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An estimated 13,000 trade shows take place every year in the United States. That represents about 40% of all trade shows worldwide. (Source: Nimlok)

Mark Your Calendar for Sept 15
Exhibitions 3.0 and NFT Cautionary Tales

Next Thursday on September 15th, we are presenting Denzil Rankine and John Donohue, the masters of Exhibitions 3.0, who will answer our questions and offer their advice. Hint: It's a four-pronged plan that focuses on identifying your North Star. Released earlier this year, the Exhibition 3.0 framework charts a sound course. Read it before we meet.

Plus… a renowned artist struggles with his NFT launch. you'll laugh, you’lll cry, and you’ll learn the pitfalls of NFT buying and collecting from Mike Hassard of the firm Tor Ekeland Law, PLLC. Mike has some juicy stories about how to stay alive in NFT land.

IMEX: Oct 11-13
There’s a certain je ne sais quoi about the Virtual Events Group having a real live booth in a real live exhibit area at IMEX, but we think it’s vitally important to start moving event destinations towards a digital-first mentality. We’ll be attending with VEG partners rooom and MAP Digital.
The Future is Digital-First

I feel like a broken record (remember those?), but I love this chart created by Expoplatform. It epitomizes where we stand today and how we move forward. Profits gained from traditional events will remain fairly static, while digital event revenue will be the new growth area. And what you see in a post-2021 world is a new mix of revenues for events. You can read more about the company’s masterplan by downloading the full report, The Moneization Blueprint.

Figure credit: Expoplatform
The argument for continuing to include virtual components is pretty ironclad. And not because we don’t want to get together. But travel costs are rising and many of the hospitality jobs that make travel enjoyable still remain unfilled. Building exhibits, thanks to supply chain issues and shipping rates, is more expensive than ever. Despite these warning signs, the 27th UFI Global Barometer estimates that only 47 percent of organizers have built a digital event strategy for existing shows or products.
Corporate travel continues to face huge uncertainty, says McKinsey. The study claims that travel for sales and internal meetings will recover fastest. Travel to conferences will have smaller budgets, sending fewer people, and concentrating on conferences in close proximity rather than extended travel.
Figure credit: McKinsey and Company
Forward-thinking exhibition and conference hall managers are putting their digital foot forward. It warmed our hearts to see the Italian Exhibition Group announce a one million euro investment in its digital platform.
Expoplatform’s Monetization Blueprint looks at the huge value in subscription membership.   (We’re firm believers in this approach.) The subscription economy has grown by 435 percent over nine years. It will continue to move in that direction according to research by Zuora research. Even Disney is looking into its own version of Amazon Prime, where customers can get perks or discounts as an incentive to use its parks and streaming service. Yes, it’s back to the old fan clubs of yore.
Being Silly Works, If You Can Pull It Off
Great moments in event life are remembered forever — even before the Internet. How many of you remember the Microsoft Windows 95 team cutting up the rug with the launch of the new product? (No dancing lessons were provided in the making of this video.)
Now, the torch has been passed to a new generation of gleeful silliness. In Toronto this week, the wunderkind spearheading Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, did the badger dance at the Ethereum Foundation. The point is both silly and memorable.

Good Read From Fast Company, Building Realistic Worlds 
Graphics technology can build worlds that are so lifelike that they can create games to be used as realistic simulations of all the things we need to do in real life. Fast Company talks to Tim Sweeny from Epic.


NFTs as Event Tickets
Ticketmaster is letting event organizers issue NFTs as tickets. It’s partnering with Flow, a blockchain operated by a16z-backed Dapper Labs, for the service.

iHeartMedia Goes Virtual 
Radio juggernaut iHeartMedia is launching its own dedicated space in Fortnite to host events and concerts. The virtual park, which has been given the somewhat infantile name of iHeartLand, is sponsored by State Farm. iHeartLand is being developed using Fortnite’s creative mode and will feature several different areas.

iHeartLand's stadium is built with serious computing power. The little engines that could are called DPUs — a dedicated piece of silicon hardware designed to handle intensive tasks, reducing the load on stressed out CPUs and GPUs. You’ll be seeing a lot of the DPU world in the coming weeks.

Figure credit: iHeartMedia
Williams-Sonoma Ages Down 
Williams-Sonoma is out of most kids' budgets IRL, but the home retailer is the next adult brand joining forces with Roblox. Thanks for the heads up, Jim Cramer.
D2 Summit
The D2 Summit is being held October 18-19 in New York City at Convene. The audience is CEOs, CIOs, CFOs, and other executives at Fortune 1000 companies, and private brands where the focus is on bridging the gap between web2 and web3, educating C-suite executives about the promise of web3 technologies, crypto acceptance, blockchain technology, NFTs, the metaverse, and the evolving regulatory landscape. If you’re interested in attending we can offer ticket discounts.


VEG News
Finally, thanks to our newest partner Augmented World Expo. If anyone has its finger on the pulse of where we’re heading, it's AWE.
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Robin Raskin  | Founder
917.215.3160 |


Gigi Raskin | Sales & Marketing

917.608.7542 |