Vaccine Management Update - May 2021
This email will cover the following topics:
  • State-Supplied Flu Vaccines
  • State-Supplied Vaccine Ordering
  • 2021 MA Immunization Updates
  • Helpful Reminders
State-Supplied Flu Vaccine
2020-2021 State-Supplied Flu Vaccines
  • All administered vaccines, including state-supplied flu, must be reported to the Immunization Registry/MIIS.
  • The "Reconcile Flu" page is no longer available. Review the Vaccine Accountability Resource Guide in the MIIS Resource Center to manage state-supplied vaccine usage and inventory.
  • All state-supplied flu vaccines will expire by June 30, 2021. Once expired, process a "Storage/Handling Issue" in the MIIS and return expired doses to McKesson.

2021-2022 State-Supplied Flu Vaccine
  • There was no flu pre-book survey for the 21-22 flu season.
  • Flu allocation/ceiling limit will be based on administered doses reported to the MIIS.
  • An email regarding flu vaccine allocation/ceiling limit will be sent out in August 2021. The email will come from

State-Supplied Vaccine Ordering
Ordering Reminder
If you need to order vaccines outside the "Recommendation", include a note to the Vaccine Unit when you submit your vaccine order. The option to "Add an optional note for the vaccine unit" is found on the "Request Vaccines" page of your order. Your note should include the reason for request and will help the Vaccine Unit approve your order faster (see screenshot below).
2021 MA Immunization Updates
Due to Covid-19 the Immunization Updates are now virtual. Please join us June 9,2021 for the VFC Storage and Handling Compliance Training Live Webinar. Viewing this webinar will satisfy your 2021 Compliance training required to be part of the VFC program. Register
Helpful Reminders
Always include PIN/Site Number, name and phone number in all correspondence with the Vaccine Unit

Upload Temperature Logs Monthly. All Temperature logs must be uploaded monthly to ensure all temp data is being captured. If there is missing temperature log information, the Vaccine Management Unit cannot be confident that temperatures have remained in range. This may result in loss of vaccine and restitution to the state.

If you need assistance or have questions, please contact the Vaccine Management Unit at 617-983-6828.
Vaccine Management Unit
P: 617-983-6828 | F: 617-983-6924