As we move forward into the coming weeks, we want to ensure you are up-to-date with important legislative changes and equipped with the necessary resources to maintain a safe working environment. Here are some key updates and resources tailored to address violence prevention.

Legislative Changes: In the Saskatchewan Employment Act (SEA), several amendments have been made to enhance workplace safety. These come into effect May 17th:

  • The definition of a worker now includes secondary and post-secondary students.
  • Employers are mandated to investigate incidents of harassment.
  • Employers must have a violence policy and prevention plan in place.
  • Occupational Health and Safety Officers are empowered to take photographs and recordings during inspections.
  • OHS Officers can exclude nominees from interviews during investigations.
  • Plus, other general amendments have been introduced.

Violence Prevention Resources: To assist our members in implementing these changes, we have compiled the following resources specifically intended to address violence prevention:

Should you require guidance or clarification on these legislative changes or assistance with violence prevention resources, please do not hesitate to contact us at

MSA Safety Training

MSA is committed to providing comprehensive safety training to our members. Our upcoming courses include:

  • Occupational Health Committee (OHC) Level 2 in a Saskatoon classroom on May 16th. Click here for more details: OHC Level 2 Registration

  • For additional 2024 safety training dates and courses, visit this link.

  • Remember, members can book MSA for in-house training at no additional cost. Click here for more details.

Hantavirus Awareness

With the arrival of warmer weather, it is essential to stay informed about potential risks. We invite you to watch our free webinar on Hantavirus Awareness here.

For further information, visit the Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety here.

Zee Medical Discount

As a MSA member, you are eligible for a 10% discount on wall-mounted first aid cabinets and special pricing on Phillips OnSite AEDs, including free delivery, installation, and setup anywhere in Saskatchewan. Click here to learn more: Zee Medical Discount

Discover additional discounts and exclusive offers here.

Upcoming Travel and Collaboration Opportunities

Our Safety Consultants will be conducting member services in Humboldt and Central Butte areas soon. If you would like to schedule a safety consultation, please reach out to us at or call 306-721-0688.

We also welcome any safety-related information or insights you would like to share with our industry and membership. 

Your feedback is invaluable to us. Please take a moment to complete a short survey to help us improve our services. Access the survey here.

Thank you for your continued support and collaboration.



Ryan J. Bast, CRSP

Executive Director

673 Henderson Drive

Regina, SK
