Virginia Center for the Creative Arts
December 2019
Dear friends of VCCA,

Greetings from a busy Mount San Angelo! The last few months have been a whirlwind as we have established our first satellite office in Richmond, Virginia, and welcomed several new staff members.

Thanks to the generosity of former VCCA Board Member Alex Nyerges, Director of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA), we now have an office on the VMFA campus at 201 North Arthur Ashe Boulevard. This is the realization of a long-held goal to house our Development and Communications operations in Richmond, closer to where many of our board members, donors, and Fellows live and work.

Director of Development Nathalie Oates was the first to move into the new offices and has been joined by three new staff members: Kim Doty, Director of Communications; Shawn Washington, Grants Specialist; and Casey Johnson Jamora, Development Associate. Shawn and Casey are replacing departing staff members Laura Macaluso and Kimberley Stiffler. We wish them all well in their new endeavors! I hope you will have a chance to meet our new team members (pictured below) very soon.
Kim Doty, Director of Communications
Shawn Washington, Grants Specialist
Casey Johnson Jamora, Development Associate
Back at Mount San Angelo, a full house of artists left on Thursday, after joining the staff for our annual holiday party! We will welcome a new group of Fellows on January 2, after a short break for deep cleaning and maintenance. Meanwhile in Auvillar, the last Fellows of the season got away last week despite a general transportation strike. The season there will reopen on April 6. 

As the holidays approach, I hope you will reach out to your VCCA friends and consider making a year-end gift in support of VCCA . We look forward to a successful 2020 and sharing exciting news with you as we head toward our Fiftieth Anniversary year in 2021.

Best Regards,
Kevin O'Halloran
Interim Executive Director
Join Us for a Summer Residency: Apply by January 15

The next application deadline is just a few weeks away! Residencies will be scheduled for June, July, August , and September of 2020. See below for several fully-funded fellowship opportunities available this application cycle.
Alonzo Davis Fellowship
who: American writers, visual artists, and composers of African or Latin American descent
when: June 2020 - May 2021
what: Fully-funded, two-week residency; $500 travel reimbursement
Steven Petrow LGBTQ Fellowship
who: Writers, visual artists, and composers who self-identify as LGBTQ
when: June - September 2020
what: Fully-funded, two-week residency
Richard S. and Julia Louise Reynolds Poetry Fellowship
who: Poets
when: June - September 2020
what: Fully-funded, three-week residency
Images of license plates from Delaware Maryland New York and West Virginia
Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation Fellowship
who: Artists from New York, Maryland, Delaware, and West Virginia
when: June - September 2020
what: Fully-funded, two-week or one-month residency
Note: The Alonzo Davis Fellowship has its own application. All other fellowships are included in the Application for Mt. San Angelo Residencies ; eligible applicants are automatically considered for the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation Fellowship; those interested in the Petrow LGBTQ Fellowship or Reynolds Poetry Fellowship should select those options in the first question of the application.
VCCA has just scheduled Fellows for its 2020 international program.

Moulin à Nef | Auvillar, France

Thirty-one Fellows are scheduled for the 2020 season at VCCA's own Moulin à Nef Studio Center in Southwest France. In addition to these residencies for writers, visual artists, and composers, the Moulin à Nef also hosts several university programs and workshops throughout the season.

Pictured: View of La Halle, Auvillar, France

International Exchange Program

A separate jury selected exchange Fellows for four international residency programs:
Schloss Plüschow | Germany
Beth Krebs, visual artist

Tyrone Guthrie Centre | Ireland
Sarah McEneaney, visual artist

Stadt Salzburg | Austria
Andrew Hladky, visual artist

Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus | Germany
Carl Bettendorf , composer
Serge Marchetta, visual artist
Masha Ryskin, visual artist
Lincoln Michel, writer

These international opportunities offer VCCA Fellows an opportunity to pursue their creative work within another culture. As Alison Smith said of her residency at the Tyrone Guthrie Centre in September: "The spirit of cooperation and cultural exchange is palpable.”

Interested in Going International?
Fellows who have already been in residence at VCCA are eligible to apply for these programs abroad. Applications for the 2021 season will open June 1, 2020.
Have You Heard?

You can maximize your support of VCCA by joining the Boxwood Collective ! Our monthly giving campaign helps ensure the future of VCCA and provides vital, regular cash flow for annual operations.

This year, new gifts to the Boxwood Collective will be matched by a generous donor to ensure the maintenance and improvement of the VCCA's buildings and grounds. Make a monthly gift to double your impact!
Thank you for thinking of VCCA this holiday season, and don't forget to check the box next to "make this a monthly donation"!

Thursday, February 6, 2020, 7:30 p.m.
Cochran Library, Sweet Briar College
Presentations and performances by VCCA Fellows. Open to the public.
434-946-7236 |