March 2021 Newsletter
Vaccinate Virginia Edition

Virginia Partners in Prayer & Prevention continues to work with, support and be a resource to our places of worship, faith-based and interfaith communities.

March is the special time of year where the immeasurable impact women have made on society is commemorated. Read more.

In This Issue

Women's History Month

VA COVID Info Center Toolkit

DMV Faith In Action


Have you been exposed to COVID-19

Executive Order Third Amended


Training & Webinars
Virginia’s COVID-19 Vaccine Pre-Registration System and COVID Information Center

The VA COVID Info Center Toolkit helps announce the launch of the COVID-19 vaccine pre-registration system.

Help spread the news + encourage your communities to sign up for the free COVID-19 vaccine at or 1-877-VAX-IN-VA.
Additional sharable (printable) materials are available and in additional languages (Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Korean, Vietnamese, and Tagalog).

These posters/sharables encourage Virginians to share their vaccination story,
along with the hashtag, #VaccinateVirginia.
"Share Your Vaccination Story"

"Your words can help others feel better about getting the vaccine."

Share your vaccination experience with #VaccinateVirginia.
What to do if you were potentially exposed to coronavirus disease (COVID-19)?
Executive Order 72 (Third Amended)
(Individuals attending religious services)
1. All Public and Private In-Person Gatherings
Subject to the following requirements, this restriction shall not bar individuals from attending religious services or assembling for educational instruction with more than 10 individuals indoors, or 25 individuals outdoors, provided:
a. Individuals assembled for educational instruction adhere to the applicable physical distancing and sanitization plan and guidelines of the relevant governing body or educational entity adopted pursuant to the State Health Commissioner’s Order Public Health Emergency (June 8, 2020).
b. Individuals attending religious services:
i. Practice proper physical distancing at all times.
ii. Mark seating and common areas where attendees may congregate in six-foot increments to maintain physical distancing.
iii. Ensure that any items used to distribute food or beverages either should be disposable or washed or cleaned between uses between individuals who are not Family members.
iv. Conduct routine cleaning and disinfection of frequently-contacted surfaces prior to and following any religious service.
v. Post signage at the entrance that states that no one with a fever or symptoms of COVID-19 is permitted to participate in the religious service.
vi. Post signage to provide public health reminders regarding physical distancing, gatherings, options for high risk individuals, and staying home if sick.
vii. Wear masks over their nose and mouth in accordance with section II
viii. Post signage at the entrance of all indoor areas stating that individuals must wear a mask in accordance with this Order.
c. Parties attending religious services must be seated at least six feet from other parties.
If religious services cannot be conducted in compliance with the above requirements, they must not be held in-person. Further, any social gathering held in connection with religious service is subject to the public and private in-person gatherings restriction in section I, subsection B, paragraph 1. Additional suggested guidance can be found here.
The DMV Faith in Action Webinar Series will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of the following months: February, April, June, August, October and December. Each session will focus on building the operational and response capacity of faith and ministry leaders in Washington DC. Maryland and Virginia (DMV) over a broad spectrum of health and community concerns.

Save the Date: April 13, 2021, 12:00 PM ET
Regina Jefferson
Carmi Washington Flood -
BBB Tip: Don’t share your COVID-19 vaccine card on social media
Got your COVID-19 vaccine? Great job! But don’t share a photo of your vaccination card on social media. The self-identifying information on it makes you vulnerable to identity theft and can help scammers create phony versions.
What to watch out for:
You got your COVID-19 inoculation, and you are excited to share the good news and encourage others to do the same. You take a selfie holding your vaccination card and post it to Facebook, Instagram, or another social media platform.

Unfortunately, your card has your full name and birthday on it, as well as information about where you got your vaccine. If your social media privacy settings aren’t set high, you may be giving valuable information away for anyone to use.

Sharing your personal information isn’t the only issue. Scammers in Great Britain were caught selling fake vaccination cards on eBay and TikTok. It’s only a matter of time before similar cons come to the United States and Canada. Posting photos of your card can help provide scammers with information they can use to create and sell phony ones.
Share safely on social media:
  • Share your vaccine sticker or use a profile frame instead.
  • Review your security settings.
  • Be wary of answering popular social media prompts.
Renowned Scientist to Biden Administration and Virginia Bishop Discuss Importance of Vaccines and Safe Worship Practices
In a wide-ranging, fact-filled, energetic, and informative interview, Dr. David Agus, a nationally renowned scientist, and long-time adviser to President Biden, speaks with Bishop Sharma Lewis of The Virginia United Methodist Church about the COVID-19 pandemic. He addresses such issues as the importance of vaccines, when things will get back to normal, and safe worship practices.
MHA: Take a Mental Health Test

Online screening is one of the quickest and easiest ways to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition.

How does it work?
Following screening, you will be provided with information, resources and tools to help you understand and improve your mental health.

Mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety, are real, common and treatable. And recovery is possible.

Kidney Sundays: A Toolkit

Health ministry leaders, or anyone interested in bringing health programming to their congregation, can use this toolkit to help make the kidney connection.

Download a Free Copy (PDF, 7.94 MB) 

Download Companion Slides (PPTX, 29.62 MB) 

National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

The Office on Women's Health (OWH) relies on partners to help spread the word about National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD). In this toolkit, you will find graphics, a hashtag, sample social media posts, and other resources you can use to help promote NWGHAAD on your organization's social media channels on March 10 or any day in March. Thank you for supporting NWGHAAD — our success depends on you!
Trainings & Webinars
Funding Opportunities

The Gardens for Good grant program supports community gardens across North America who are growing organic food and doing good in their communities. To spread the love a little further in 2021, we will award 21 garden projects with $5,000 each this year!

Whole Foods

Whole Foods Market’s community giving programs provide a wide range of resources to help address existing and emerging needs in our neighborhoods and industry. Whole Food's work with individuals and organizations that share our commitment to nourishing people, animals and the planet, and proudly support hundreds of partnerships and initiatives each year. Learn more, Whole Foods, Caring For Local And Global Communities

Veronica Cosby, VDH Office of Health Equity
Virginia Partners in Prayer & Prevention
For more information on Virginia P3, visit us here.
Stay Connected with VDH Updates from the Office of Health Equity
This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).