Election June 18, 2024

Dear Karen,

Note: If you received the first email with this voter guide, please note this one has some additional races added:

Mark Your Calendar - Election Dates:

June 18 - primary

Aug 27

Nov 5

Definitions: The Republican Party is very divided making up two groups which are:

Grassroots - Conservative Republicans who believe elected officials work for us and we hold them accountable to vote conservative, rather than just keep them in office because there is an "R" behind their name.

Establishment - These are Republicans who vote conservative, but not always. Their votes/actions confuse us. Underneath they desire to control the Party and who is in it. They are great about saying we must follow the rules, even as they break them. They can rack up endorsements--but often from other Establishment leaders--which carry "authority" because they have been in politics so long, but when we look closely they are not for us. Don't just go by who endorses them. Look at their voting record and actions. That's what tells the story.


U.S. House Representatives:

Dist 1

  • Kevin Hern (R) - My choice

Overall Hern has done a good job in Oklahoma taking a stand for Conservative values and being on the right side of votes in the House.

  • Paul Royse (R) - not enough info to know if he would do better. Sticking with Hern.

Dist 3

  • Robyn Crader (R) - My choice

A conservative, courageous fighter. A long shot to win against this machine of money Lucas has. These races shouldn't be decided based on who has the most money and name recognition, but who stands for the Constitution and true conservative values. That would be Robyn.

  • Darren Hamilton (R)

  • Frank Lucas (R stands for RINO) - Incumbent (How has this betrayer of conservatie values stayed in office so long? PLEASE vote him out!

Continually votes with Biden to give money to Ukraine without requiring accountability. Let's not forget how Lucas sided with Democrats (many times) to prevent censure against Rep Rashida Tlaib for her anti-Semitic statements/hate speech against Jews and actions. She stated it was her "freedom of speech" to celebrate the Holocaust and said she felt a "calming feeling when thinking about the genocide of millions of Jews." And Lucas voted to protect her from censure over that and numerous other comments. He votes with Democrats more than Republicans. He should certainly have a "D" behind his name.

Dist 4

  • Paul Bondar (R) - Finally a conservative running against the entrenched Cole. Cole is no friend to Republicans or conservatives.

  • Tom Cole (R stands for RINO) - Incumbent - Cole has repeatedly voted with Democrats and against his own constituents. He has voted to fund Ukraine again and again. He voted against the impeachment of Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas who has refused to protect our borders. The Trump "endorsement" is bogus. Don't buy it. This man is NOT a conservative per his own voting record.


Corporation Commissioner:

  • Russell Ray (R) - My choice

he's been a journalist regarding energy and oil issues, specifically what is happening in Oklahoma for years.

  • Justin Hornback

Has still backed the unions and been a union organizer.

  • J. Brian Bingman

He is establishment compared with grassroots. When asked he was clueless about the Globalist agenda and UN's 17 (un)sustainable goals and where it has been incorporated already into our state government. Huge concern for him to step into a position in which he isn't aware of current events shaping it.


(Dist 3)

This was a tough one to call---

  • Dr. Julie McIntosh (R) - My choice. In my previous guide I put Sampson as my #1 pick, but more information has come to light that I am changing my first choice to Dr. Julie. She is very conservative.

  • Patrick Sampson (R) - Sampson is a City Councilor for Wagoner and has gained experience for standing up for conservative values. He and Dr. McIntosh answered very similarly in many areas. He had good answers on the ones that required a full sentence response, showing his conservative ideals run deep.

  • Blake Stephens - Incumbent - Stephens hasn't voted true conservative much of the time. But seems to vote for what is in his best interest, in my opinion, over what his constituents value. He doesn't respond to emails and even recently was too busy to attend a debate and meet voters. Something is wrong when you are too busy "campaigning" to actually meet voters and talk with them.

(Dist 13)

  • Jonathan Wingard (R) - Best Choice

  • Greg McCortney (R) - Incumbent "R" stand for RINO!!!

A horrible choice and the heir apparent for Pro Tempore of the Senate. McCortney has been responsible for keeping conservative bills that would protect our kids in school from coming to a vote. He was also responsible for aligning with almost every single mandate during COVID including to not allow religious exemptions for the vax. He needs to remove the "R" from behind his name.

(Dist 17)

  • Senator Shane Jett (R)- incumbent - Best Choice

Jett has helped get predators removed from positions in Oklahoma Public schools and has worked with parents in that endeavor when public schools have worked to hide information from parents. From my interactions with him he has been a strong conservative and has been responded to questions and gotten involved.

  • Ron Sharp (R) - Ron is a former teacher with a good heart, but misguided in my opinion. He is firmly for public schools over charter schools. Has said he doesn't believe Critical Race theory was ever taught in Oklahoma Schools and said in an interview, "No one in Oklahoma education even knew what that was." Which probably means he didn't know what it was, because the label was changed, but it was definitely being taught along with other socialist dogma in many Oklahoma schools. Anyone that naive to what has taken place in some of our schools doesn't need to be in an elected position to be voting on legislation.

(Dist 25)

  • Brian Guthrie - (R) My choice - has served as mayor of Bixby and on their City Council. Not 100% satisfactorily I might add, but between the two candidates, Guthrie is the more conservative choice.
  • Jeff Boatman (R) - not a strong record for voting conservative.

(Dist 27)

  • Cody Anderson (R) - My choice

  • Casey Murdock (R) - Incumbent

His voting record on conservative values needs to improve.

(Dist 29)

  • Wendi Stearman (R) - My choice

A fierce warrior for the people and for conservative values. Not afraid to stand up against and fight for what needs to be done.

  • Julie Daniels (R) - incumbent

(Dist 33)

  • Shelley Gwartney (R)- My Choice - I've watched Shelley resolutely stand and vote for conservative values. Establishment leaders in the Tulsa GOP don't like her because she won't bow to Establishment manipulation.

  • Tim Brooks (R) - Same as Bickerstaff

  • Christi Gillespie (R)- as Vice Mayor in Broken Arrow, Christi has done some good things and some disturbing things. Obviously there are no perfect officials, but her statement on record that the First Amendment is NOT a protected right---and then tried to sway the rest of her team with that, is disturbing along with her weak stand in some other areas that as a conservative should not have been compromised. (Click the link to listen). Doesn't seem to understand the WOKE agenda against America and continues to support Lankford and his policies that did not protect our border, but provided money to process illegals faster. She is either clueless or leans liberal.

  • Bill Bickerstaff (R) - in my opinion never really in this race.

Dist 37

  • Cody Rogers (R) - My choice sort of

This is the case of needing to vote where none of the choices are great. Cody, in my opinion, is the best of three not so good candidates.

  • Aaron Reinhardt (R)

If voting for who is the best speaker, Aaron would win. But that shouldn't be why we vote for someone. These races are about what are their beliefs and how will they vote once they get in office. Aaron was against Ryan Walters,

  • Andrew Nutter (I)


Dist 2

  • Jim Olsen (R) - My choice

A proven track record voting conservative and listening to constituents.

  • EO Smith (R --sorta)

Dist 13

  • Neil Hays (R) - incumbent - My choice
  • Jarod Mendenhall (R)

Dist 15 - Incumbent is retiring

  • Paul Palmer (R) - My choice

hard working conservative, full of integrity and courage. Not afraid to stand up to bullies.

  • Gail Jackson
  • Tim Turner

questionable integrity. As Haskell county Sheriff he resigned amid questions of money missing--an issue that hasn't been resolved.

  • Casey Johnson

Dist 22

  • Troy Golden (R) - My choice
  • Ryan Eaves

Dist 23

  • Derrick Hildebrant (R) - My choice

has already showed his courage to stand for what he believes in when twice he was refused a religious exemption for the vax while serving in the military and was facing losing his career in order to stand by his belief and choice.

  • Connor Whitham (R)

Dist 25

  • Robert Burch (R) - My choice

He has already been very involved in the Republican party. Is a county chair and a Constitutionalist. He has already been working hard to see Conservative legislation and ideals passed compared to Johns who has an "R" behind his name, but is voting more Democrat than Republican.

  • Ronny Johns (R)

hometown good 'ol boy that votes liberal way more than conservative. People need to watch his voting record. It tells clearly he should not be our choice.

Dist 28

  • Danny Williams (R) - My choice

He has consistently fought for conservative values and against those within the House who call themselves Republicans but are trying to block legislation. Truly a man of integrity and he needs to stay in this position!

  • Darlene Wallace (R)

Dist 32

  • Jim Shaw (R) My choice

  • Jim Shilling (R)

  • Kevin Wallace (R) Incumbent

was part of the team behind getting 9 extremely conservative House members voted OUT of the Oklahoma House back in 2018. He's not FOR Conservatives, but works against them. Voted in numerous tax increases and against oil and gas--a mainstay of Oklahoma. This guy needs to go.

Dist 42

  • Matt Huggans (R) - My choice

  • Cindy Roe (R) - Incumbent

Has voted conservative just 40% of the time. Was for forcing Oklahoman's medical records to be made public.

Dist 48

  • April Brown (R) - My choice
  • Tammy Townley (R) - Incumbent - a dismal 27% conservative voting record.

Dist 53

  • Heather Boss (R) - My choice

Heather has the stronger conservative responses, but Nick not a bad choice.

  • Nick Pokorny

Dist 67 - several good choices here:

  • Ryan Myers (R) - My choice

small business owner that is awake to what is happening.

  • Rob Hall (R) - also conservative and also a good choice.

  • Bowden McElroy (R) - also a good choice

  • Kane Smith (R)

Dist 68

  • Mike Lay (R) - My choice

I've known Mike and family for over 35 years. A strong conservative businessman with courage.

  • Jonathan Grable (R)

Dist 79

  • Paul Hassink (R) - My choice
  • Jenifer Stevens (R)

Personal interactions with Jenifer compel me to say no to her as a candidate. My personal experience is she hasn't always been truthful and doesn't seem to have a problem with that. Her health challenges with MS are significant enough that she missed dates to go before a judge regarding past indiscretions, and said it was because she was in the hospital. This was the reason she used for missing her court date on several occasions. Sounds like her health is enough of an issue that she would struggle to fulfill her duties.

Dist 98

  • Gabe Woolley (R) - My choice

Gabe has already shown himself to be a someone who will stand up to corruption and work to change it. That is why he got involved in the first place as his family has battled against injustice within DHS.

  • Dean Davis (R) - incumbent

Hasn't had a strong or consistent conservative voting record and tends to lean toward the liberal side. We need someone who consistently votes for our values.

  • J. David Taylor (R)

Dist 100

  • Johnny Hargis (R) - My choice

  • Marilyn Stark (R) - Incumbent

Dist 101

  • Jonathan Hewitt (R) - my choice

  • Robert Manger


County Commissioner Dist #2 (vacated by Karen Keith)

  • Melissa Myers (R) - My choice

the only true conservative in this race.

  • Jeannie Cue (R)

Jeannie has proven to have little to no backbone as a conservative. As a member of Tulsa City Council she would often go into a vote saying she would vote conservative, only to cave once in the meeting and vote with the Democrats. We need someone who has a backbone and truly conservative and that's not Jeannie.

  • Lonnie Sims (R) -

A not so conservative OK Representative who is terming out and needs a job somewhere else. That shouldn't be why someone runs. He voted against protecting girls from men entering their bathrooms/dressing rooms.

  • Sarah Gray (D) -

Extremely liberal. Pro choice, against parents having voice regarding children's education in favor of OEA and school administrators making those choices.

  • Jim Rea (D)

A train wreck as he has been Karen Keith's Chief Deputy completely trained in the ways of not getting the job done but saying you did. Trained in pushing for sanctuary cities/welcoming Tulsa/15 minute cities and surveillance of citizens.


County Commissioner:

  • Jim Helm (R) - My choice

There probably isn't a bad choice in this race. But Jim impresses me with his wisdom, willingness to stand for integrity and ready to roll his sleeves up. He's already been doing homework to learn even before elected.

  • Randy Stamps
  • Dustin Dorr

County Sheriff:

  • Tyler Cooper - My Choice

has worked for Elliott in the past and is still in law enforcement. He would get rid of the Flock surveillance cameras that are being used and which Elliott is trying to get put in our neighborhoods.

  • Chris Elliott - incumbent
  • Jamie Wheeler

I would have liked to have include more info on the reason for my picks, but with the election so close I needed to get this out. If you don't find information on one of your races here, I'm so sorry! I can only cover so many things.

Another option is i-Voterguide.com. They try to rate candidates based on surveys/records, although I was pretty disappointed with some of their lack of research in their recommendations during a previous election. However, better than nothing. 

Click here and then insert your address for information on the races in your area. 

Please don't forget to vote June 18!

If this guide has been beneficial to you, please consider donating to help us continue the work of vetting out candidates and legislation.

Awake Oklahoma is a 501c4 organization. Donations are NOT tax-deductible, but very appreciated.

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Kevin & Karen Hardin, Event Coordinators

Kevin & Karen Hardin are founders of Destiny Builders ministry and Awake Oklahoma. There heart is to bring revival to America and the globe.

Karen also leads the City-by-City Prayer Network to raise up at least ten intercessors in every city across our nation. To receive the free weekly scriptural prayers you can sign up here.

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