The mission of the Virginia Plastic Pollution Prevention Network (VPPPN) is to promote and facilitate coordination, collaboration, and communication among groups working to reduce plastic pollution throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. 

May 2024

Welcome to the Virginia Plastic Pollution Prevention Network (VPPPN). The newsletter will continue to come out monthly. Meetings will occur bi-monthly. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, June 18 at 2pm on Zoom.

In this edition:

  • Next Meeting is Tuesday, June 18 at 2 pm: With Tamela Trussell from Move Past Plastic
  • Virginia Expanded Polystyrene Phaseout
  • Another Failed Plastic to Fuel Manufacturing Facility
  • Global Producer Responsibility for Plastic Pollution
  • Chesapeake Bay Foundation Clean the Bay Day
  • Reduce Plastic Tip of the Month

June Virginia Plastic Pollution Prevention Meeting

The Virginia Plastic Pollution Prevention Network will have a meeting on Zoom on Tuesday, June 18, 2024 (2:00 to 3:30 p.m.) We will have special guest Tamela Trussell with Move Past Plastics. This presentation follows the history of PFAS beginning with their creation, uses, harms, lawsuits, and regulations. Sources and distribution of PFAS are outlined. Human and environmental harms are noted and potential solutions are addressed.

The meeting will be available on zoom:

Zoom Link

What is the connection between plastic pollution and PFAS ("Forever chemicals")? 

Special speaker: Tamela Trussell, founder and president of Move Past Plastic. This VPPPN meeting is open to the public! Please share wildly. June VPPPN Zoom Link

The prevalence and pervasive nature of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS or "Forever Chemicals") in our waterways are alarming. PFAS are highly toxic chemicals that pose severe health and environmental risks.

With nearly 15,000 variations, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, these substances, bioaccumulate in fish and animals and persist in the environment. Tamela Trussell,  founder and president of Move Past Plastic with share with us how PFAS contamination stems from a dizzying array of sources, including industrial production, firefighting foam, and plastics manufacturing. 

Their ubiquitous presence in everyday items, from cookware to clothing, ties them intricately to the life cycle of plastics. Moreover, studies indicate that PFAS are found in the environment, wildlife and human blood, with alarming health implications.

Learn more here:

Read the article here!

Virginia Expanded Polystyrene Phaseout

As you recall, the Virginia General Assembly passed a law in 2021 to phase out the use of expanded polystyrene by restaurants. The 2021 law said: 

"Beginning July 1, 2023, no food vendor that is a restaurant or similar retail food establishment and is part of a chain with 20 or more locations offering for sale substantially the same menu items and doing business under the same name, regardless of the form of ownership of such locations, shall dispense prepared food to a customer in an expanded polystyrene food service container.

Beginning July 1, 2025, no food vendor of any type shall dispense prepared food to a customer in an expanded polystyrene food service container."

Then, the effective date of the phase out was extended for five years through a budget amendment in 2022. NOW, as of Monday, May 13, with the signing of a new budget for the Commonwealth, there are NEW and earlier phase out dates. The new budget says, "

Notwithstanding the provisions of § 10.1-1424.3, Code of Virginia, the phased prohibition on the use of polystyrene containers shall be delayed until July 1, 2025 and July 1, 2026 respectively."

Another Failed Plastic to Fuel Manufacturing Facility

"Advanced Recycling" (also known as "chemical recycling" "plastic to fuel manufacturing" and "greenwashing") plant is dropped.

VPPPN members have heard about plastic producers' plan to build "advanced recycling" plants in Virginia and other states. The Bay Journal reports that "A proposed $1.1 billion plastics recycling plant that was to be built in the floodplain of the Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania has been dropped by its developer after local opposition." Learn more here:

Want to learn more about the plastic industry’s promises of “plastic to fuel” & “chemical recycling” that are false solutions to justify the continued production of plastic and don’t address the source of the problem? Visit

Read the Full Article Here

Global Producer Responsibility for Plastic Pollution

A new study has identified the world's top producers of plastic pollution: Coca-Cola. PepsiCo, Nestle, Danone, and Altria. This study showed a clear connection between a company's production of plastic and the amount of their branded plastic found in the environment. This study determined that phasing out single-use plastic by the world's larget producers would have a significant reduction in global plastic pollution.

Read this important new study here! DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adj8275

Read the study here!

Chesapeake Bay Foundation: Clean the Bay Day!

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation will be hosting their 35th Clean the Bay Day

this year on Saturday, June 1 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm! Every year Virginians all over the state join together to clean litter that jeopardizes the health of our bay. To learn more about Clean the Bay Day and register at

This year they're highlighting ​Zone Captains and their critical work helping Clean the Bay Day run smoothly! For questions, please contact

Reduce Plastic Tip of the Month

Skip the plastic drink bottle, buy powdered drink mixes

Did you know your favorite drink my come in powdered form? Using powdered mixes is a great way to reduce your plastic footprint. Mix your drink in your re-useable bottle or glass jar.

The VPPPN monthly eNewsletter wants

YOUR input! 

If you would like to have your upcoming event (or publication) mentioned in the monthly VPPPN eNewsletter, write a paragraph with the following information, and email it to

Are you reading a book about plastics, environmental justice, ocean sustainability and health or another related topic? What about a podcast series relevant to plastic pollution or marine debris? We want to know so we can share that information with other VPPPN members!

FORMAT: Submissions to the VPPPN monthly eNewsletter must be sent as a Word or Pages document or as text in an e-mail. Word limit: 150. You can also send us a photo, logo, or flyer as a JPG.

CONTENT: Include the title, time, date and place of the event or program, and a phone number (with area code) or e-mail address of a contact person. State if the program is free or has a fee; has an age requirement or other restrictions; or has a registration deadline or welcomes drop-ins. Also include the name of the group sponsoring the event, and a website (if available) for more information. 

Support the

Virginia Plastic Pollution Prevention Network

As our network grows, so do our expenses. Please consider a donation to support the VPPPN if you have found it to be valuable to you. We would appreciate your support of $10, $20 or more. Member organizations that donate $100 or more will have the opportunity to add their logo and website link to our website.

Donations by credit card (Master Card and VISA) can be made using the link below. All donations to support the VPPPN are managed through our partner, Clean Virginia Waterways of Longwood University. THANK YOU! 

Support VPPPN

The Virginia Plastic Pollution Prevention Network is a Program of Clean Virginia Waterways, Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program and Eco Maniac Company.