Ven. Amy Miller at
Tse Chen Ling Center!

Thursday, July 7th, 7pm - 9pm 
What's Love Got to Do with It? 
Love, Desire and Enjoying Meaningful Relationships 
"Love" and "attachment" are often confused, creating conflict in our relationships, particularly the most intimate ones. If we can lessen attachment, grasping, and control and more fully appreciate all of the goodness in our lives, experiences of genuine love and freedom organically arise. Open to students of all levels. 
Email to register.  Pre-registration is recommended but not required.
Suggested Donation: $25

Saturday, July 9th, 10am - 3pm
Coping with Anxiety and Depression 
Transforming Negative Emotions 
The desire for happiness serves as a major motivation in our lives, yet we often experience numerous obstacles to achieving it. Despite our material comforts and beneficial circumstances, frustration, fear, anxiety, depression, along with other less than generous mind states, cloud our view. This workshop identifies afflictive states of mind (anger, attachment, pride, jealousy, depression, anxiety, fear, etc.) and explores a variety of healthy coping mechanisms that can help transform everyday challenges into a more realistic and peaceful experience.   Open to students of all levels.  
Please email to register and indicate your lunch preference.
Suggested Donation: $50  (includes vegetarian or vegan lunch)

Ven. Amy Miller (Lobsang Chodren) has been studying Buddhism for almost thirty years. She has done retreat, study, teaching, and Buddhist center management throughout the world. Amy was ordained as a Buddhist nun in June, 2000 and has been teaching extensively since 1992. Her teaching style emphasizes a practical approach to integrating Buddhist philosophy into everyday life. Amy is the co-author of "Buddhism in a Nutshell." Based in Philadelphia, Amy teaches and leads retreats and pilgrimages around the world. For more information visit 

Tse Chen Ling Tibetan Buddhist Center
302 Jules Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94112
Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition