Vacaville City Council Names Parks and Facilities
VACAVILLE, Calif. – The City of Vacaville Parks and Recreation Department is pleased to announce that during the June 11 City Council meeting, official names were adopted for several City facilities. The process started with an open application period in late 2023 where the public was encouraged to submit nominations for seven parks and facilities. More than 100 applications were received, and all names were put onto a list for consideration. The Parks and Recreation Commission Naming Sub-committee hosted several public meetings where the list was narrowed to 2 choices for each park and facility. The top applications were submitted to the City Council for final consideration.
The list of newly named facilities are as follows:
- The 6-acre park located in the Vanden Meadows subdivision has been named Unity Meadows Park.
- The 2-acre neighborhood park planned for Brown Street will be called De Colores Park to highlight and reflect the diverse cultures represented throughout Vacaville.
- The future neighborhood center that will sit adjacent to De Colores Park is now Malaquias Montoya Center. Montoya has held a professorship at UC Davis since 1989 teaching in the Department of Art and the Department of Chicana/o Studies. He is an artist of many mediums but is mostly known for his silk screen prints that have been exhibited around the world. Montoya is credited as one of the founders of the 1960’s silk screen movement in the bay area, focusing on depictions of resistance and the strength of humanity in the face of injustice.
- The 8.25-acre community park (including the adjoining open space) planned for the Robert’s Ranch subdivision will be named Owl Park.
- The 4.5-acre neighborhood park planned for the southern portion of the Greentree subdivision has been named Syar Family Park, after the former owners of the Green Tree Golf Club.
- The 6-acre neighborhood park – with a 2-acre dog park – planned for North Village AP-2 subdivision will be called Casey Sheehan Park to honor local hero, Army Specialist, Casey Sheehan who died in Iraq in 2004.
- The existing Sierra Vista School Park will be named Sierra Vista Park so that it is consistent with the majority of other city parks adjacent to school sites.
The options not chosen will go back into the “naming bank” for future consideration when additional parks and/or facilities meet the milestone.
The Parks and Recreation Department invites the community and visitors to stop by each location, learn about their new names, and reflect on how they tie into the Vacaville's past, present and future.
For more details on the park naming process and to see their locations please visit