A partner ministry of The General Commission on Religion and Race

April 2024 

General Conference Issue  

Volume 14, No. 2

New DMC Website Launched!

Screenshot of new website home page with logo, header, sidebar with section headers, and Zoom image of 8 members
of the
United Methodist
 Disability Connection

Greetings in Christ! 

Are you attending General Conference? Come visit our booth #213, near the Council of Bishops and General Commission on Religion & Race booths. Pick up some stickers (see sample) and brochures, and take a look at the new website. You can even take a sensory break! We will be there to answer your questions. You will recognize us wearing our light-blue T-shirts with the DMC logo and website QR code. We are also present to speak to our proposed legislation if needed. See the information below.

For the many who are not attending General Conference, please read on to learn about new resources that you can use in your local church or conference. Contact us if you would like stickers and brochures for your Annual Conference display tables.

We ask for your prayers that we make new connections and meet people from all over the globe. We also pray for receptivity to the legislation we submitted. The Holy Spirit is always hard at work and we know God continues to bless our work of equipping the Church for full participation of disabled people.


Deaconess Lynn Swedberg, editor

light blue circular sticker with DMC logo surrounded by words Disability is Diversity and URL umcdmc.org and Disability Ministries Committee of the UMC
In This Issue

New DMC Website

DMC Projects

DMC Legislation

Upcoming Events

How to Support Us

Quick Links



Disability Ministries Committee of the UMC


UM Association of Ministers with Disabilities


UM Committee on Deaf and Hard of Hearing Ministries 


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What's Different in the Brand-new DMC Website?

DMC members, consultants, and volunteers have worked long hours to bring you an updated website! We are excited to have you explore the site and offer feedback and suggestions for what should be added. Please understand that we are still completing the process and will be uploading more materials over the next few months.

What's improved?

  • An easy to follow structure so you can quickly find what you need.
  • All resources have been reviewed and revised where needed.
  • Many articles are shorter, and duplicated information has been removed.
  • Document language is updated to reflect current practice and the voices of disabled adults.
  • "Guidance for Completing the Annual Accessibility Audit" now covers the most recent 8.23 version of the audit and includes the four badge levels.
  • We moved to a Google platform which makes edits and changes easy to keep up.

What's new?

  • Two handouts on anti-ableist language in worship and liturgy.
  • The Disability Etiquette document was replaced with a series of Engagement and Communication Practices, each referring to a separate type of disability. Five new topics were added, including Invisible Disabilities and Environmental Sensitivities, with more to come.
  • A series of "Accessibility Tips" covering topics like parking guidelines, pew cuts, and calculating slope. We anticipate expanding this section.
  • A clean, streamlined appearance with section headings to the left and most topics linked as easy to open or download PDF files.
Screen shot of Resources - Attitudes and Interactions section page showing section menu on the side and subsection titles with alternating white and light blue backgrounds. Words are barely legible.
QR code for new DMC website

What's unchanged?

  • Our URL is the same, but temporarily you might need to type in https://www.umcdmc.org. Here is a QR code that takes you to the new site. The old site will soon be deleted, but right now it still comes up. Make sure you see the new site!
  • Our commitment to provide individuals, congregations, agencies, and conferences with the tools to ensure that everyone has what they need to participate fully in all aspects of ministry, service, and fellowship.

Coming Soon: Exciting DMC Projects

Anti-ableism Curriculum Coming Soon!

The DMC is excited to be nearing completion of the Anti-ableism Curriculum. Building upon and updating the Ableism Toolkit we introduced several years ago, this 5-unit course is ideal for Bible Study, adult Sunday School, Certified Lay Speaker courses, or clergy continuing education. 

The overall goal of the curriculum is to equip participants to engage in self-reflection and confront ableism in themselves, their church, their personal sphere, and the community. It also aims to increase disability awareness, acceptance, and inclusion in order to effect denominational and societal change. This includes the importance of having disabled persons in positions of leadership.

The course includes a leader’s guide with outlines, PowerPoints, and suggested learning activities for the one-two hour sessions. The participants' version will include the lessons, handouts, and resources. The same sessions can be completed as an independent study. The materials will be available to download for a small fee. 

Anti-ableism Training for Conference Boards of Ordained Ministry and District Committees

Conference and District Boards and Committees serve as gatekeepers that determine who is permitted to answer their calls to ministry within the UMC. Historically this process has excluded many qualified disabled candidates. The DMC and the Association of Ministers with Disabilities are working with General Board of Higher and Ministry to change this!

One step is holding a training session on Anti-ableism practices for leaders who are involved in the work of Boards of Ordained Ministry and District Committees on Ministry. Our goal is to increase the church’s capacity and ability to provide equity and justice in the candidacy process. The initial overview session is scheduled for May 23, and an opportunity for going deeper will follow. Please contact us by email if you would like an invitation to attend!

Engaging and Inclusive Worship Research Grant Project

Calling all creative clergy and worship leaders who are exploring multisensory ways to make your worship more accessible, inclusive, and engaging! The DMC received a small grant to conduct research focused on finding out how you are working towards full participation of all.

We will hold virtual consultations throughout the summer with small groups of 4-6 people from different churches. Through brainstorming and sharing strategies that have worked, that did not work in your context, or that you want to try, we hope to find innovative possibilities for the future. Even if you are just starting this groundbreaking work, we would love to include you!

The Disability Ministry Network offered the grant, which is funded by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Please contact the committee email to participate.

An open trunk with scarves, tambourines and rhythm instruments, and colorful egg shakers in a basket

Please Support DMC Legislation!

DMC banner with badge images, DMC logo, umcdmc.org URL, Disability is Diversity, and Religion and Race logo as partner ministry.

Our proposed vital legislation includes the following categories:

1. “The Church and Disability” petition number 20586-IC-R9999-G combines and replaces previously existing resolutions 3002 and 3302 which both address disability, the church, and society. They are rewritten and combined with minimal changes from the 2016 Book of Resolutions, expanding these principles to the global church. They delineate agencies responsible for implementation, strengthen recommendations, and update language to

current standards.

2. “Mental Health Discrimination in Disability Compensation” petition number 20585-IC-R9999-G is a resolution that advocates globally against the discrimination of persons with mental health conditions by companies that offer disability insurance and protection. We call on insurance companies to no longer privilege profits over the insured. When people are unable to work due to mental health conditions, a reliable source of income is important in the healing process.

3. “Overcoming Ableism and Audism” petition number 20845-CB-R9999 is a new resolution that raises concerns and experiences of Deaf and hard of hearing and disabled persons who are members of the UMC. Ableism is discrimination towards persons with disabilities. Audism is discrimination towards Deaf and hard of hearing persons. This resolution echoes Social Principle 162 by reiterating the need for diversity, equity, and inclusion. It seeks to raise awareness at all levels of the denomination so we can ensure a culture of inclusion throughout the UMC.

See also this Plumbline on the Resolution from the Methodist Federation for Social Action.

4. The following petitions ask the General Conference to formally recognize the relationship the Disability Ministries Committee of the UMC has established with the General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR). They are as follows:

a. “Recognition of the Disability Ministries Committee of the UMC” - petition number 20583-IC-R9999-G - This resolution describes the need for and mission of the DMC and formalizes our status as a committee within GCORR.

b. “Accessibility Grants to Churches” - petition number 20568-IC-R3001-G - The update to a Resolution first adopted in 2000 expands grant eligibility to the global church, and includes disability ministry programs as well as accessibility projects.

c. “Regarding Disability Awareness Sunday” - petition number 20252-GA-

¶ 265.4-G - This amendment moves responsibility for Disability Awareness Sunday in recognition of the DMC move to GCORR.

5. “Disabilities and the Ordination Process” petition number 20584-IC-R9999-G is a proposed resolution that urges those involved in interviewing candidates for ministry to offer appropriate accommodations to disabled persons before evaluating their effectiveness for ministry.

Note that the petitions are available in French, Kiswahili, and Portuguese at the GCORR site. Each of the above pieces of legislation helps to create an environment in the church where all persons are not only invited to belong, but encouraged to thrive.

We in the DMC thank the delegates for all their work, and we welcome questions and feedback as you prayerfully consider our proposed legislation. We will monitor the committees reviewing our legislation so we can answer questions that come up.

Upcoming Interfaith Disability Events

Spirituality and Healing Through Expressive Arts - May 8, online

The arts can be a connector to community, spirituality, and healing for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Learn from three panelists about how expressive activities, like painting or performing, help people experiencing grief communicate, reflect, and process their emotions. This webinar is the last in a four-part series from the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) Religion and Spirituality Interest Network and RespectAbility. Registration

Institute on Theology and Disability, June 17-20, Boston College & online

This annual 4-day long intensive institute brings together leading scholars and writers in the areas of theology and disability with clergy, religious leaders, practitioners, laity and others who are interested and involved in inclusive ministries and faith supports. More information and registration

Symposium on Disability and Ministry 2024, July 13, Western Theological Seminary, Holland MI & online. Includes worship, breakouts, and a plenary lecture by Dr. Rochelle Sheuermann of Wheaton College, entitled Disability and God’s Mission: An Invitation to Evangelism. Free! Registration

How To Support the Committee's Work

UMC cross and flame with words The Advance Advancing hope in Christ's name

Take an offering on Disability Awareness Sunday or any other Sunday.

Advocate for tithing your Annual Conference Disability Ministries Committee budget, since our unfunded work directly supports and equips these committees.

A. On any page of the new DMC website click on the Donate link to give online through the Advance Project #3021054 or via GCORR through PayPal or a credit/ debit cardThe DMC uses this designated giving arm of The UMC that ensures that 100% of each gift is used for its intended mission or ministry. 

B. Send a check to: The General Commission on Religion and Race 

Attn: Christina Yates/ DMC

100 Maryland Ave NE, Ste 315

Washington, DC 20002

Be sure to write “DMC Donation” on the memo line.

As we move forward after General Conference, may our hearts be warmed and lead us to become individuals, congregations, conferences, and agencies where all are welcome, and where voices of disabled and other marginalized groups are centered at the table. May we catch glimpses of God's kindom as we remove barriers and learn from each other!


Disability Ministries Committee of The United Methodist Church