Jim Morningstar shares breathing techniques to jumpstart yourself and your clients to greater self regulation and joy in daily life.
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Using Breathwork to jumpstart yourself and your clients
Incorporating Breathwork Into Your Lifework  #1
Using Breathwork to jumpstart yourself and your clients
Jim Morningstar, PhD, Director of the Transformations Breathwork Training Program, has been using breath awareness and breath modification techniques successfully with counseling and therapy clients since the 1970's. He shares some of what he has found most useful in using Breathwork to jumpstart your life and your work with clients.
Breathing is a vital function common to us all and it is particularly instrumental in facilitating work with our clients. First in establishing rapport with them. Second in helping our clients truly take in what we have to offer them most effectively. And third as a tool for self regulation they can begin using after your first session with them. For training contact: info@transformationsusa.com  www.transformationsusa.com
    - still time to join us in this 9 month online video course for letting 
love transform your life. 
Register today and  receive the first class immediately.

Being and Living the Love You Are: An Introduction
Being and Living the Love You Are: An Introduction
Each month of this nine month journey we will engage in practices that radically upend the roadblocks to owning the innocence and purity of being in your Sacred Heart and radiating this glow to your world.
Each class will include videotaped presentations, virtual group engagement, ongoing practices and community support.
Join anywhere in the world and receive the monthly course videos and engage in the life transforming work with like-spirited companions. Immerse yourself in the vibrations of Love this year.
Residential Breathwork Certification August 13-17, 2017
Join us this  August 13-17, 2017  at Cedar Valley In Wisconsin for  a true body and soul renewal.  Learn to breathe fully and freely for personal transfor m ation and professional enhancement. Take the first breath of your new life.  Four Levels of Training  as a professional breathworker. Reserve your place now:
       Bring Light to Your World             Information and Registration
                                                             Comments from past  participants.
                                                            Contact Jim Morningstar for info.