DataMan 8070 Verifier
Verify Code Quality on Every Surface
Barcode verification is the process of grading the quality of barcodes. Barcode verifiers capture images and generate reports to demonstrate compliance to parameters within industry standardization guidelines.

The DataMan 8070 series barcode verifier from Cognex is packed with powerful lighting options, robust grading algorithms, a high-speed processing engine, and a high-resolution camera to capture and grade the most difficult direct part mark (DPM) codes. As the only DPM verifier on the market with 30-, 45-, and 90-degree lighting options, the DataMan 8070 verifier can easily illuminate codes on textured, curved, and even highly reflective surfaces. Combined with simple DataMan Setup Tool software, the DataMan 8070 series verifiers deliver detailed, repeatable results.

APPLICATION: Bottle Fill Line
High-speed pressure/leak detector system
The current method for leak detect has been tapping on the top of lid and sensing the pressure. This is difficult technique with low accuracy.

The SMAC solution is to sense the side of bottle by pushing with specific force and determining the movement to determine pressure in bottle. If there is a leak the spring back is greater. The cycle rate is 20 Hz. Since the SMAC actuator can sense the surface, apply programmable force and monitor position of movement it is a game changing solution, much more accurate than vacuum decay / pressure decay leak testing.

This same in-line inspection solution can be used for soft pouch packaging such as contact lenses or coffee "pods."

Upcoming Training & Events:

Cognex In-Sight Basic Training
August 7-8, 2018
Norwood, MA

Cognex In-Sight Advanced Training
August 9, 2018
Norwood, MA

Cognex In-Sight Basic Training
August 14-15, 2018
Morristown, NJ

Cognex In-Sight Advanced Training
August 16, 2018
Morristown, NJ

Introduction to IAI SEL Training
August 29, 2018
Norwood, MA

Mitsubishi GX Works3 Programming
September 11-14, 2018
Norwood, MA