“The Lord is near to all who call on him,
to all who call on him in truth.” 
Psalm 145:18

As Gary and I have been deeply involved in suicide prevention and mental health advocacy for many years now, we have seen little success in bringing the suicide rate down. The US is now in a full-blown epidemic of mental health disorders among our young people with suicide being the 2nd leading cause of death. Depression and anxiety are the most common disorders affecting them. This is not good news, but God, He is “The Good News” and we find hope in Him.

We will continue to share that hope along with providing resources and referrals through our website and social media platforms. Moving forward we are changing the format of our newsletter. It will be sent out as needed to give an update on how God is allowing us to serve through your generous support, along with our ministry needs.


Our hearts continue to be drawn to serving the kids at the My City Youth Center. The library and “Kids Take the Lead” reading program is bringing good results.

Only 29% of eighth graders nationally are at a proficient reading level. Reading is an essential building block for learning to ensure future educational success. We make reading fun and provide incentives to encourage a love for reading.

We purchased a rug, two bean bags and two reading chairs which the kids just love. We also bought a new shelf pictured below in our ministry needs.

Recently seven young people gave their hearts to Jesus. We were able to provide new bibles for them at the resurrection day party.

Enjoying new bean bag chairs.

All smiles receiving their new bibles!

National Reading Day

We truly believe this is a way to reach at risk kids before they fall into destructive behaviors that can cause mental health issues. It’s called upstream prevention.

Upstream, someone falls through a hole in an old bridge and splashes into the river below. That's it! If someone doesn't post warning signs or repair the bridge, more people will fall in. Heading upstream with a toolbox, it's clear: fixing this bridge will help keep people safe today and for years to come. Catch them before they fall in.

$125 Donation to buy 1



These books would be a great addition

to our library. Order these or view

more books on our Amazon wish list-


Ralph's HERE, instructions HERE

Food 4 Less HERE, instructions HERE


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  lil' Gary's Legacy is a ministry of

     Christian Resource Center,

     a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

     Donations are tax deductible.

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