Cameron's Corner

Dear Friends,

Twelve years ago, Austin found this prickly cactus in Pawley’s Island and picked it up, carefully avoiding its spines. Unfortunately, we didn’t realize there were hundreds of almost invisible, hairlike thorns that he also picked up by just brushing against it. As you can imagine, the process of getting them out of his skin was the opposite of fun. However, it had to be done or they would fester and cause even more pain.

This Sunday, we will turn to Paul’s letter to the Corinthians where he references the “thorn in his flesh” that God did not remove, despite Paul’s pleas for mercy. Instead, God revealed to Paul that God’s grace was sufficient for this trial because God’s power is made perfect in human weakness. I hope you will join us as we consider the sufficiency of God’s grace and how we can persevere despite the “thorns” in our own lives.

In Christ,

Rev. Cameron Smith

This Week at YPPC

Elder of the Week: Terri Myers, (843) 729-9213

Sunday, July 7

  • Sunday School & Nursery: 9:45 AM
  • Worship, Communion, and Hands of Christ Offering : 11 AM
  • July 4th Celebration & Fellowship (Provided by Christian Education): 12 PM
  • Mission & Outreach: 12:30 PM
  • Cub Scouts: 4 PM
  • Our 11 AM worship service is available at and on Facebook early every Sunday afternoon.

Tuesday, July 9

  • Sermon Starter Bible Study: 10:30 AM
  • Lunch Bunch: 12 PM

Thursday, July 11

  • Congregational Ministries: 10 AM
  • Personnel: 11:30
  • Communications (Zoom): 5:30 PM

Friday, July 12

  • Cobblestone Quilters: 9 AM - 2 PM
  • Meals-On-Wheels (delivered by Chuck & Mary Mena Koches): 9:30 AM
  • Weekly Update sent to your e-mail: 6 PM

Saturday, July 13

  • Cobblestone Quilters: 7:30 AM - 4 PM

Who Will Win This Year’s United States Trivia Competition? Brush up on your history, geography, and all things Americana and plan to join us for a special fellowship on Sunday, July 7 after worship. Wear your red, white, and blue and celebrate Independence Day with food, fun, and a team trivia competition.

Glorifying God

Sunday, July 7, 2024: Communion Sunday

Scripture Readings: Psalm 48 and 2 Corinthians 12:1-10

Sermon: "Sufficient Grace?"

Liturgists: Barbara Freeman

Celebrate the Lord’s Supper This Sunday: We will share the sacrament of Communion this Sunday during worship. “O taste and see that the Lord is good; happy are those who take refuge in him.” (Psalm 34:8)

Growing Disciples

Men’s Breakfast is Tomorrow - Join us on Saturday, July 6th at 8:30 AM at the Panera Bread by Tanger Outlets. If you have questions, please contact Rev. Blake Hawthorne.

Join us for Lunch Bunch on Tuesday at Ms. Rose’s! Everyone is invited to lunch this Tuesday at 12:00 PM at Ms. Rose’s in West Ashley (1090 Sam Rittenberg Boulevard). Be sure to let Rev. Smith know you can attend by Sunday at 12 PM so that we will save you a seat.

Do You Like to Have Fun? If so, we need your help! One of our goals  for YPPC in 2024 is to engage in ministry in our surrounding neighborhoods. This year, we have already served snow cones at the Walk for Water and served snow cones, popcorn, and hot chocolate to the middle and high school youth walking through the churchyard on their way to and from school. Our hope is to expand these ministries and develop new ministries so that Yeamans Park can truly become a neighborhood church! To organize our efforts, we are forming a new “Community Engagement” subcommittee that will meet three times a year to plan upcoming community engagement activities. Between meetings, we will communicate electronically to organize our efforts. If you would like to learn more about this new ministry, please reach out to Rev. Cameron Smith

One Vine, Many Branches

Are Your Branches Connected to the True Vine?

John 15:5

August 24, 2024

Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church

Save the Date for STEPS - This presbytery-wide event is a wonderful opportunity for church members, teachers, ministry teams, worship/music leaders, officers, and staffs to enrich their faith and understanding of the church.  S.T.E.P.S. will take place Saturday, August 24 and will offer two workshop sessions, with worship in between. Lunch will follow the second workshop and a boxed lunch may be purchased for an additional cost.  Registration information is on the presbytery website ( and printed brochures will be available in the YPPC vestibule or you can go to to view it online.  We hope to see you at S.T.E.P.S. 2024!

Meeting Human Needs

Weekly Update

The Mission and Outreach Committee will hold a joint meeting with the HOC Sub-Committee on Sunday in Classroom 1, following Fellowship. Anyone interested in learning how they can help on August 5th is invited to attend.

Update on Volunteers - Thank you to everyone who signed up to help with the August 5th Distribution. We have over 40 volunteers from our church; 20+ youth and leaders from Charleston Youth Mission; volunteers from other PCUSA churches; and volunteers from the City. WE CAN STILL USE MORE HANDS! Please ask your neighbors and friends to join us. (Children must be 12 or over.)

Next Steps - Each child who attends the Distribution will receive two sets of brand-new school clothing plus underwear, socks, and school supplies. Below is a list of the items that we need to collect:


  • Children’s 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16


  • XSm, Sm, Med, Lg, XL, Adult Med


  • Sm, Med, Lg (Prefer unisex ankle or full size)


  • Composition Books (Wide-ruled)
  • Crayons (24-pk)
  • Dividers
  • Glue Sticks
  • Magic Markers (Washable)
  • Notebook Paper (Wide-ruled)
  • Pencils/Pens – Blue
  • Pocket Folders
  • Rulers
  • Scissors (Blunt Tip)
  • Spiral Notebooks (1-Subject/Wide-ruled)

The HOC Collection Boxes will be in the breezeway for the next four Sundays for your donations. If you would like to help, but prefer someone to shop for you, please make your check payable to YPPC and mark it for HOC.

YPPC Food Pantry

Updates from Session

Coming Changes for Yeamans Park

Personnel Committee and Session are preparing for Lynn Mercer’s retirement on August 31, 2024, after 35 years of faithful service as Administrative Assistant. Knowing that we cannot duplicate Lynn, we engaged in a process to discern the best staff structure for YPPC moving into our next season of ministry. To consolidate responsibilities within each position, we have moved all bookkeeping responsibilities to a staff bookkeeper position that will be accountable to our Treasurer, Glenda Jennings, Rev. Cameron Smith, and Session. 

In addition, Session approved shortening church office hours for the Administrative Assistant to 9 AM - 12 PM, Monday through Thursday. We are actively seeking someone to fill this position with the goal of the new Administrative Assistant training under Lynn prior to her retirement. If you know someone who has excellent oral and written communication skills, is able to use Microsoft Office for data management and desktop publishing, is proficient with computers, copy machines, and other office equipment, is able to work independently and meet deadlines in a kanner, and is able to uphold confidentiality, please share the position description below with them and encourage them to reach out to Mary Quinney, Moderator of Personnel Committee, to apply. 

Administrative Assistant Position Deseciption
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