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How to Use Hope to Overcome Stress and Anxiety
by LaRae Quy

The Dark Year Of Our Lord 2020 has revealed that the feeling we most yearn for in life is hope. Without it, we have no defense against despair, depression and burnout. The reason is because hope is about the future, not the crap that’s already raised its ugly head. Click HERE to learn how hope is an effective way to overcome stress and anxiety.

FTC Receives More Than 2.1M Fraud Reports in 2020
Pandemic sees increase in amount lost to fraud, according to new data
from Banking Exchange

Imposter scams remain the most common type of fraud reported to the agency, followed by online shopping fraud. Internet services; prizes, sweepstakes, and lotteries; and telephone and mobile services rounded out the top five fraud categories. Consumers lost $3.3 billion to fraud in 2020, up from $1.8 billion in 2019. Nearly $1.2 billion of losses reported last year were due to imposter scams, while online shopping accounted for about $246 million in reported losses from consumers. Click HERE to learn more about the uptick in fraud reports.

What's Your Plan for Battling Synthetic Fraud?
by Bruno Dominigues & John Watkins

At the most basic level, synthetic fraud is the use of fake identities created specifically to conduct crime. A fraudster typically combines a range of data sources to create a plausible identity that checks all the right boxes for the advanced security processes and technologies already in place at financial services firms. Because there is usually no “victim” of this crime—no real person whose identity has been stolen—this type of fraud can evade financial institutions for a longer period of time than many other fraud types, thus increasing the potential threat. Sophisticated criminals can cobble together critical aspects of an identity from a variety of sources to create convincing digital profiles. Click HERE to learn about the analytics tools available for targeting these criminals.
Kennedy Young Joins the Virginia Title Center Team

Kennedy joined the Virginia Title Center team in February as a Search Coordinator. In her role, she is responsible for opening new orders for the team, and ordering title searches. Kennedy is a native of the Snow Creek area of Franklin County, and graduated from Franklin County High School in 2018. She studied at Virginia Western Virginia Community College for two years, concentrating in Business Administration. Prior to joining VTC, Kennedy provided updating and recording services through Legacy Settlement Services. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling and spending time with her friends and family. Please join us in welcoming Kennedy by sending her an EMAIL
The Devastating Side Effect From Working Remotely No One is Talking About
by Kyle Schnitzer

Researchers found that Americans are spending an average of six hours per day sitting, four more hours than before the pandemic started last March. “Longer time spent in sedentary posture is significantly associated with larger waist circumference, higher triglycerides (fat in the blood) and lower HDL cholesterol, all adding up to worse risk of heart disease. The levels associated with zero risk factors were walking more than 15,000 steps per day, which is equivalent to walking seven to eight miles, or spending seven hours per day upright,” said Dr. William Tigbe from the Warwick Medical School in a statement. Click HERE to read more.

Expanding Opportunities for Neurodiverse Colleagues
by Krista Deguffroy

When looking at the growing role that diversity, equity, inclusion and most importantly, belonging, play in the financial services industry, opportunities continue to emerge. But perhaps what’s even more exciting is that the strong current of change is being driven by employees who proactively turn an idea into a process, program or opportunity without ever being asked to do so.
Terms like “neurotypical” and “neurodiverse” are often heard in conversations around diversity, equity and inclusion. But what do these mean? Click HERE to learn more.

Where Customer and Employee Needs Intersect Post-COVID
by Kurt Schroeder and Jamie Gomoll

When we emerge out of the pandemic into the new post-COVID world, it’s important to examine the crossroads of what both customers and employees need from their banks and credit unions. Understanding that the employees’ experience is intrinsically linked to the customer experience will be key. Leaders of these organizations must recognize and adapt to the interdependencies of these two important groups in order to ensure excellent customer experience moving forward. Click HERE to learn more.
How Negotiation Skills Help Leaders Defuse Work Conflicts
by Mary Olson-Menzel & Mel Shahbazian

An important, and sometimes overlooked, leadership skill is the ability to navigate difficult conversations and achieve outcomes that are perceived as a win-win. Both sides come out having given up something and having gained something, too. Ruffled feathers are smoothed. Trust is established. Esprit de corps is achieved. This kind of masterful conflict resolution is really a form of negotiation. Click HERE to learn how to fine tune your negotiation skills for a better outcome.

Why Every Buyer Needs an Owner's Policy
Owner's Policy Comparison Chart
Protect Your Clients From Wire Fraud
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Patti L. Dickerson
Director of Operations & Marketing
Virginia Title Center, LLC
1.800.468.5811 or 540.772.0585
Integrity. Security. Excellence. 

Main Office:
3565 Electric Road, SW, Suite J
Roanoke, VA 24018

Rocky Mount Office:
270 South Main Street, Suite 201
Rocky Mount, VA 24151

Blacksburg Office:
1997 South Main Street, Suite 604
Blacksburg, VA 24060
Virginia Title Center is committed to serve you with unmatched expertise, exceptional customer service and a comprehensive selection of title and settlement solutions to help you grow and succeed. 
Our professionalism, technical knowledge and experience provide security as we insure protection for your most valued investment.