What's Happening at The Literacy & Learning Center?
Squeeeaaaaak… and they’re back! The high pitched, drawn out sound of a school bus arriving marked the return of our after-school students. The bus from Highlands School dropped off students for our after-school program at the end of January after a pause due to building damage from frozen pipes over the holidays, and we are thrilled to have them back!
Servpro has begun the repair process on our building! Items to be kept are being boxed up and put into two storage pods while the rest is being removed due to damage. Next begins the wall repair and floor installation.

This has been a long process and we are looking forward to the day we are able to open our doors again. Meanwhile, we are so appreciative of those who have supported us during this time, especially Highlands United Methodist Church for the use of their space, Bryson’s for the industrial flood water vacuum, and Terry Watson for operating it until all of the water was removed, without which we may still be bailing out!
We are so grateful to Highlands Rotary Club for choosing us as the first beneficiary for this year's bingo tournaments! It was a fun night for everyone who played, assisted, and especially for the winners! We are also grateful to the volunteers who came on behalf of Rotary and TL&LC including the Insight Rotary Club students!
Meet our newest staff! The Literacy & Learning Center is thrilled to announce several organizational changes as of 2023, made possible by a capacity building grant from the WNC Bridge Foundation.
This three-year grant provides TL&LC with funding for a new position to support their fundraising efforts to continue the growth and expansion of the organization. Previously the Marketing Manager, Jenni Edwards has moved into the Development Officer position. Anna Norton has transitioned from Senior Programs Manager to the Marketing Manager position. And finally, the TL&LC is pleased to welcome its newest member of their full-time staff, Caroline Cox. Caroline is the newly appointed Program Manager and has taken over the responsibility of the free programs The Literacy & Learning Center offers, including their after school programs, which have been temporarily relocated to the Highlands United Methodist Church. 
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The Literacy & Learning Center.