VALLEJO - The Vallejo Police Department (VPD) Chief’s Community Advisory Board (CAB) is now accepting applications for the 2021-2023 term year. 

“We are excited about welcoming the next phase of community leaders to the advisory board,” Vallejo Police Chief Shawny Williams stated. “Having a dynamic group of stakeholders is critical to our success and I am looking forward to sharing in this partnership to address the critical needs of our community.” 

Members must be Vallejo residents or business owners and are selected from the pool of applicants by the Chief of Police. Members are chosen to serve on the board for their professionalism, integrity and commitment to their community. The term for board members is limited to two years to allow for greater participation by all interested parties. 

The board will consist of 10-15 key stakeholders, composed of a diverse cross-section of active community members throughout the City of Vallejo. These members will represent a range of interests and experience, including business owners, education, non-profits, public relations, faith community, youth representation, and more.

The mission of the CAB is to act as a resource for the Chief of Police in the formation of strategies, development of policing concepts, and increasing public awareness regarding policy issues. The CAB acts solely in an advisory capacity and will be driven by the creativity and vision of its members; it is intended to be an expression of the Vallejo community’s viewpoints.

All interested applicants (Vallejo residents or business owners) may submit an application online or follow the instructions for submitting a printed application by clicking the associated links below. The deadline to submit all applications is Monday, January 11, 2021. Mail-in applications must be postmarked no later than January 11, 2020.

For media inquiries, please contact Public Information Officer, Brittany K. Jackson by email at or by phone at (707) 651-7147.

For more news and information, please visit our new website at