Day 10

Communities of color often face environmental injustices as a result of industrial animal agriculture. Factory farms and slaughterhouses are frequently situated in these communities, leading to increased exposure to air and water pollution. The health risks associated with these environmental hazards, such as respiratory issues and water contamination, disproportionately affect people of color. This perpetuates systemic inequalities and reinforces environmental racism.

Moreover, these communities also face limited access to healthy, affordable food options. "Food apartheid" areas lacking fresh and nutritious food are prevalent in many marginalized communities. Reliance on cheap and processed animal products further contributes to health disparities, including higher rates of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. By advocating for a shift towards plant-based alternatives and supporting initiatives for food justice, we can work towards equitable access to nutritious food for all.

Shout Out

Today's shout out goes to the most multi-faceted activist we know, Brenda Sanders. The number and scope of organizations and projects that Brenda has founded is awe-inspiring.

Based in Baltimore, Brenda creates practical projects like communal kitchens and community garden that make veganism more accessible.

Read Brenda's Reflections on Marine Animals on World Aquatic Animal Day for an engaging meditation on The world that exists beneath the water. Watch her talk on The Dairy Deception

Recipe of the Day

From Afro-Vegan Society, (founded by Brenda!), check out this decadent chocolate coconut cake. It contains no eggs, no milk, and no butter. It’s even gluten-free! But don't be fooled, this moist, rich and sweet cake is simple to prepare and the perfect baked treat to celebrate your next birthday, holiday, graduation, or just because!

Further Inspiration

Check out any (of all!) of the following cookbooks by Bryant Terry. We love the blend of art, stories, music, and culture, that accompany the recipes.

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