CDC issues moratorium on eviction
Dear Friends of Family Promise,

This month, the Center for Disease Control issued a moratorium on evictions in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Mass evictions could cause individuals and families to become homeless, creating a need for congregate shelters or causing them to double up with family and friends. Both would increase the likelihood that the coronavirus would spread. Stable housing allows people with the virus to self-isolate, protects vulnerable populations and allows for social distancing. At a time when tens of millions of Americans are unemployed and unable to pay the rent, this order comes just in time.
The order states that landlords may not evict a covered person from any residential property during this period.
The order, issued on September 4 and in effect until December 31, 2020, states that landlords may not evict a covered person from any residential property during this period. The order does not relieve you of paying the rent but you cannot be evicted if you are unable to do so. You are still required to follow all of the other terms of the lease and nothing in the order prevents the landlord from charging you penalties or late charges if you do not pay the full rent. Furthermore, you may be required to pay the entire amount of unpaid rent and penalties once the order expires at the end of the year.

Covered renters must meet the following criteria:
o You must have attempted to obtain rental and housing assistance from the government
o You cannot expect to earn more than $99,000 if filing singly or $198,000 jointly in 2020
o You must have suffered a substantial loss of income due to decreased hours, layoff or extraordinary medical expenses.
o You must make your best effort to make partial rent payments as your circumstances permit
o Being evicted would likely result in you becoming homeless
If you cannot pay your rent, complete, sign and date this declaration form and email, send, or hand it to your landlord.
If you cannot pay your rent, complete, sign and date this declaration form and email, send, or hand it to your landlord. Make sure to keep a copy. Every person on the lease must complete and submit a separate declaration. If your landlord seeks eviction despite this order and you feel you are eligible, contact a lawyer. Legal Services of New Jersey provides free legal services to low-income people in New Jersey.

Remember, as of this time, all rent not paid during the moratorium will still need to be paid back. Additional assistance may be available in the near future. Check back for more information.

Stay safe everyone,