Fall is just around the corner!

Time to enjoy all the delicious fruits of the season

The Role of Veteran Service Officers

Veterans and their dependents are potentially eligible for benefits. You must go through an intake interview to determine whether you qualify for services. The Veteran Service Officer (VSO) will serve as your advocate to assist you with the preparation, presentation, and possible appeal of your VA benefits. The VA trains and accredits them to aid Veterans, their dependents, and survivors. There is no charge for services. VSOs are available in every county in the US. Their services do not have geographical boundaries. VSOs are authorized to assist regardless of where you live. They may also be a resource for services other than what the VA provides, such as home care, transportation, and housing,

For a listing of Veteran Service Officers:

Colorado County Veterans Service Offices | Colorado Division of Veterans Affairs

New Mexico Field Offices | NM Department of Veterans Services (nmdvs.org)

Wyoming Veteran Service Officers - Wyoming Military Department

The Role of Vet Centers 

Vet Centers are community-based counseling centers that provide various social and psychological services, including professional counseling to eligible Veterans, service members, National Guard and Reservists, and their families. Counseling helps Veterans successfully transition from military to civilian life or after a traumatic event experienced in the military. Read more @ Vet Centers (Readjustment Counseling) Home (va.gov)

For a listing of Vet Centers:

Colorado - Locations (va.gov)

New Mexico - Locations (va.gov)

Wyoming - Locations (va.gov)

What is form DD-215?

Form DD-215 is a revised form which corrects possible errors or omissions from the original Form DD-214.Your DD-214 and other records can change over time regardless of when you were discharged from the military. Form DD-215 is an update of your military history and can show you may be eligible for medals, accommodations, and possible benefits you may not be aware of. It is a legal and accepted form of proof of service. A Veteran Service Officer is trained to help you with this. You will need your DD-214 and proper identification to start the process.

Vet Connect New Mexico

We’re hosting our first annual Vet Connect Veteran Event !

  • Saturday, September 16th 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
  • New Mexico Veterans Memorial
  • 1100 Louisiana Blvd SE, Albuquerque

The purpose is to connect Veterans to Veterans in the spirit of camaraderie and conversation. Families and Active Military are encouraged to attend.

Free Admission - Refreshments Provided

This Is Why We Do What We Do

Rental Nightmare

We were contacted by the neighbor of a 78-year-old Vietnam Army Veteran in Littleton, Colorado, regarding a severe plumbing problem in the Veteran's home. It was caused by a malicious tenant living in the Veteran's basement. The tenant was several months behind in rent payments. After being confronted by the Veteran, the tenant left in the middle of the night, taking with him several household items, food from the basement freezer, and other personal belongings of the Veteran and his wife. His final act of spite was pouring a bag of quick-set concrete down the bathroom shower drain, which also affected the bathroom toilet and sink drain.

The Veteran is blind due to a failed eye surgery. Rarely did he or his physically disabled wife go downstairs. They were not immediately aware of the basement flooding caused by the clogged drains. We contacted the Littleton Home Depot with the issue and scheduled a time to assess the situation. When the investigation revealed the concrete in the bathroom drains, we applied for a grant from the Home Depot Foundation.

We did get the funds; this project took several months because the concrete had to be thoroughly drilled out and replaced with new pipes and drains, a new shower assembly area, a new shower door, a new sink and toilet, and new flooring and walls in the bathroom. In addition, the basement area damaged by the flooding had to be cleaned up and renovated. This project is one of many home modifications we've completed by partnering with Home Depot.

“Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.”

- Helen Keller

Volunteer Opportunities

We are so thankful for the sacrifices and services that Veterans have performed for our country. We’re in search of additional volunteers to help us better serve our Veterans. Volunteering not only has a huge impact on our Veterans, but it also provides benefits to the volunteer. Volunteering increases self-confidence, self-esteem, and life satisfaction. It combats depression and helps you stay physically healthy. We have a shortage of volunteers to give rides to Veterans to medical appointments and other necessary trips. The need continues to increase and sometimes we’re not able to accommodate all the requests Click here to learn more about our volunteer opportunities.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service to others.”

- Mahatma Gandhi

Storage Unit Fees

We’ve had a recent increase in the cost of our storage unit which houses donated furniture, bedding, and household items for Veterans and family members in need of basic essentials We offer this as a free service, but it takes money to store the items. If you would like to help out, or just learn more, please call us at 720-600-0860.

Free Produce for Veterans

Every Monday from 9 am-noon through the summer.

Northern Colorado VA Outpatient Clinic (NOCO)

4575 Bryd Drive in Loveland, CO.

Vet Connect Sponsors 2023

Top Brass


What exactly does Qualified Listeners do?

  • We listen
  • Provide transportation to medical appointments
  • Help with mobility equipment
  • Offer vetted resources for Veterans
  • Help Veterans & families find more peace in their lives

Monetary Donations:

We are always grateful for monetary donations, which allow us to continue serving Veterans and families. If you can contribute whatever amount you feel comfortable with, please click here. It’s not about donating; it’s about making a difference. We’re a 501(C)3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible under our EIN 81-5381427.

We are only a phone call away! 720-600-0860

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