Our proposed vital legislation includes the following categories:
1. “The Church and Disability” petition number 20586-IC-R9999-G combines and replaces previously existing resolutions 3002 and 3302 which both address disability, the church, and society. They are rewritten and combined with minimal changes from the 2016 Book of Resolutions, expanding these principles to the global church. They delineate agencies responsible for implementation, strengthen recommendations, and update language to
current standards.
2. “Mental Health Discrimination in Disability Compensation” petition number 20585-IC-R9999-G is a resolution that advocates globally against the discrimination of persons with mental health conditions by companies that offer disability insurance and protection. We call on insurance companies to no longer privilege profits over the insured. When people are unable to work due to mental health conditions, a reliable source of income is important in the healing process.
3. “Overcoming Ableism and Audism” petition number 20845-CB-R9999 is a new resolution that raises concerns and experiences of Deaf and hard of hearing and disabled persons who are members of the UMC. Ableism is discrimination towards persons with disabilities. Audism is discrimination towards Deaf and hard of hearing persons. This resolution echoes Social Principle 162 by reiterating the need for diversity, equity, and inclusion. It seeks to raise awareness at all levels of the denomination so we can ensure a culture of inclusion throughout the UMC.
See also this Plumbline on the Resolution from the Methodist Federation for Social Action.
4. The following petitions ask the General Conference to formally recognize the relationship the Disability Ministries Committee of the UMC has established with the General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR). They are as follows:
a. “Recognition of the Disability Ministries Committee of the UMC” - petition number 20583-IC-R9999-G - This resolution describes the need for and mission of the DMC and formalizes our status as a committee within GCORR.
b. “Accessibility Grants to Churches” - petition number 20568-IC-R3001-G - The update to a Resolution first adopted in 2000 expands grant eligibility to the global church, and includes disability ministry programs as well as accessibility projects.
c. “Regarding Disability Awareness Sunday” - petition number 20252-GA-
¶ 265.4-G - This amendment moves responsibility for Disability Awareness Sunday in recognition of the DMC move to GCORR.
5. “Disabilities and the Ordination Process” petition number 20584-IC-R9999-G is a proposed resolution that urges those involved in interviewing candidates for ministry to offer appropriate accommodations to disabled persons before evaluating their effectiveness for ministry.
Note that the petitions are available in French, Kiswahili, and Portuguese at the GCORR site. Each of the above pieces of legislation helps to create an environment in the church where all persons are not only invited to belong, but encouraged to thrive.
We in the DMC thank the delegates for all their work, and we welcome questions and feedback as you prayerfully consider our proposed legislation. We will monitor the committees reviewing our legislation so we can answer questions that come up.