Contact Your Elected Officials  

Now that you have notified YOUR elected officials, let other elected officials know how our community feels. Please click the names below to access these representative’s websites. Then, cut and paste this message into their “contact me” feature.  

“Please acknowledge Israel’s right to defend herself and demand the immediate, unconditional release of all hostages taken on October 7, 2023. Vote YES on the aid package, the increase of nonprofit security grant dollars, and to confirm Jack Lew as America’s Ambassador to Israel.”  

Congress Members 

Texas State Representatives & Senators and US Senators

  1. Visit the Texas Capitol website.
  2. Enter your address or county.
  3. Select your elected official.
  4. Click through to their individual website and look for a contact link or form.

Questions about communicating with elected officials?

Contact Federation Public Affairs Officer Erica Winsor at

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