VAWA - June 14th Deadline Quickly Approaching

SHCC Listserv #170 - June 14, 2017 - VAWA Deadline

The June 14, 2017 deadline to develop and implement an Emergency Transfer Plan required by HUD's  Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Final Rule is quickly approaching.   HUD has developed a Model Emergency Transfer Plan that you can follow as a guide and customize to fit your property.  The Model Plan has been posted to HUDclips as form HUD-5381 Don't delay.  Make sure you customize your plan and implement it by the June 14th deadline

You may also require residents seeking an emergency transfer to provide a written request.  HUD has developed and posted to HUDclips an Emergency Transfer Request form that you may use to fulfill this requirement ( form HUD-5383). 

The Emergency Transfer Plan requirement is in addition to the Notification of Occupancy Rights (VAWA Notice - form HUD-5380) and Certification (VAWA Certification - form HUD-5382) distribution requirements that began December 16, 2016.  As a reminder, you must provide the VAWA Notice and VAWA Certification to:
  • Rejected applicants
  • New move-ins
  • Current residents at annual recertification, or if there will be no recertification, through other means.  All current residents must have received these forms by December 15, 2017.
  • Current residents when you issue a termination of assistance notice
  • Current residents when you issue a termination of tenancy notice (eviction notice)
Note: all of these forms are available in multiple languages on HUDclips to assist you in complying with HUD's Limited English Proficiency (LEP) requirements. 
Homeless Preference
Ending homelessness continues to be a high priority for HUD's Office of Multifamily Housing.  To make the process easier, HUD has created:
If you are interested in implementing a homeless preference, we encourage you to review the resources available on the HUD Exchange website and to contact your HUD Account Executive.