experiences to share and additional information regarding Carpinteria Arts Center news.

In the meantime, stay safe and be well. Cook something delicious. Try and new craft. Call an old friend. Scratch your dog’s ears. I can’t wait to celebrate with you all just as soon as we can.

Warm regards,
Paige Van Tuyl
Executive Director
Virtual Happy Hour with Carpinteria Arts Center!
Join us for our first ever virtual community Zoom meeting happy hour

Next Monday at 5:00pm

Grab your favorite drink and get ready to catch up and share a toast together. We will also share about how the arts are uplifting our lives right now during this challenging time. If you have a computer, just click on the link to join:

Meeting ID: 500 894 623
If you will be using a phone, download the free Zoom app from your app store on your phone.
Operations Manager Kristina Calkins & Gallery host and event volunteer Connie Geston hope to share a toast with you Monday!