Victory's financial model includes a three-tier approach to developing funding in order to foster financial and programmatic growth sustainably.
This model consists of donor funding, grants, and tuition based payments.
Victory is ready to acquire property in the Des Moines suburbs in order to create a year-round funding strategy. This approach provides full time jobs for Des Moines staff and limitless opportunities to meet our families where they are.
Our Facility Wish List:
-Under 800K
-Zoned as a school or childcare center
-Minimum of 5,000 square feet
-Green space for a playground
-Key communities: West Des Moines and Clive
What Will The Facility Offer: Wholistic family programming that impacts every stage of life
-Victory Academy Childcare Center (Victory currently operates two centers: infant to preschool)
-Camp Victory After School Program (school age)
-Camp Victory Winter, Spring, & Summer Program (STEAM, sports, and weekly field trips for school breaks)
-Programming for seniors
-Weekend rental space for faith communities
-Weekend rental space for events
How Will We Accomplish Our Goal:
-Developing new partnerships and strengthening current partnerships
-Saving money