Runoff Election - August 27, 2024

Don't forget to vote! Early voting starts August 23! Don't know where you vote? click here. Or go to: https://bit.ly/VotingLocationFinder

This voter guide provides our recommendations for Oklahoma elections in which we are familiar. There are some races that we may miss or don't have the information needed to make a suggestion. We cover Tulsa County/Wagoner County areas more extensively, but do our best to cover the major elections in other counties.

However, if you want the deep dive on the candidates backgrounds/voting records in the Tulsa area and federal elections, you can click the links below for the voter guide research by Christie Glesener or go to: voterguide.ok.com

Tulsa City Mayor and City Council

Tulsa County Proposals, Oklahoma Representatives and Senate Elections

NOTE: Oklahoma Elections were threatened recently by a member of the Tulsa County Election Board. Click here to hear his threats against myself and several candidates running in THIS election. or go to: bit.ly/BobJackThreats Why has Governor Stitt not called for an investigation yet? Please email him and ask him to investigate: governor@gov.ok.gov Why has OK Election Board Secretary Paul Ziriax refused to have him step down? Email Mr. Ziriax here to ask for Bob Jack to resign immediately for threatening candidates at: Paul.Ziriax@elections.ok.gov

HERE ARE OUR RECOMMENDATIONS for the Aug 27 elections:


(Dist 3)

  • Dr. Julie McIntosh (R) - My choice.
  • In my opinion, Dr. McIntosh decided to run for all the right reasons. She was tired of liberal laws getting passed and conservative ones blocked. She decided to go do something about.

  • Blake Stephens (RINO)- Incumbent - Stephens doesn't vote conservative much of the time. He seems to vote for what is in his best interest, in my opinion, over what his constituents value. He doesn't respond to emails and even recently was too busy to attend a debate and meet voters. Something is wrong when you are too busy "campaigning" to actually meet and talk to those who are your constituents and would be voting for you!

(Dist 15)

  • Robert Keyes (R) - Best Choice - with reservation

This race is certainly a toss-up up as both candidates have issues that I'm not sure are in the best interest of conservative voters.

  • Lisa Standridge

(Dist 33)

This has become quite the race as Shelley has had to go up against almost $80K of PAC money. Why is Christi getting so much? That kind of money always comes with expectations of a favor which they have pegged Christi as the one they can manipulate to give it to them.

  • Shelley Gwartney (R)- My Choice - I've watched Shelley resolutely stand and vote for conservative values. Establishment leaders in the Tulsa GOP don't like her because she won't bow to Establishment manipulation.

  • Christi Gillespie (RINO)- as Vice Mayor in Broken Arrow, Christi has presented herself as one thing, but she is dishonest, and has attacked and bullied Broken Arrow citizens and myself personally whenever we have done something she doesn't like. She has straight-up lied about many things--and being a true conservative is one of them.

Her campaign signs have been put on schools and government property--which is strictly prohibited, by someone she has paid to do it. But since she's the Vice-Mayor who are you going to complain to? She advocated for volunteers to come pick up campaign signs supposedly after the primary--but the only ones that seemed to disappear were her opponent's signs the day of the election and after. Someone called me with "evidence" that I was incorrect in my statement. I immediately apologized---until I found out he was one of her hirelings who lied to me! She and her team, it appears, will do anything to win.

We certainly don't want to see her become an Oklahoma senator! She is already bought!

Did you know she has said the First Amendment is NOT a protected right? She denied that in a debate, but here is her recorded statement that the First Amendment is NOT a protected right---and then she tried to sway the rest of the city councilors to go along with her. She compromises where true conservatives wouldn't. Or go to: https://www.facebook.com/reel/284616591410416

Dist 47 -

  • Kelly Hines (R) - My choice.
  • Jenny Schmitt (R)


Dist 32

  • Jim Shaw (R) My choice
  • Kevin Wallace (R) Incumbent

Oh this guy needs to go! He was part of the team behind getting 16 extremely conservative House members voted OUT of the Oklahoma House back in 2018. He's not FOR Conservatives, but works against them. He voted in numerous tax increases and against oil and gas--a mainstay of Oklahoma. This guy needs to go.

Dist 41 - Nov 5 election

  • ·      Denise Crosswhite Hader (R) Incumbent - My choice

Denise has served faithfully for conservative values. She doesn't just have an "R" behind her name, but actually votes and works for conservative legislation and values. She needs to stay.

  • ·      Mike Bokus (D)

Dist 53

  • Nick Pokorny (R) - My choice
  • Jason Blair (R)

Dist 79 - Nov 5 election

Dist 98

  • Gabe Woolley (R) - My choice

Gabe has already shown himself to be a someone who will stand up to corruption and work to change it. That is why he got involved in the first place as his family has battled against injustice within DHS.

  • Dean Davis (R) - incumbent

Hasn't had a strong or consistent conservative voting record and tends to lean toward the liberal side. We need someone who consistently votes for our values. Since being in office has been arrested for DUI's and threatened police officers for arresting him. He hasn't shown up for numerous votes which means the people in his district are not getting representation.



  • Brent VanNorman (R) - My Choice

Brent's business experience negotiating contracts and budgets absolutely make him the best choice for Tulsa. We need Tulsa to be made safe again, and a tighter control on where all the money is going to which hasn't been happening.

  • Karen Keith (D)
  • Monroe Nichols (D)
  • Paul Tay (I)
  • Casey Bradford (R)
  • Kaleb Hoosier (R)

County Commissioner Dist #2

  • Melissa Myers (R) - My Choice

I have battled back and forth on this position, but for this election I am going with Melissa with her business background and consistent conservative stand and willingness to go after areas that have been left unattended.

  • Lonnie Sims (R)

I appreciated Lonnie's hard work to get the Women's Bill of Rights passed recently in the Oklahoma legislature, which was a hard battle to get it voted in. Karen Keith, who was previously in this seat, was ignoring that bill...Kudos to Sims for his work there. But there has been an undeniable track record during his time as an OK Representative that has made me continue to question if he would be any different if our county commissioner.

  • Sarah Gray (D) -

Extremely liberal. Pro choice, against parents having voice regarding children's education in favor of OEA and school administrators making those choices.

I don't have much background on Maria other than what her bio shows as a former educator.


Dist 1:

  • Dr. Angela Chambers (D) - My Choice           
  • Vanessa Hall-Harper (D) Incumbent   


Dist 2:

  • Aaron Bisogno (R) - My Choice
  • Stephanie Reisdorph - 2nd choice
  • Anthony Archie (R) stands for RINO - very liberal
  • W.R. Casey, Jr. (D) 
  • Rhene Ritter (R)

Dist 3:

  • Susan Frederick (R) - My Choice

Susan knows Tulsa probably better than most and where things need to be fixed in her district which never gets the money it should.

  • Jackie Dutton (D)

Dist 4

  • Aaron Griffith (I) - My Choice
  • Laura Bellis (D)

She is under investigation for ethics violations with the Open Records Act.

Was caught texting councilors in a public mtg discussing issues hiding it from the public. She has consistently made false allegations against those she opposes. We need someone with integrity which she doesn't have.

Dist 5

  • Karen Gilbert (R) - My Choice of two not good candidates
  • Alicia Andrew's (D)

Dist 6

  • Christian Bengel (R) - incumbent - My Choice
  • Uriah Davis (D)

Dist 7

Eddie Huff (R) - My Choice

Note : Margie Alfonso (R) dropped out of the race and endorsed Huff.

  • Lori Decter-Wright (D) - incumbent

I've sat in numerous City Council meetings where Lori has shared false narratives in order to push something through. She was responsible for many business' going under during COVID pushing for mandates that harmed small business owners. We need City councilors FOR the people, not working against them.

Dist 8

  • Chris Cone (R) - My Choice

His financial management background is greatly needed esp after the extreme overspending under Lakin.

  • Phil Lakin (R)

Phil pushed for the rushed vote last August for $814 million in taxes. Tulsans are now strapped with that including $104 million of that to the homeless issue which he helped create by voting TWICE for Tulsa to be a "Welcoming/Sanctuary City." Under his tenure Tulsa has been listed by Forbes Magazine as the 6th most dangerous city in America. The Signal Hill road construction, which he applauds himself for, is TWO years behind schedule and already $6 million over budget! We need someone in place who understands how to actually negotiate contracts, provide incentives for finishing on time NOT contracts which allow for some just 10 days work a month! Additionally, Phil has lied to me personally about decisions the city council tried to pass to keep the public from making comments at meetings. It was tabled only because they realized someone from the public was in the room watching! Tulsans keep paying more taxes because of Phil...he needs to go!

Dist 9

  • Julie Dunbar (R) - My Choice
  • Matthew Nelson (D)
  • Jayme Fowler (R) - Incumbent

Jayme is a nice guy with ZERO backbone who flip and flops on issues. He has been a huge disappointment in this position and needs to go.

  • Carol Bush - (R)

Another huge disappointment when serving as an OK Representative, one of the more egregious areas was not voting to protect female bathroom and changing room spaces. She definitely doesn't need to be elected.

  • Lee Ann Crosby (D)


County Commissioner:

  • Randy Stamps (R) - My choice
  • Dustin Dorr

County Sheriff:

  • Tyler Cooper - My Choice
  • Chris Elliott - incumbent

I would have liked to include more info on the reason for my picks, but with the election so close I needed to get this out. If you don't find information on one of your races here, I'm so sorry! I can only cover so many things. If you don't agree with my choices. No problem. These are our recommendations from working with these people and/or researching their records.

Another voter guide option is i-Voterguide.com. They try to rate candidates based on surveys/records, although I was pretty disappointed with some of their lack of research in their recommendations during a previous election. However, better than nothing. 

Click here and then insert your address for information on the races in your area. 

Please don't forget to vote Aug 27!

In the last 4 elections there was a 20%, 10%, 10%, 5% voter turn out respectively. We are losing our city when we are too lazy to get out and vote.

PLEASE GET OUT AND VOTE--hopefully with our guide.


With less than three months before the presidential election, prayer is urgent for protection of the presidential candidates from assassination attempts as well as any attempt to create chaos, shut down our elections or election interference.

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Order your copy at bit.ly/KarenHardinBooks

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Kevin & Karen Hardin are founders of Destiny Builders ministry and Awake Oklahoma. There heart is to bring revival to America and the globe.

Karen also leads the City-by-City Prayer Network to raise up at least ten intercessors in every city across our nation. To receive the free weekly scriptural prayers you can sign up here.

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